Chapter 14: Fearless now and then

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You stood there, watching your troops march forward. You didn't care about marching with them, it made you obvious. Obvious in the way that you were the one leading them. Instead you looked from a distance. From up the hill you saw everything, even the every move your enemy made.

It was a climate with mood swings the moment you were there. One minute it was raining, even thunder and lightning made an appearance once in a while. But it was not always there, the sun came out as well. The clouds made it bearable, but you had plenty of shade as well. The planet had enough of trees, making it more of a wet heat. It felt like a jungle even if you were out of the covered places.

The planet of Kashyyyk, home to the Wookies. It was a planet that was well know to the other rim, well known in the way of the wars that were currently active on it. This wasn't your first mission, and it wasn't your first time leading a full legion of droids. It just made you think better than standing next to the brainless droids.

Your master, Count Dooku was here as well, noting your every move so he could find a negative point. Something to address you on later, but he never found anything. You were there and not seconds later you were gone.

The Wookies got help off the clones, which got on their turn help from master Yoda. Not like you cared. You felt nothing, your feelings were shut down, the only thing you had was the anger and hatred that moved you.

Not that you could see it in the mirror anymore, you looked like you had the worst fucking day that made you grumpy. There was nothing to see, nothing to care about anymore. You were made to be a tool to aide in the battles of the dark side.

Your soul had left your body, feeling like you were just an empty shell, it made you think about it, but before you could actually get to it, you felt a presence getting closer behind you. Your mind just made a click to turn you around an ignite your sabers. A red glow making the shade light up as well. It made the intruder clear in the dark. a sniping clone trooper was ready to take a shot.

But the dark glass in front of his eyes, reflected the read beam. You threw one of your sabers towards the clone, making him fall down without his head attached to his body. You shrugged and used the force to let your saber return swiftly through the air.

Another look in the direction of your troops, it was going well, your strategy payed off, promising you an easy win. You ducked instantly when you heard another lightsaber ignite behind you. The blue glow swiped right above your head, making you realize how close this one was.

You kicked one leg back, hitting the Jedi or padawan in his or her knee. You turned around quickly, flipping your lightsabers before taking a look at the person in front of you. You sighed deeply as you saw who it was.

"We meet again." You spoke up.

"Apparently, people are saying that you are hunting Jedi, mostly me?" He replied standing back up.

"Obi-Wan, after 2 years I could have killed you plenty of times."

"But you haven't? You should start to make your promises come true."

"Oh? I would think you like our little rendezvous." You smirked at him, ignoring the feeling of another presence getting closer.

"Stop it Y/N, people would think we are dating." Obi-Wan laughed back, moving with you in circular motions.

"Auwch, is it really that bad? A Sith apprentice with a Jedi Master-" You were nearly done speaking when another men showed up.

Another red beam was added to the darker side of the shade. "Stop messing around apprentice." The stern sound of Dooku his voice made it all too clear. He looked at you, giving you the signs to leave and get back at leading your droids into battle.

You knew you shouldn't play around with Obi-Wan, even after what was done, you indeed felt a lot of hatred, anger and sadness. You looked for the Jedi everywhere but after the first year, you felt at ease. You had calmed down from it. Yes it still pained you, it never stops, but Obi-Wan was your friend even before all of it happened.

You did what was asked, what your main task was. Hunt Jedi and their padawans down and get them killed. They thought you could do that always, and you could, most of the time. But with Kenobi, you always had the feeling you were hold back.

Dooku seemed to notice it and gave you multiple warning about it. Get your act together was the main goal, but you always seemed to mess it up.

After the mission, which was in a certain way successful, you made another checkpoint for the separatists, but it wasn't over yet. You got called back, you did a great job and now others would look after it.

While being back at the base. You got called to get to the office of Lord Sidious. With loads of tension you went, Count Dooku sat there, welcoming you in. It made everything more suspicious but you took a seat anyway.

The only thing you could remember after that was that you screamed, tried to get away and even got yourself tied down. Remembering the words your master told you. "You won't remember a thing. It is for the best. You will get to your full potential after this."


You screamed as you shot up, looking around you saw Obi-Wan getting seated next to you, looking concerned. His hands went to hold your hands, while he asked you what was wrong. You didn't hear it the first time, you just looked at him. Your eyes were slowly rolling back as Obi-Wan tried to shake you awake.

You were fearless back then, and now that you could place some pieces to each other, a part of the mirror was fixed. The mirror with your reflection, that was lost for so long, finally got to start recovering. Piece by piece.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now