Chapter 20: Prey

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Fingers traced the curve of your body, touching the soft skin. He couldn't help but touch every part of your body. He placed his hand on top of your hip, sliding it upwards towards the swell of your breasts before going up all the way to take a hold of your face. He kindly forced your head up, so he could lay a soft kiss upon your lips. You smiled at him, turning around so you were actually facing him.

Your hands traced his arms, taking a hold of his shoulders. Kissing him back instantly, he never removed his hands from your waist. He looked at you, happiness radiating from his body. It was more than visible in his face, it was everything you could feel.

You moved up, his hands rested lazily on you, while you straddled his hips once more. You felt his boner underneath you, as you placed your hands on his chest. You looked in his eyes and couldn't help but notice him biting his lip softly. "Don't bite your lip. That's my job." You leaned down to whisper against his lips. "I'm sorry darling, I can't help it."

He groaned as you shifted your hips, making you laugh a bit. "Are you ready?" You lifted yourself up a bit, placing one of your hands on his shaft, aligning it with your entrance. "Darling, I was born ready for you." He groaned at the feeling when you sank down on him. "Y-Y/N" he moaned when you moved in a steady motion, "O-obi" You moaned back.

Obi-Wan shot up out of bed, he rubbed his face with both hands, not believing what just happened. It was already morning, time for him to get up and go to the council. Discussing his new mission. He went to his refresher, taken a well needed cold shower after his dream. The dream that left him hot and bothered instantly.

He got out, looking at himself in the mirror, he knew it was wrong. Having thought about you was already bad, a Jedi with a Sith? That already didn't lake sense in his mind, but what was far worse than that was that he had grown an attachment. He got attached to you. He combed his hair got into a fresh tunic.


"Obi-Wan, are you sure you are well enough to take upon a new mission?" Mace Windu asked him, observing the fading bruises. "Yes master, I feel like I'm ready for this. I've been restricted to bed rest for the past 3 weeks. I'm defiantly up for another day of defending the galaxy." He laughed at the last part. He liked the first week of his bed rest, because it was absolutely necessary, but after that he wanted to get back on track.

"If you are sure about it. There has been a notice of a droid army being brought to Christophsis, it would be Wonderfull if you could go check it out. Let us now if we need to send extra troops."

Obi-Wan only nodded and took off, but before he left the door, Mace Windu spoke up once more after Master Yoda reminded him. "General Kenobi, there is something we need to add to that."

"What?" Obi-Wan didn't even turn around, he just stood there, waiting for their warning. "The troops are under control of general Grievous." Obi-Wan didn't understand and looked over his shoulder. "So what is the problem?"

"You ended up severely wounded when Anakin returned you here." Obi-Wan raised one his brows, wanting to know what the big deal was. "And? What has this to do with General Grievous?"

"Rumor spread around that Y/N, the one he almost killed you next to Dooku, is now under control of the general. Watch out for her."

"Nothing I couldn't handle, and to add, Y/N actually helped me escape master. Now if you all would excuse me, I need to catch a flight." Obi-Wan felt irritated hen they insinuated that you wanted him dead. It was true, in the beginning you wanted to, but now you had saved him. The council sat there, clueless of what happened. But they didn't pay any attention to it once Obi-Wan left.


The last weeks flew by without even noticing. You trained harder, meditated from time to time, but most of all, you got acknowledged by general grievous. Your trials would be soon and you felt more than ready. The moment you got onto the ship, moving towards the new dreadnaught, to get new teachings by Grievous.

He tested you. You already had experience fighting with multiple Jedi at the same time. But this was another challenge for you. You thought it would be an easy match when, out of the sudden he revealed a pair of arms extra.

But you made it, you didn't fail once during your training sessions with him. He was pleased with you. Even that day that he asked you about Obi-Wan. You could remember it well, after the heavy training from that day, you sat down, sweat dripping off your face, breathing heavy as you took a large gulp of water.

"I heard you did Obi-Wan dirty? Tell me apprentice. How was it to see him squirm?" You laughed at him, leaning back on your arms. "Wonderfull general. I loved the face he made as I came in. When I patched him up, just to torture him again."

Grievous only approved of your actions, he didn't need to add a laugh or a response. He knew you were wicked, that you would have no troubles in your trials. He was pleased to know that soon, you would be an equal.

"Did he tell you anything? Some kind of information?" He tried. And the only thing you could do was lie. So you looked up at him smirking

"Prey will try and chat up everything."

"He didn't tell you anything helpful?" You looked at the ground, remembering the way he looked at you, tried to convince you to join the order. Your new master noticed your silence, you were gazing into the distance, not moving and breathing slowly.

"What did he say to you?" Grievous pressured on, he was onto you that moment. You got back to reality, looking him dead in the eye. "He made a proposition." He waited for you to go on. "To leave the dark side and join the order." You left out the part that he wanted you to join, well for him.

But that was weeks ago. You were looking at the stars when you heard a knock on your door. You opened it, seeing a droid unit there, requesting your presence in the control room. And so you did. A hologram of Count Dooku was active, he and Grievous were talking, but they stopped when you had arrived.

"So? What's going on?" You stood next to your master, waiting for your new orders. "We need you to lead on the legions on Christophsis."

(A/N: Yes I know, the events don't exactly go this way in the original story, but I wanna spice things up you know. And my research is failing me atm yoink.)

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now