Chapter 21: Hills Have Eyes

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You gladly accepted the honor of leading the army of droids into battle. You travelled for a while, communicating with both Dooku and Grievous. Discussing plans, strategies and more. You needed to be fully ready for this.

They spoke highly of this, and they did the same of you. Complete this mission correctly, and you would pass for your last test before the trials with Lord Sidious and you were excited for that.

The moment you arrived, you went to the base camp, looking one more time at the plans that Dooku had given you. You got your attire out of your bag, It was like your usual black tunic, but for this occasion it had more armor attached. Like pauldrons.

(A/N: hi sorry, if you want to have an idea what the tunic looks like, I've searched some examples, you can still think of your own thing, but I wanted to be practical, while you look hot, we want Obi to regret his Jedi decision? !I do NOT own these images!)

(A/N: hi sorry,  if you want to have an idea what the tunic looks like, I've searched some examples, you can still think of your own thing, but I wanted to be practical, while you look hot, we want Obi to regret his Jedi decision? !I do NOT own th...

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You eyed the latest reports that were laying on your desk and with a sigh you took them

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You eyed the latest reports that were laying on your desk and with a sigh you took them. Scanning them quickly before throwing them back on its original place. You got changed, ready for battle as you took your sabers with you.

You looked at the droid waiting outside, giving it permission to speak up. "Ma'am, there has been a minor problem."

"Of course, there is always a problem. I presume the order got their extra troops here?" You saw the droid act nervous, a sign that you had been right. "Alright, no need to panic. We continue the original plan, there is no need to change one thing about it. Send in the second wave."

You moved away towards a speeder, and looked at the ongoing battle. Giving you an idea of what went wrong. But you never found it, you were winning and it seemed to easy for you. You got to the front, fighting with the droids, against the clones. It seemed like an easy win, no one was around here, no Jedi's. Until you hear a certain Jedi yell in the distance.

"It wasn't my plan to send away the ship for supplies!" You shook your head, Anakin was here and that meant Obi-Wan would be here or he should arrive shortly.

You made a break through with the droids, leaving them to push through while you went to go look for the admiral that was here too. You paced quickly away, killing clones that were on your path.

You sensed it too late, a bomber from the clones, shot right at the place were you stood. Making you practically fly off the bridge, to a lower on. You landed on your feet, it did hurt, but you didn't break anything.

It was a city of crystal, making this one a harsh battle if this would happen multiple times. This landing was one that went well, others may be more fatal. You took your lightsabers that fell and ignited them once more.

"Hello there." You turned around, cracking your neck swiftly as you smiled at him. "I could have known you would be here." You didn't even say a simple hello, you were going straight to the point.

"If you give me and the order a reason, I'll always be here." He took his saber, spinning it around as he got into his signature fighting position. You tilted your head, standing in your own. "Are we really doing this again?" You asked curiously, you did help him escape and this was his thanks to you?

He started taking steps to his side, as you did the same, circling each other. One saber was in front of you while the other was behind your back, making you look like you had some serious expertise in what you were doing.

If it wasn't Obi-Wan standing there, you could have scared away other Jedi. But he knows you. Obi-Wan took a few steps forward, charging an attack at you which you blocked skillfully. You wanted to question him, not that you really thought he wouldn't let you go, but this? "Play along. We need to talk privately."

You smirked over the clashing lightsabers, nodding in understanding. You fought against each other, it was all an act but it didn't seem like it. "Master!" You heard Anakin yell. "Stay there Anakin, help the troops, I can do this on my own!" With that Anakin was fighting with himself, but for once he listened to Obi-Wan.

You both got one level down. Ending up walking away from others. When you were both sure, no one could see you or hear you, Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber. "What is it?" You asked, deactivating your own but still holding on to them.

"Are you out of your mind?" He said. Your face showed the confusion very well. "What did I do now?" You attacked him, making him shake his head. "Sith master? Really?" You let out a laugh, "Wow, really? How did you know?"

"News travels fast Y/N. The whole damn galaxy knows that you are almost a fully acknowledge Sith Lord." He he had pain showing in his eyes. It was obvious and you didn't see how it was your problem. This was everything you dreamed about.

"So? How is this your problem? It has been my wish for so long."

"It shouldn't be Y/N."

"Really? This again Obi-Wan? After I saved you? Maker I should have let you die."

"But you didn't."

"You can't change my mind Kenobi. It is not your decision to make. It is mine, and I want this." You turned around, standing at the bridge and looking at the crystal landscape. Obi-Wan came stand aside you. He thought now was the perfect time, not caring about the ongoing battle that took place. The sun was setting, golden rays of the sun lit up your face, making all your features more noticeable and Obi-Wan loved it.

"I can't Obi-Wan. I'm so close at getting my title. You only would be-" Obi-Wan cut you off, knowing what you were about to say. "Distracting? You are the one to say." You shook your head not believing the Jedi. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the absolute perfect example of a Jedi, just told you that he is distracted by you.

Obi-Wan didn't care anymore, you two were out of sight, no one would know and with that Obi-Wan took your face in his hands, pulling you into his lips.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now