Chapter 23: Sleepwalk

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You listened carefully, narrowing your eyes as he spoke up once more. "Obi-Wan trusts you, and grew attached to you. He violated the Jedi-code with that, it gives me interesting details about our perfect Jedi."

You nodded, showing that you were listening, and that you wanted him to continue. "Do you know what I do, when I am on coruscant dear Y/N?"

"No sir."

"I'm a senator there, they don't even know that I am the leader of the Dark Side. They think that Grievous and Dooku are the head of it. Of course, Mace Windu knows more."

"I understand sir. But what does it have to do with me?" You questioned unaware of what he wanted.

"Don't you see dear? I need you to be my inside man, well woman." He explained, but still you had confusion written all over your face. "And how am I-"

"How are you going to that? Simple, Kenobi wants you to join the order right? For him?" You slowly nodded, "Yes he did? Multiple times already."

"I want you to train for the next months. Try to get your act together. So it seems believable for you to join him. We will set up a trap for him, more for you actually, but it is part of our plan-" You cut him off, not getting what he meant with the trap.

"I'm so sorry sir, but trapping me? what?"

"We are going to arrange a meet-up with you and Kenobi. Sending the message to the order. The council will most likely send more Jedi to catch you. But that is what we meant to do. You will behave, 'join' the order and pass me all the information, since I'm already a senator."

You started to smirk, darn he was good. "Alright, I'll do it." You spoke up. "If you succeed, you gain your title as Sith Lord. I think it is a fair deal."

You gasped once you heard the mention of your title. "Yes sir. I'll play Kenobi. He is already wrapped around my finger, this could be fun."

"oh it will be. But remember not to mention anything about the Dark side. Only things they are aware off." And you nodded smirking. They didn't even know what would hit them.

"As for now, I need you to get some supplies, Grievous will fill you in with the details." With that, he waved you off.


You got your information about the supplies and talked it through with the B1-unit that was waiting for you. He enlightened you about the current situation, making you roll your eyes in the process. Of course the order heard about it, and of course they needed to send some Jedi's to get rid off it. It was once again your luck, to meet Obi-Wan with his fellow Jedi master, Yoda. But you made it out, that was important enough.

After a few more missions, you were tired. But you kept going on, knowing that everyday meant a day closer towards your title. Here and there you had a few interactions with Yoda, Fisto and Mace Windu.

You haven't seen Kenobi much. Maybe one time, that one time on your supple run, but you didn't talk that much. You, of course told about that event with Lord Sidious, getting your next mission ready for when the time was ready.

And so, almost a year passed by. You didn't take a long time on every run. You weren't in the mood for being chased, so you did a quick in and out mission on every occasion. But here and there you had a difficult one. And those? Those made you

But at the moment, you were for once laying down, done for the next week. You needed the rest, and for once you took it.

Your mind wondered to what happened the last year, smiling to yourself as you remembered the supply run.

'Run' you thought to yourself, 'just run.' The supply run, was like the name said, an in and out mission, getting the stuff you needed. And that meant it was you alone, well mostly. You had a few droids with you, and that was all. It wasn't meant to be a fierce battle.

And at the end you stood there, no way to go, your droids already defeated. Not that you were surprised, to be honest they were useless. You looked over the balcony, 'I could make it.' You thought to yourself, making yourself ready for a dangerous jump.

"Again, we meet again, praying mantis." Yoda said behind you, making you turn around. The green radiated from his saber as you looked at him. You didn't show emotion, because if you did, they could see that at this moment, you felt trapped and even a bit scared.

"Master Yoda, what a surprise, just answer this honestly would you? Why, oh why, do you need to follow me around? Can't I just get one easy mission?" You sighed, not even bothering to put your hands on your weapons. Your hands went instead to rest on your hips.

"Sorry master, had a bit of trouble getting here." You looked up, trying to hold in your sarcastic laughter, but you couldn't. "You have to be serious. General Kenobi, what a pleasure." You greeted him, taking a step back towards the balcony.

"It's over Y/N, surrender now." You raised your hands, showing them that you didn't want to put up a fight. "You got to get here sooner to catch me. Bye!" You winked at them before you jumped out of the windows balcony. Falling down, spraining your ankle but you were lucky enough that some of the droids stayed at the ship. You got what you needed, and got on that ship, flying off.

The memory made you look at your ankle, when you got back, there was more than just a little spraining. Because of the ecstasy, you didn't feel the harsh pain. Your bone was broken, cracked into two big pieces, it took a while to heal, but it didn't stop you.

It made you touch the scar, they needed to cut, to attach the bones. It made you think about the strengths you got and it made you proud. But the dreaming wasn't for long. Not even 2 hours later you were summoned to Darth Sidious. You knew what was going to happen, and it gave you energy.

"You had sent word for me, sir?" You asked as you tilted your head down slightly, making a small gesture of a bow. "Yes, sit, sit! We have loads to talk about." You didn't argue and went to sit on the closest chair.

"Your trials will begin as soon you leave this place." You mouthed a silent 'what' to him, making him grin. "The message has been sent, small, but very noticeable, at least for Kenobi, and of course the order. But there is one thing you need to remember."

"And that is?"

"Dooku and Grievous don't know much, keep it that way. If the Jedi's decide to catch them, they can't talk."

"Alright, understood sir."

"Alright, off you go then, straight to Coruscant."

"Yes sir."

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now