Chapter 17: Don't come back

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Y/N watched as they carried the Jedi master inside the room. Holding Anakin back from any of the idiotic ideas he might have. She liked the fire he carried inside of him, but as much as she liked it, this was not the way for Anakin. It seemed like there was still some good left in her.

Just like Obi-Wan said. He grew on her, and how much she didn't want to admit that, she grew to like him as well. She didn't seem the pleasure in hurting him anymore. The time they spend together made her see other possibilities, some she would never think about before.

"We need to do something." Anakin whisper-yelled to the woman standing in front of him. Y/N turned towards him, hitting him on the chest warning to be silent. She looked back towards the unfolding disaster. Watching them get into the room. Leaving no one behind to guard the doors.

Y/N turned back to Obi-Wan his impatient padawan. "Well?" Y/N crossed both her arms, "Well what?" She replied back.

"Aren't we going to do something?" Anakin asked the other apprentice. She only laughed at this. "Normally I would say, you go do something. He is after all, your master." Y/N started, making Anakin his mouth fall open slightly. "-But, I know you will end up like him." She ended, walking away, to the other direction from the current events.

"But.-" Y/N motioned Anakin to follow her, "No 'buts' Anakin, follow me. We can't keep chit chatting in these halls. I don't want to be seen with you."

Anakin took offense it that, it was clear on his face and Y/N just laughed it off. "You don't want to be seen with me? I don't want to be seen with you!"

"Don't repeat my words Anakin, you get quite boring that way." Y/N smiled at him, while walking into the corridor section of the base. "Now keep quiet until we are at my room. It will be safer to talk there."

As they walked on towards Y/N her room, Obi-Wan was barely conscious. He was defenseless, heavily outnumbered, and now unarmed. Count Dooku was pleased to see him once more, of course this state made it more fun towards Dooku than him. The Jedi was imprisoned, stuck, full of pain.

They didn't even try to be gentle with him. Obi-Wan surely had bruises, broken bones and here and there a few cuts that needed attention. He used his force to contact Anakin, he knew he was here. But most important of all, he used it to contact Y/N.

Dooku tried and tried, but nothing worked. Mental and physical torture didn't work, Obi-Wan didn't gave away information. He was floating there, maybe for an hour or two. But it felt already like a lifetime. He just hoped that Y/N would come for him.

"So? How are we going to help him?" Anakin asked once more. Y/N sat down on your bed, grinning at the nervous man, he was pacing front to back. It was amusing towards her, seeing the fear taking over.

"We? I don't believe I agreed on working together?"

"Oh come on! Obi-Wan saved you from the ship, while Dooku just ran away. Let me remind you, Dooku is your master!" Y/N sat up, almost fuming. She walked up towards the young man, poking in his chest. "You don't know anything."

"Yes I do, he saved you, even from what you wanted to do to him."

"He locked me up in a cell, below the Jedi temple. Prisons made for people like me. I don't exactly see how that is the same as saving?"

"Fine, I'll go out on my own." Anakin replied heading straight towards the door. As he opened it, Y/N threw it closed instantly with her force. "Wait." Anakin grinned in victory, but he instantly looked down as Y/N shot him daggers.

"You will get yourself killed out there. You made be reckless, but it makes you foolish believe me."

"So, you will help me?"

Y/N sighed but she nodded. "I'll help you, only because, never mind. I'll help Obi-Wan, I know my ways. I'll probably need to fix him. They won't be so nice towards him. I'll get him out of there, I want you to be ready to fly away."

"What? I need to help Y/N. You can't do this on your own."

"If I were a Jedi, indeed, I would not do this on my own. But if you need the reminder, I'm a sith apprentice young one. I know this place like it is my own hand. It needs to look like one person did this on his own. Dooku will know if we were with two. Just get your ship ready so you can leave instantly. And don't come back later." Anakin didn't debate Y/N her answer, nodding to show he had understand the assignment.

"Now go. We probably don't have much time." And so Anakin followed Y/N her orders. As he ran out of the door, Y/N left a few minutes later, debating if she would tell her master about Anakin his arrival, or of she should help Obi-Wan.

Her mind was in a battle with her heart. Her mind telling her that she should go towards her master, telling him what just happened. Her heart was telling her to do something good for once, Get Obi-Wan out of there. And mostly, get him out alive and unnoticed. So she chose to follow her heart for once. Running towards the cell blocks.

Obi-Wan was caught, put into a cell. Dooku just tried again and did him some serious damage as Y/N was standing outside, feeling his pain through his force signature. She didn't wanted to admit it, but her feelings were coming through. The last days she didn't feel like yourself, she never fully did, but this was the lowest she was on.

Another strange thing was that she felt more like herself when she was with Obi-Wan. Never in her whole life, she thought she would be independent to another person. Let alone be the person someone from her youth, someone who is the complete opposite from her.

Dooku left the cell, pleasantly surprised when he saw his apprentice standing outside. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Y/N looked him dead in the eye. "What do you think Master?"

"Sassy as always, but answer my question."

"I heard Obi-Wan was here. Thought I would pay him a visit after what happened last time."

"Don't be too hard on him darling. He is nearly breathing. I know you wanted to end him, but the tables have turned." Y/N cringed at the nickname. He used it frequently, she never had anything against it, but now it felt like she could puke at it.

"I understand Master. May I enter? I could get information out?" Y/N tried.

"You have permission. After you are done. I want you to meet me back in the office. There are matters that need to be discussed."

"Yes master."

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