Chapter 16: Uncivil

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The ship landed in the rocky and sandy biotope from Geonosis. Y/N felt sad against Obi-Wan, she felt like the friendship that was returning, wasn't even worth it. That what happened was indeed for her own good. Y/N got out of the spacecraft, placing her foots on the hard underground. Looking around, taking in the dry air.

There was nothing to smell, but Geonosis was a second home to her. It was one of the main separatist bases, making it excellent for training outside. Here she had a few of her brightest moment, well after the events happened. Here she was the apprentice, that made Dooku actually proud.

Obi-Wan followed her out, wanting to get another word out of her. But it was clear to him that she was shutting down once more. He stood beside her, gazing the same hills as Y/N, "So, are we still good?"

Y/N turned to face him, head tilting sideways in the process. "Are you serious?" Obi-wan took a step back, not knowing what to say, Y/N took a step forward, both their bodies mere centimeters away, noses almost touching as they went back to arguing.

"You don't think I would still want to side with you after your last confession?" Obi-Wan stood still, actually liking the closed distance that Y/N created without noticing. "We had a deal, little one." He spoke up, using her old nickname before she even joined the Dark side. Y/N bit her tongue, trying to hold back her insults but he made it darn hard for her.

Y/N turned around to walk away, making another turn towards him. Lifting a finger up, wanting to speak up as she saw how amused Obi-Wan was getting. She dropped her hand sighing, "I'm not even going to waste another breath on you Kenobi. We're done talking. Go back to your temple."

Y/N turned around once again, ready to walk off towards the base as she felt the grip on her forearm pulling her back. "Y/N, you are just insufferable." Obi-Wan spoke as he watched her eyes closely.

Y/N narrowed her eyes, placing her own hand on that of Obi-Wan's, pushing it off. "I could say the same to you. Goodbye Kenobi. And I hope, that our paths don't cross again." With that, Y/N took off, not even caring about giving the Jedi a second look.


Dooku was talking to a few others when droids tried to announce the return of Y/N. Not that they had a chance, Y/N barged in carelessly greeting her master like it was the most normal thing to do. "Master Dooku! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Y/N spoke, looking down at the plans he was talking about.

She took a seat on the table, making Dooku shake his head in frustration. It has been around one and a half, maybe two weeks ago since the incident happened of Y/N being caught. He knew that his apprentice would get out easily. She always got back without a singular scratch. "Y/N, you are alive and well I see?"

"Indeed. I had a bit of trouble on the way, but nothing I couldn't handle master." Y/N said proudly, forcing a wall around her force signature. Shielding herself and her emotions, her thoughts and all others things that could radiate Kenobi, off.

"I knew you would end up here. Glad you made it." Dooku said returning back to his plans. Y/N stood next to Dooku, luring once more towards the papers that filled the table. "Y/N, don't you have anything better to do?" Dooku tried.

It was still known to the other separatists that she were the Praying Mantis. They didn't seem at ease with her around. "hmmm, no not really master. I just got here." Y/N her master turned towards her telling her to stand back, to wait outside if she wouldn't shut up. And so she did. She stood outside, waiting for her next orders.

It has been an hour or so for sure she thought. Looking around the hallways, she heard metal hitting the ground. Curiously she walked to the origin of the sound. Her sabers were ignited and she walked carefully forward. When she came to the origin of the sound, she deactivated her sabers when she didn't feel a presence near her. She looked at the droids being sliced in half.

The decapitated droid legs made it clear that a lightsaber had struck them. And Y/N could guess who it was. Before she even had the chance to stand up, a blue glow radiated under her chin. Another hand placed on her shoulder from behind.

"Where is my master?" Y/N breathed out quickly when she noticed it wasn't Kenobi or another Jedi, but instead it was Kenobi his padawan. Young enough and due to that, naive enough. Y/N knew how to handle this one.

"How should I know young Jedi?" Y/N huffed, trying to get loose out of his grip, without cutting herself on his saber. "I knew you were with him. He used his force to connect me. It screamed my name, telling me that you were in his presence." Anakin told Y/N, not knowing what fully went on.

"Calm down, I'll remove my lightsabers and then we will talk like civilized people." Y/N propositioned, letting Anakin think about it. "You and civilized don't match Y/N." Anakin replied making Y/N turn around a bit. "Know you can't compete with a Praying Mantis Anakin. You are working under fear right now Anakin. Didn't they tell you that fear leads to anger and so on to the Dark side? Just accept my help padawan." Y/N pushed her free hand into his side with the hilt of her lightsaber.

Anakin was so busy talking towards Y/N, that he didn't even notice her change of movements. "Alright, remove your lightsabers and I'll do the same." He was unsure of his choice, but he felt like this was the best way of getting his master back. So he deactivated his lightsaber and removed his tight grip from Y/N.

"Good choice young one." Y/N mocked sharply, making Anakin huff in response. "So, where is he?" Y/N looked at him brushing herself off. "Once again, I don't know Anakin. I can tell you only what I know for sure."

"And that is?"

"He was here. As far as I know, we arrived together, had a little disagreement and I told him to go home before they would catch him." Y/N walked further, Anakin following her as she motioned him to stop moving.

"What is-", "Shhh" Y/N quickly stopped him from making another sound. The padawan did as was told and looked to where her eyes were looking. Y/N was shocked to see Obi-Wan, getting carried away towards the room where her Master sat.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now