Chapter 1: It all starts with a certain event. (Prologue)

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!Shorter chap since it is only the beginning, following chapters are 1k-2k+ words!

How it all began, is something you barely remembered. You only had it in mind because you were told that it happened this way. And matter of fact, when you returned to your hometown, to ask if it really was like that.

Your parents said it was true.

You willingly went on this path. You were unseen but the Order. And they only took your best friend when he was young. Well, you didn't actually knew him when he was 3. You weren't even conceived then. But both your parents were friends. That is how you got to know him.

As years passed by and you grew, wondering why they took him. It's not like you actually remembered the story, but your mother did. She would tell you tales about how she and his mother would be in the kitchen, and how her friend told her about her son.

By the time you hit the age of 8, you saw him for the first time. Something in you said that it had to be him. Having a blast, you introduced yourself to him, telling him what your mother told you. It was mostly talking that time since he was actually sort of working. But you wanted to ask him more questions and so did your mom.

When you hit the mark of age 9, you saw each other again. You were always looking at the stars and the sky, hoping the ship would pass, but it never did. Until one evening. They were tracking someone, and due to calculations they thought he would be here. But there were no traces, no clues. Nothing. So after a quick hello and catch-up, they went away.

Not even a few days later, you saw a ship in between the stars.

Why are they already back?

It was the first thing that popped up in your mind. You saw it land in the middle of the village and ran towards it without second thought. When you were only meters away from it, you heard screaming, cries of children and flames hitting the roofs.

As a child you would find it terrifying, it scared you, yes. But it made you more, intrigued. And so you walked further into the direction of the ship.

You slowly looked at this mark, it was not the same as your best friend his ship. And with a feeling you were in danger you jumped to the side, avoiding to be beheaded.


You looked at the man in confusion, what did he mean?

"Did you do that before young one?"

"N-no, not that I'm aware off."

"Do you think you can do that again? Or try to lift something with your mind?"

"I don't know."

"Try it, concentrate on that brick over there. Lift it up with your mind."

You did what he said. And with the littlest effort, you actually lifted it.

"Say young-one. How do you feel about learning everything about that power of yours? We can teach you."

You looked at your shoes for a minute, remembering what your older friend said. But shortly after that, you didn't think about it anymore. You wanted something of your own. So that is why you did what you did.


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