Chapter 18: A code to live by.

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Once your master left, you took in a deep breath, trying to get ready for the sight you will see in less than a second. You opened the large doors, closing them immediately after. You needed to be fast, or else Anakin will be noticed too.

"Y-Y/N?" You heard a voice behind you, it was full of pain, and it pained you that you knew who it belonged too. You turned around, taking him in, he was all bruised up, blood seeping through his tunic. You made sure no-one else was there before heading towards him.

"Obi-Wan? Wait I'm going to let you loose. Alright?" You made sure he was okay with it, well you knew he wouldn't complain but, you needed to know since you wouldn't be there in time to catch him completely. He only nodded.

You got him loose from the stun cuffs, making him drop to his knees. You were just in time to catch his torso before gently laying him across the floor. You dropped to your knees, sitting next to him. Your hand caressed his face as he breathed heavily.

"What have they done to you?" You whispered to him. Obi-Wan looked at you, enjoying the warmth of your hand. Your hands left his face as you checked out the wounds he had. "I need to get you sorta healed Obi-Wan. Anakin is waiting for you outside."

"Anakin is here?" He hissed out as you accidentally pressed on an open wound. "Yes, I told him to sat hidden outside the base. I'll get you out of here." Obi-Wan gave you a small smile before returning back into his pained state.

"I'll go get some bacta patches. Don't make too much sound. I don't want to draw attention, at least not now." You added the last part quickly, leaving to head towards your room. Getting a handful of medical supplies.

As you paced through the corridors, you walked against one of the separatist leaders, dropping all the supplies instantly. "Why do you need all of those? Our prisoner doesn't need healing."

"Yes he does?-" You more of asked yourself, but got your act together quickly. "I need to fix him, just so he can grow through torture again. I don't want him to go unconscious while amusing myself. Where would be the fun in that?" You tried to tower over him. Not that you were taller, but your sternest did the trick as he let you pass without another question.

You got back into the room where Obi-Wan was laying. You locked the door, making sure you wouldn't be disturbed. It wouldn't raise suspicion, you always did this. People knew that you were pretty sadistic. The events that would play were pretty gruesome, making you actually pretty smart. They appreciated that you lock your doors. The ones that did enter in the past, quickly ran out within seconds after seeing what you did.

You seated beside him in the floor, lifting his head up and placing your legs under it, making him lay in your lap. "Thanks." He mumbled. You got to see his face sideways. "You got some pretty nasty cuts on your face." You tried to joke, only making him joke back. "Am I not pretty anymore?"

You smiled and exhaled loudly through your nosing, almost snorting. "You always will be pretty in my eyes."

"Really?" Obi-Wan smiled through his pain as you took care of his lip. "I'm sorry, this will sting, like a lot." You wiped the dried blood from his face, disinfecting the cuts. He only gritted his teeth.

"Sorry Obi." You cringed at seeing him in pain. "Obi huh? I like the sound of that." He tried to wink at you, but to his loss, you didn't even notice the flirty look in his eyes. You got to his torso, lifting a bit off his tunic to see a big open wound. Still bleeding badly.

"I need to remove your tunic Obi-Wan. The gash seems to go further than I thought." You looked him in the eye, seeing him nod at you in approval. He swallowed visibly, wondering if you could feel his heart race. It was true, he started to see the true you once more. Falling in love with your brave and stern side. But also with the sweet side he saw that one night on Tatooine.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now