Chapter 3: Never show

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"Excuse me ma'am, but I can't tell." He responded awkwardly. Of course you already realized who he was.

"O-Obi? Obi-Wan?" You asked with a bit of doubt.

"Yes. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Jedi master in training." He said the last part softer, not wanting to gain attention with his title.

"Maker, you grew up from the last time I saw you." You started to make small talk, he was a Jedi in training, while you did the complete opposite. Still you knew what your duty was, but you couldn't help but catch on. He didn't seem to notice that you were a Sith Lord in training.

"(Y/N)? Is that really you?"

"Yeah. Got to admit, that was fast Obi. It is almost 9 years ago." You smiled up at him. He certainly was older than you. He was looking 23, but you knew he was 25 years old. You on there other hand grew up from being a child, to a 17 year old. 

"You were the only one I ever met with that much sass in your eyes. I could recognize it anywhere, anytime." He laughed.

"So, what did, I presume, your master, need help with?" You asked, changing the subject. You had to admit, Obi-Wan was a handsome man, but even when your mind was twisted, you were 17, not appropriate for him. On the other hand, you could still fantasize. 

You haven't been so fucked up yet, that you would disrespect his code too. That was still something that needed to happen. 

"Well, We have gotten the information that Maul was around here. Or I must admit, is here. Do-" Maul is here?  You whispered to yourself, not listening to the second part of Obi-wan his sentence. But that didn't go unnoticed by the padawan standing in front of you. 

"Do you know him?" Obi-Wan asked surprised. He crossed his arms, waiting for your answer. You quickly thought of something, but if he still knew your charms, lying to him was never your strongest side.

"I've had plenty of encounters with him to be honest." Indeed you had multiple, he was also still an apprentice and you often trained together when Count Dooku had other things to do. But the last 2 years, you saw him less. He was allowed to do missions, while you, well you were still stuck in the training room.

"How come?"

"I don't know. Our paths just happen to be crossing a lot. Not that I had real bad interactions with him."

"Oh alright. So what did you turn out to be? Cause how old are you now? 18? Time for a job of your own right?" He gave you a sweet smile, giving you the feeling that he was sort of interested in you.

"17 over 2 weeks I'm officially 18-" you corrected him. "And go you know, sort of bounty hunting?" You more asked than confidently replied to him.

"You think you are doing that or are you really bounty hunting?"

"I am. Really."

Before Obi-Wan and you could talk further, his master signaled him to get over to him.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I still must say, before I make you feel uncomfortable, it is not my intention, but you turned out to be a beautiful woman. Farewell." He smiled one last time at you before he left in search of his master.

You walked out of the bar, kind of gagging. He may be your old friend, but the dark side made you feel different about it after it was over. Reminding yourself to get over to your first destination.

The first force you felt, not that of the Jedi's, but that of someone more of a real friend.

As you walked a few minutes, in the dark and the heat of Tatooine, you felt the force getting stronger. It started to pull you in the direction you needed to go. Once you walked a block or 3 to the left, looking from right to left, a red saber ignited at the back of your head.

You jumped a bit, but smiled as you realized what had happened. 

"Dooku was right, your defense really sucks."

You turned around swiftly, igniting your own lightsaber, letting the red radiate at the back of the buildings. It smashes into his lightsaber. Before the both of you greeted each other officially.

"Maul." You smiled, Sheathing your saber before you actually would hurt him and he did the same.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here? Defiantly not on a mission."

"No, indeed, just thought I would get a drink before tomorrow."

"Intensive training again?"

"Yeah, but I got something in return today." You smirked at him, sparking interest in him. He nodded his head for you to continue and so you did.

"Master Dooku gave me a second saber, for dual wielding, maybe it works out better this way." You spoke as you revealed the saber to Maul.

"That is actually a pretty good choice. You are fast and with one saber, you just push your strength into one point, making you slower, this could be the key for you (Y/N)." 

"Maybe, I shall see tomorrow. I have a blue kyber crystal that I need to bleed, but only if I'm certain of using it."

"I still have a few minutes, you can try it out, if you want. I'll try to go easy on you." He smirked at you. You did the same thing taking your second saber out.

"Pff, don't get too high on your ego right now. We both now I'm actually the strongest of us."

The stars were the only light you had this moment until the light from your sabers made the sand look red and blue. The glow was easy to recognize if someone would pass, but you two were smart enough to change places. A bit more into the dessert, still nearby the main town.

"Ready?" Maul asked standing in position.

You got into position as well, feeling a bit uncomfortable with two lightsabers but at the same time really confident about your play.

"Ready." the nod you gave him was enough for him to charge at you.

He did mean it when he said he wasn't going to be easy on you. You nearly fell at his first charge. The words during your training recalling in your mind and you adjusted yourself to them. Planting your feet more wide in the loose sand. You gripped both hilts more tightly as you took a deep breath in, letting the force guide you trough this.

Twisting both sabers in a circular motion till they felt just right in the palms of your hands made the confident feeling grow. Soon you forgot how it felt like being uncomfortable with dual wielding.

Maul charged again and you blocked it successfully, bringing out your foot to get him to trip, he lost it for a tiny second, but it was enough for you to divide your power in both lightsabers and push him down.

"I think you are good at this, you never got me down before."

"I most certainly did it before!"

Maul laughed and told you it was only a few times, not even this quick. 

"Well, good luck then. I need to go."

"You have a mission I guess?"

"Yes, it involves this planet and a Jedi master with his Padawan."

Maul was away in a split second, leaving you standing in the sand, looking at the stars for a minute. Sabers were still actively glowing. But a bit further, back in Mos Eisley, a certain padawan was looking at the glowing lights.

When Obi-Wan wanted to investigate, you were already gone. lights out as you took your ship back to your 'home.' The young padawan still not knowing who it was.  

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now