Chapter 41: Wrong move (end)

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Y/N retrieved her sabers from Grievous once they arrived at the planet of Utapau. She looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, she was nervous. After Grievous told her that order 66 would soon be performed, Y/N felt like she needs to get to Coruscant, warning someone to look out.

Most importantly, trying to find Obi Wan to get him safe. But she couldn't leave, not just like that, not with Grievous watching her every step. She tried to think about a good reason, but when she came up with one, she thought it wouldn't be good enough. Y/n sat at the edge of one of the platforms. Being more nice to the people than Grievous.

Her wounds were starting to heal, the fresh cut on her face from Grievous his claws was still red, but it wasn't bleeding anymore. Her torn muscle was attaching itself back together and her ankle was healed by the medic droids.

Breathing deep in and out, sighing loudly when the sun was burning her skin, she felt someone approach behind her. With one swift move she stood up, making the person behind her jump slightly at her swiftness.

"What is it?"

"The general had requested your presence master Y/N." One of her brows was raised, but she thanked the man either way. Heading down to the operating station, waiting for Grievous. Once he came back he greeted her. "I have an interesting request from Lord Sidious, Praying Mantis."

Y/N rolled her eyes, waiting for the punchline. "He wants you to fly over to Coruscant, disguised as a new guard for him. He has a feeling it wouldn't take long till someone finds out." Y/n nodded, inside jumping up and down for this opportunity.


It wasn't an easy journey, Y/N got a few troubles on the way, but nothing she couldn't handle. Her sneaking skills were a gift that she now praised gladly. She got herself to the chancellor without being noticed. But she felt like she was being watched, looking back all the way, she felt herself getting more paranoid by the second.

She knocked at the door, hoping that no one would be in there. Y/N hid her lightsaber hilts, as it was easily recognizable. Next to that, she made sure that she hid her face, a black mask was placed on her face, leaving her eyes out if. It only covered her chin, all the way up till it stopped at her eyes. Her hooded cloak covering the rest.

"Y/n come in dear." She prayed that he would be alone in there, and faced only Sidious, making her breath out in relief. "Grievous said you needed my assistance sir?" Y/N closed the door behind her with the force, taking off her mask and hood at the same time.

Ruffling her hair right, she waited for him to answer. "I feel like I need a guard in here, and you will do just fine." Y/N her face shifted, from a curious to a rather annoyed one. "Why should I do that? You ordered the boy to kill Dooku, what has he ever done to you?"

"He wasn't capable of raising you-"

"Oh and you were? I got my title all thanks to him, not you!" It made Sidious laugh, making her shift on her feet uncomfortably. "Only because I care about you, I assigned Dooku to train you until you were ready to get under my wing."

Y/N didn't knew what she was hearing, it didn't make sense to her. "But, he was like a father to me-" Sidious stood now behind her, hands resting on her shoulders while he inched closer to her ear.

"Once more, it is because I told him to. I know you feel like it is not true, but it is. Trust me, I won't abdomen you, just like I will help Anakin with his loses." He moved his body till he was stood in front of her. Y/N looked up, doubt written on her face, but since she was still grieving, she hugged him, which he happily returned.

"Now, care to tell me what happened to your face? That scar wasn't there before." Y/n touched her new mark, the small but large line was prominent on her face. Her fingers traced the line from under her left jaw, all the way up to the brim of her left eye.

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