Chapter 28: My Way

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After their last talk in the cell, Obi-Wan left once again feeling hurt. And you sat down, still in the same position you have been for the last days. You have been there, for maybe 5 days in a row without seeing anyone. Everyday a clone or two, bring you food, keeping you under control so you wouldn't do anything and that was the only contact you had.

You did feel exhausted, maybe it was their plan to do so. Making you less dangerous as a Sith once you didn't have the strength. And like you thought, it was true. Anakin, together with some clones, came to get you.

"Now Y/N, don't try anything and you will be fine." Anakin pulled you up, making you stumble over your own feet. You haven't stand in days, making you grip Anakin his shoulder. The clones were ready to pull you back when Anakin told them not to.

"She is weak, she sat there for more than a week, without end. She needs our help walking towards the council."

"Tell me, Anakin." You started, feeling numb in your legs. "What does the council need of me?" Anakin let the clones bind your hand together behind your back. As he signaled them to help you walk the long hallways.

"You will see Y/N."


As you sat on a chair, next Anakin, waiting outside the council their room. You felt your legs get their strength back. "Say Anakin, aren't you a bit old for a Padawan?" You joked as he looked at you, certainly not entertained.

"Aren't you a little old to be an Apprentice Y/N?" He shot back. You smiled at him. "Touché Anakin." You gave him that one. But you weren't that old actually. 27 to be exact. It seems old indeed if you would be a Padawan, but you were a Sith apprentice it was completely normal for your age to still be a learner.

Because most of the apprentices, are trained when they are already above 20, you would be the first Sith apprentice to gain their title as master. It was because you were found when you were rather young.

"I know what they want Anakin and let me tell you, you're not going to get me." You smiled proudly, showing him that the path of Dark had already claimed you. "I won't be so sure about that. Obi-Wan has the feeling that you still are savable."

Before you could reply, the clones came out of the room, noting you that they were ready to see you. You stood up, but the clones needed to catch you in time before you would fall again. And they did. They weren't exactly gentle but they carried you inside to the center of the room.

You saw Obi-Wan sitting there, his leg crossed over the other while his hand was stroking his beard. He flinched lightly when the clones pushed you, making you fall with a grunt.

"Y/N L/N?" Mace Windu announced as you looked up, using every power you had to get yourself up, you tried to stand, but your legs were buckling underneath you. You felt like hitting the ground once more as you were saved from your drop.

You looked up to see the face of Obi-Wan, who came to help you stand. You narrowed your eyes at his, wanting to scold, but you didn't. Instead you looked to the ground mumbling a small thanks to him.

"Master Kenobi, distance yourself from her would you?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "You can see that she isn't capable of standing on her own. I'll help her, just ask her your questions."

"Very well. Master Yoda? If you will?"

"With kenobi we had a long talk.  He says, him out of geonosis, you got, hmm? If correct, that is, then still some good in you that wants to come out, there is.  Teach you the way to get back to the light, we can."

"You have to be kidding me." You mumbled to yourself, he really wanted you here with him? This was going to be easier than you thought. "Well?" Windu asked you as you lift your head up to look at them.

"By all means, I rather think about this, then just saying yes or no." You felt like this was the right answer.

"Alright. As you wish. We will bring you back to your cell. Can someone let the clones back in?"

"I will bring her." Obi-Wan stated, he couldn't think about them throwing you in there like they did just moments ago here. "Kenobi? Are you sure?"

"Very sure. Look at her, she can barely walk. She isn't going to be a treat." He assured them as he helped you out.


When the two of you were beneath the temple, going lower to get you back into your cell, you couldn't help but stare at Obi-Wan. "You know it's rude to stare Y/N." He spoke softly, feeling flattered that this time, he wasn't the one staring.

"Hmm, feeling proud are we? Satisfied maybe?" You smiled at him, you forgot your act for a moment. Reliving the moments that happened earlier today. Obi-Wan helping you right now and helping you then. You finally admitted to yourself, that you had a sweet spot for him.

'Funny' you thought to yourself.

"What is so funny Y/N?" Obi-Wan walked further with you in his arms, looking into your eyes. You let your force shield down and he could just enter your mind like it was nothing. "Nothing, you know it is rude to enter someone else's mind." You gave him a small smile as you got your guard back up and looked forward.

"You got me there, now tell me, what was so funny? Let me in on this one."

"Alright alright. I was just thinking about how I wanted to kill you a while back, and at this moment I can tolerate you."

"I'm glad you tolerate me now, but let's be honest here, you wanted to strangle me not a few days ago."

"Look, Obi-Wan I need to tell you something." You said to him, smile fading from both of your faces as he looked at how serious you were. "Okay?" He questioned, helping you get down on the ground.

"Thanks, but I'm not, I am, I don't know how to say this Obi-Wan" You said as he told you he was sorry for getting you locked up once more. You shrugged it off, not caring about it.

"Y/N I told you that I would get you out of here. Just say yes to them, I will volunteer to have you with me, I have seen your good side, we can help each other." He confessed and it made you stop from telling him the reason why you were here.

"Please don't Obi-Wan, you don't know what you are doing. I got this far and I need a little dark to get me on my path. It's a kind of saving." You tried warning him, telling him it wasn't wise to have you here. It was true, he brought out the best of you, and you hated it.

"I won't give you up Y/N." He whispered as he left you without looking twice. You let your head fall in your hands. "Then we are going to do this my way." You spoke to yourself, you couldn't do this at his side, you would fail, so it was going to be your way.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now