Chapter 22: Movements

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He removed himself from you as you looked shocked. You didn't kiss back, you didn't even move. He looked embarrassed, but ended up looking at the scar on your face. "What happened?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"Why did you do that?" You didn't answer his question, you just threw one back at him. Still locked in place, feeling frozen. "I asked you something first." Obi-Wan tried, he didn't want to answer yours. Simply because he didn't know how to answer it.

"I think mine is more important?" You replied, crossing arms, finally feeling like you could move again. "Did Dooku do this?" He stepped forward again to caress your cheek, but you only ended up flinching away from his movements. 

Obi-Wan felt hurt, but he understood, he felt like he needed to understand. "I-I don't know Y/N" He nodded satisfied as he looked down. still feeling ashamed of himself. "No, I did it." You replied to his question.

He looked up confused, "Why?" You shook your head, licking your lip. "It needed to be convincing for my previous master, that it was Anakin and that we had a fight. If I would end up there, no scars whatsoever he probably would hear me out." You told him.

"You didn't have to do that." He looked at you, feeling throbbing in his chest. The fact that you did this, to save him but also yourself. It was his fault, but even with the scar, you were beautiful.

And that was about 3 days ago. You were awfully silent as you looked at your plate full of food, pushing around the contents of it. After his confession, you heard your troops retreat. But still you were praised for pushing through. If Obi-Wan and his padawan weren't there, you would have won the battle. And that was somehow enough for them.

You sighed multiple times after you had lift up your fork with food, pushing it back down and knocking the plate out of your sight. You stood up, forcing your already tired body to go back towards the training room. You didn't have much sleep the past days.

You couldn't, not with the memory of Obi-Wan locking his lips with yours. You were confused about it, somewhere you wanted to return it. But on the other side, you really wanted to push him off and slap him.

You walked through the halls, not even looking ahead of you, the floor was more entertaining. You looked at yourself through the polished floor, and it made you almost laugh at how tired you actually looked. This was the first time in years you wanted to tell them that you were sick and you needed some time off.

But since that wouldn't be appreciated, you kept your mouth shut and obeyed. Before you went to look up, you bumped into general Grievous. 

"I am so sorry master." You apologized and looked up at him. "Do not mention it, lord Sidious has asked for you. The training for today has been dismissed." He spoke without emotion. He waved you off and while you were grateful for this, you were also scared.

When you arrived at the door, you didn't dare to knock. You lifted up you arm, hand in a fist ready to do so, but your nerves kept you from knocking. You waited for another minute, but reminded yourself you can't go back.

So, you did what needed to be done. A confident knock and the door opened immediately. "Come in apprentice." You looked down and walked in, bowing when you where centimeters away from his desk.

"Lord Sidious, general Grievous has sent me to you." You explained yourself, not knowing what you did here. "I know he did, I asked him to do so. Take a seat Y/N, we have matters to be discussed."

And with that, you sat down. Hands were caressing your knees nervously and you didn't look up at him. You kept your head low, showing your respect at him, knowing that you stood below him.

"Do you want anything to drink Y/N?" He asked nicely, standing up to get two glasses and bringing them back towards the desk. "Uhm, just some water please." 

"Water? nothing else?" He asked you, moving his hand upwards to use the force, letting a bottle of water flee over.

"No sir. But thank you."

"Alright then, here you go." He gave you the glass and you took it, taking a sip immediately to calm your nerves.

"You probably wondered why I needed you here today?"

"Yes sir."

"It seems like both Grievous and Dooku are pleased with your results. As do I, you brought a reputation to the dark side, which we can all appreciate." He leaned back in his chair and you finally dared to look up. Smiling at him in response of his confession.

"But?" You asked, you felt that there was something more.

"There is something on your mind, isn't it? Tell me. I can see that it is eating you alive, you didn't sleep much the past days? And if I'm being honest, I feel like it has to do with something on your last mission?" He tried to ask you, but he already knew.

"Everything is alright sir. Nothing I can't handle." 

"I see, are you sure about that, because I know how it feels." 

"Well, if I may be so free to say-" you spoke up and Sidious already smirked, you could see it from under his hood.

"It has to do with someone called Obi-Wan, doesn't it?" He smirked even wider as he sensed your shocked expression. "How- how did you know?"

"I am for a reason head of he dark side, am I not?"

"But how?" You were shocked, confused, feeling multiple emotions at once. Would he kick you out? Would he kill you after he knew that you and Obi-Wan shared some feelings.

"I happened to be there. I saw it while contacting the admiral. And through the hologram, I saw a glimpse of you and Obi-Wan."

"Please don't kill me." You begged as you placed your head on the table in defeat. You knew it looked stupid, but it felt like the right thing to do.

"Dear Y/N, I won't. I have greater plans for you in mind." You looked up, furrowing your brows. "What then?"

"How about making this your trial?"  

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now