Chapter 38: Crash

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When the pair arrived at their place for the night, they hit off in a rather loud way. Before they even got to their room, Obi Wan and Y/N had their second round of the night, right in the hallway.

No one was around, and the thrill of being so public made it all so much better for them. On the other hand, they were so sure about that everyone on that floor had heard them. A second round turned into a third one in their room. Clothes were ripped away from their bodies, laying around in the room.

Scratches on Obi Wan his back, made it clear to him he pleased her in every way she could have been. The marks on Y/N her skin, were obvious to everyone who would look at her. She knew that once she would be back on the dreadnaught, Dooku would make fun of her. She still couldn't understand how they went from holding her back and erasing memories, to letting her see whenever she pleased.

They weren't even worried that she would tell him details about the Dark side. While Obi Wan needed to lie about where he was and what he would do when he was gone. Y/N was laying on his chest, both still very naked, but the heat of his body made her feel warm, even protected to know he was so close to her.

She huffed at thinking about their fourth round that happened not three hours ago. If it were up to Obi Wan, they would still be busy, but she still wanted to walk. A bit of rest sounded amazing to her. A small smile appeared on her face, the words from last night were on replay.

"Come on, let's do it all over again. Slower this time. I wanna feel you twitch and squirm." Obi Wan whispered seductively in her ear as he pushed her down on the bed. He removed her clothing instantly, using the force on her to keep her down and she let him. It was going to be an intensive fourth round for her. Y/N never thought he had so much stamina, to last a whole night.

She sat up, the sheets fell down, revealing her naked chest to the somewhat colder air. Leaving his body heat made her skin fill with goosebumps. She felt her legs still shake a little, but made effort to stand up. She made her way to the bathroom, occasionally stumbling as her legs were about to give up.

Y/N stood before the door of the bathroom, turning her head to the sunlight that was entering their rented room. The golden rays kissed her elegantly, the light made her look more like and angel than a psychotic killer.

Obi Wan on the other hand started to wake slightly, the moment her weight disappeared from the mattress he opened his eyes slowly, wondering where Y/N went. His eyes were completely open when she stood in the direct sunlight. The curves she had showed off even better now, making Obi Wan lick his lip.

Y/N stood in front of the mirror, looking at how messed up her hair was. Turning 90 degrees and turning on the shower, letting the water run to the perfect heat, she turned back. Only to see Obi Wan standing behind her.

Her hand went to her chest, trying to suppress the speeding heart down. "Maker, you scared me." Y/N laughed, her eyes catching his in the mirror. "Sorry love, I didn't mean to." Obi Wan was pressed against her, hands caressing her waist. He placed a small kiss on her neck, making her cheeks heat up.

Y/N her eyes gazed of her own naked body, it sat full of bluish marks, all together with the hickeys and bite marks. "I have a feeling, that once I get back to the base. They are going to know what I did in the last few hours." She leaned back into him once his hands moved to the swell of her breasts, softly squeezing it as he bit down on an unmarked place. "What you did, that's something they don't care about. It's about with who you slept I guess?" He leaned his head in the crook of her neck, seeking her eyes in the mirror.

Y/N pushed him off of her gently, turning around so she could lean against the cupboard. Her hands settled on his shoulders, while his hands went back to her hips. "That's true. But still... No never mind." She didn't want ruin the moment, but Obi Wan was smarter than that. "What's on your mind love. Please enlighten me." Her face fell, her head dropping a little so she didn't need to meet his eyes.

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