Chapter 34: Where Do We Go?

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Y/N had woken up before Obi-Wan, she looked at him. Last night, he drifted into a deep slumber almost instantly. She let her hand linger on his chest, but not long after she felt the need to get up. Reminding herself that she already needed to be gone. It was time for her, and even when it pained her to leave, she needed to be.

She took in a deep breath, holding it in for a second or two before releasing it. She untangled her legs from his and tried to get up without waking him. She took her clothes and went to the refresher. She debated to let the shower run, but decided not too. She cleaned herself quickly at the sink, trying to not make any sounds.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" His voice made her almost jump up. Her hand flew up against her chest, feeling her heartbeat from under it. "Maker, you scared the living shit out of me." She breathed out, still trying to calm herself down.

"I have every right too?" He raised his eyebrow, looking unimpressed by her actions. He turned around, his back facing her now. Y/N her eyes trailed the scratches on his back. Did she do that? It was red, if not cared for, it would probably going to be infected. And if that would be the truth, there was no denying for Obi-Wan that he broke the code.

Y/N limped forward, Obi-Wan went a bit rough on her and she felt the effects of it. Her hand touched his back, making him hiss. "I'm sorry."

Obi-Wan turned around, "It's nothing believe me." Y/N shook her head, walking into the kitchen slowly, retrieving the medical kit. "Sit down, it needs cleaning." Obi-Wan didn't talk back and did what she asked.

Y/N sat down behind him, taking the bacta pads and other cleaning wipes out. "It will sting a bit, just so you are warned." Y/n mumbled, pressing the wipes against his irritated flesh. He hissed at the contact, but didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you talking to me Obi?" Y/N used his nickname, feeling like this would bring out any reaction of him. He heard the small plea in her voice, making him sigh in defeat. He tried looking at her over his shoulder.

"Where do we go from here?" He asked Y/N, still unsure if it were the right words. Y/N stopped with attending the wounds on his back, moving to sit a bit more next to him. "I- I don't have a good answer for that."

"Alright." Y/N placed the bacta pads on his back, a sigh escaped her lips as she wanted to look into his eyes. "I can't stay here, you know that I need to go. What happened last night was a-"

"Was a mistake? I already thought you would say that." He was hurt, Y/N felt her chest tighten. "No, Obi, last night was amazing, if I could stay here, I would probably stick to you like glue. But I just can't, they need me."

"I need you too." He admitted, not daring to look at her. "I'm always out there if you need me. Look this is the reason why I didn't want anything to happen between us. But it just did, and once again, it wasn't a mistake. If I had the choice to do it again, I would. It would end up like this, over and over again."

He looked up at her, hope in his eyes as Y/N kept on talking, "Here-" She gave Obi-Wan an object to contact her privately, so nobody could follow there traces. "If you want to see me, just press it two times. I'll come and find you."

He took it from her, looking at it as he started to smile a little. "I don't know when I'll be free to see you. Once the order notices that you are gone, back to the separatists, they would hunt you down. Me on top."

Y/N smiled briefly at him and placed her hand on his cheek, making him look up at her. She leaned in, placing a soft and long kiss on his lips. "I'll wait until you are ready. Our paths will cross defiantly." Her thumb stroke his cheek as he leaned into her hand. He brought his own hand up to her face, moving it to the back of her neck, pulling her into another longing kiss.

"I don't want to loose you, little one."

"Neither do I Obi, but you will understand once I am gone. Believe me." Y/N got up from the bed, taking her lightsabers with her as she walked up to the door. Obi-Wan quickly put on the rest of his tunic, covering up his naked torso and running after her.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked him as he placed his hand on the door, making it unable to open it. Obi-Wan opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Instead he just took her face into his hands one last time, kissing her goodbye.

"Go, before someone notices you are running through the hallways this early." Y/N nodded at Obi-Wan, glad that he let her go. She didn't look back, knowing that if she would, she would stay back there for him.


After that, Y/N got out to the outside platforms of the hangar. Hoping that there would be no other Jedi roaming around, and she was one lucky woman. Before she knew, she had a ship, ready for take off.

She thought about turning back, heck about just disappearing until the war would be over. But she knew that there was more behind the curtain, and she needed to keep Obi-Wan away from it. For his own safety.

Not long after, she found the dreadnaught, welcoming her in once she made contact with it. Y/N didn't need long, she pulled the lever from the smaller ship, getting out, just to see that Dooku was already waiting on her right there.

She smiled at the sight of him, walking closer to him, the look on his face told her that he missed her too. For once, the Sith Lord opened his arms, embracing Y/N in a hug.

"Welcome back, Master Y/N." He was proud to see his former apprentice, being a full grown master of the dark arts.

"Master Dooku." She grinned, forgetting all about Obi-Wan instantly.

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