Chapter 30: Sinner

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Obi-Wan didn't even need a second to think about what you were doing. He only felt a spark of joy when you were the one who started it. For the past two months he was trying to act professional. With you and with the other Jedi that surrounded him most of the time.

Moving your hands from his shoulders to his neck, taking a hold of it while pulling him closer. Making Obi-Wan do the same, his grip on your hips tightened as he pulled you right into him. His hands moved along the curves you had, ending at your ass. Obi-Wan his teeth tugged at your lower lip, bringing out a small whisper of yours.

For a moment, you were both looking in each others eyes, breathing heavily. There was no need for teasing him, that hunger, that was something he already carried for weeks on end. Every single day, waiting for the moment you would kiss him. He craved you, and he wanted to devour you.

Obi-Wan didn't wait and pulled you in once more, crashing your mouths together, as he pushed you forward, to the most nearby wall. Bodies were pressed together, leaving no space between the both of you. His hands traced her body, making you shudder. You wanted more, gasping once felt his hand caressing your behind.

His tongue swept into your mouth. Leaving you breathless as he pulled away, allowing you a single gasp before slating his mouth over hers again. You could taste the coffee he had this morning on his lips, making you whimper once more. Both hearts were beating fast, almost being combined as Obi-Wan was lifting your top piece of your tunic.

His lips left yours, moving their way down to your neck. His teeth nipped at the flesh, licking on the occasion. It made you moan softly, taking a hold of his shoulders as you felt his aroused manhood press against you. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair, tugging on it slightly, a groan left his own lips as he bit down on your revealed collarbone.

Your head tilted back, so caught up in pleasure, you didn't hear the knock on the door. But the Jedi, who was making you feel this way, did hear.

He quickly separated himself from you, pulling his tunic a little straighter. Trying to look less messy. Bu Windu raised an eyebrow, before he could ask questions Obi-Wan spoke up. "Hand to hand combat. She's a real fighter." His breath was irregular and so was yours. But it seemed real, both of you were training. It looked pretty legit to Mace Windu.

"If you say so, Y/N, you are dismissed, due to your process the council decided you could get a day off. Don't misbehave."

Obi-Wan turned to look at you, "Don't worry Master Windu, she wouldn't dare." Giving you a wink before facing Windu again. You nodded and used the force to get your lightsabers, moving out the door at the same time.

You were glad that it happened, you felt disgusted at yourself for letting yourself go. You let your feet take you to a location, not really thinking of something were you could go. And before you knew, you stood in front of Sidious his office.

Your knuckles grazed the door, feeling the cold of the material. Before you could make a sound, the door shoved open, Sidious sat in his chair, looking out the window. "Y/N, long time no see. Please do come in." And so you did.

Both feet were in his office and you jumped once the door closed behind you. "What brings you here?" You shrugged, still feeling the ghost of Obi-Wan his hands. Still tasting his lips on yours as you touched them without knowing.

"Oh dear, it seems like you got him head over heels?" He asked amused. Your head shot up, trying to find the right words, but you couldn't find anything else then a simple yes.

"It appears that our Jedi Master also intruded your mind? Am I correct dear apprentice."

"I can't lie to you sir, but indeed, you are right. He, I, We made out not a few minutes ago in the training room, I didn't know what came over me, but it just happened. I am so sorry for messing this mission up. I get it if you wish to get rid of me. It only seems fair-"

"Y/N, don't worry about it. I think this could be used to our advantage. I've seen Anakin run around with a senator earlier today. I think you could use Obi-Wan, pull him to the dark side maybe? If he likes you, I'm sure he wants to break the code to have you?"

"What does me and Obi-Wan have to do with Anakin and his senator?"

"Oh, you just get them both to me." He finally turned around, smirking as his hands folded behind his back. You bowed, telling him a goodbye and left the room to head to yours.


You leaned against the wall, looking outside as your mind was still racing. Various thoughts took a toll on your mind, feeling confused to what you needed to do. You felt bad, you felt like you just had betrayed your own believes.

A certain sadness clouded your thinking, the fire in your chest that made you passionate, was slowly fading away. It made you sigh, making you lay down in defeat. "Some day, I'll be looking down from my big stage." you told yourself, closing your eyes.


You woke up, the time had passed quickly, and you didn't move a limb. You looked at the the ceiling, not choosing a specific spot to look at. It was all white in the end. The rhythmic knocking pattern told you already who it would be. You pushed yourself from your bed, leaning against the door frame as you opened the door.

"Hello there." He sounded very happy, leaning in to peck your lips, but before he could, you backed off. Obi-Wan shrugged it off, thinking it was because of the open door. You let him in, thinking about how this would be better. He walked in, leaning against the pillar at the entrance of your apartment.

"I haven't seen you all day, you alright?" He crossed his arms, showing he was interested in what he had to say. You didn't want to make any small talk and did what was necessary

"Look, Obi-Wan, I made a big mistake. I'm sorry for leading you on."

"What are you insinuating?"

"I'm telling you how it is, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I can't do this, we're just friends, believe me it is for the best."

"How is this for the best Y/N?"

"You are one of the most respected Jedi's that there is. They already despise me, if they would find out, your reputation, you disrespected the code. They would tell you that I was the sinner, cause why not? I'm trying to be better in life and doing this, makes it all wrong."

A/N: ngl but I really want to shout out to Tumblr writers and their manuals to writing a good kiss scene yoink. They saved my life.

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