Chapter 31: A cup of Tea

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"You got to be kidding me right now?" Obi-Wan looked at the younger woman. He breathed in loudly, being clearly frustrated at what happened just now.

"I'm sorry Obi-Wan but it is better for the both of us, how many times do I need to repeat that?" Y/N almost shouted, but the fear of being overheard, contained her. Obi-Wan pushed himself from the pillar, stepping closer towards her, making Y/N walk back.

She ended against he door as Obi-Wan pointed his finger at her. "Till you believe it yourself. You can't deny it now Y/N, not after what happened a few hours earlier today." He couldn't process it anymore. A few hours ago, she was the one who attacked his lips, not caring about it anymore as they made out in the train room and almost had sex.

And now? Now she was telling him that she didn't mean it. How was he suppose to believe that, when clearly Y/N didn't believe it herself. He was getting irritated by her. At first he could understand her mood swings, but after the time they spend together, he felt like he needed a clear answer.

"I'm telling one last time Obi-Wan, we are just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.", "Friends, like you say, don't do what we are doing." He shot back, not accepting her decision. "Please go, I need to be alone." Y/N spoke softly as she wanted to open the door. Only to gasp as Obi-Wan closed the distance between them, smashing the door so Y/N wasn't able to open it.

Y/N swallowed visibly, while Obi-Wan caged her in between his arms. Her breathing sped up as Obi-Wan tilted his head, looking into her eyes. He could see the fear in them and he couldn't help but feel bad. Removing his arms so she could move away. He opened the door, looking one last time at her. "Make up your mind would you. You are confusing me, and mostly yourself Y/N." With that he took off, probably going to let off steam in the training room.

That was almost two weeks ago. Y/N went to the council after that happened, telling them that she needed a break from all of it. Of course she didn't tell them the whole truth. If she did, she would have been kicked out, probably be sent to her cell once more, and Obi-Wan? He would just get time off to recover. Y/N told them that she was having a rough time and that she felt the Dark Side calling her once more.

Of course the council agreed to giving her a break so she could meditate, it seemed like the council finally started trusting her with being alone after all the good words Obi-Wan placed. In the last two weeks, Obi-Wan and Y/N didn't talk. Nor did they see each other. Maybe one time, but it was rather short. Y/N sat on her balcony, meditating as she listened to the sounds outside.

Y/N sat in the library, searching for information. It was undercover, she told everyone it was for her upcoming mission, but the real reason was finding out some secrets she could pass over towards Sidious.

She got herself in the restricted area, it was not forbidden to read the books who were laying there, it was just not meant to be seen by the younglings. Darker history laid here, having information about each planet. One planet possessed more secrets than the other, but when you added them all together, it was interesting enough for Y/N, meaning it was enough for her master.

She was scrolling through the pages with her eyes, one page being more interesting than the other. So caught up in her foundings, she didn't even notice the presence behind her. She only realized when the voice mad her jump, letting the book slide out of her hands, slipping right on the floor.

"What are you reading?"

Y/n narrowed her eyes at him, he never apologized for his behavior that day. So, she thought it would be a great idea to ignore him. She picked up the book and returned it to its place. "Oh come one, why don't you talk to me?"

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now