Chapter 36: The Saint And The Sinner

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Y/N paced gracefully into the lower town, droids following her every step as she stopped right behind Cad Bane. At this moment, knowing that Obi Wan was here and probably watching her every moment, she felt like she was the most powerful person in the galaxy.

The heeled booths that she wore, were vaguely heard as her heels touched the stone path. "Where is the kid woman? I'm not asking again." Cad was pretty straightforward and wasn't taking it lightly when they tried to hide the child.

Apparently Y/N didn't need to offer him as much help as she though she needed to. "Cad, do ask politely. If this is the one we need, then treat them with respect. After all, not every one could say, that they are the parents of a great Sith Lord-"

"We would rather die than giving our little boy up to be part of your foul plans!" The mother spat at Y/N. Her smile dropped almost instantly, the woman her breath hitched as she saw how Y/N put on a face of disgust at her.

Even if Obi Wan would be watching, this was for him. A clear hint that she wasn't going to change her ways for anyone. She did kill her own parents after all. This was who she was, no one else would say something else.

Y/N didn't need her lightsabers, she was angered by a reaction from someone. And it was easily understandable, but still. Her hand raised in front of her, facing the mother. The older woman dropped to her knees, trying to breath out a plea, but her own hands flew to her throat, trying to get rid of the invisible force that choked her.

"No! Stop it, you monster!" The father yelled out, charging at Y/N. Her force grip was tight, not letting her get to air, Y/N pulled with her other hand her lightsaber, igniting it once the man stood next to her.

The red laser went right through his neck, letting the now dead body to the ground. Y/N smirked once she felt another force getting closer. "Cad, we have company." The boy showed up, spilling tears when he saw what Y/N did to both of his parents.

Y/N crouched down to be on the same eye level as the kid. "Come here kiddo, nothing to be afraid of." Y/N opened her arms to embrace him. "Alright we have the kid, now let's go." Y/N wiped away the tears from the youngling with her thumbs.

"Don't cry, only cry when no one is around you, otherwise it makes you look weak. And are you weak?" The boy shook his head no and tried to calm the river of tears down. Y/N rose back from her crouching position, facing Cad Bane again.

"You are right, I have the feeling it wouldn't be long until-" Y/N stopped mid sentence when she heard the few droids behind her clash down to the ground, Cad Bane took out his blasters, but was too late to take action.

"Until we would arrive I presume?" Y/N looked straight into the eye of Mace Windu. A small huff escaped her lips, "Of course it had to be you." Even when they were on the same eye level, Y/N still looked down at him.

"I knew you weren't good when you arrived so easily at the temple. Should have let you rot in the dungeons when I had the chance." The purple radiated on Y/N her face, showing off the scar that leaped over her face.

"Give us the boy-"

"Or what Windu? We both know that you want to bring us back to the dungeon under the temple? Cad, do it." Mace Windu let his gaze shift to the bounty hunter, and Y/N abused that. She moved aside, taking her lightsabers as she ignited them, slicing the young boy through his stomach.

Cad laughed when he saw the shock on Windu his face. "What have you done?!" Y/N smirked, raising her hands, shrugging. "Making sure it was one Jedi less to kill for us."

"You are going to pay for this." Windu charged at her, but Cad took his blaster to make a shot on Windu. "Go. I'll make sure that I leave when I can." The bounty hunter spoke, making Y/N nod her head at him.

Y/N took off towards the palace, getting her belongings from the room. And most important of all, getting her troops back on the ship. "I want all the destroyer droids on the front row. There will be clones coming soon. We will leave as soon as I get out of here." When a few of the units told her they understood, she sprinted inside.

She pushed open the doors of her room, not even bothering to look if someone stood there. But the blue laser did surprise her, it made her stop right into her tracks. "Why did you kill the kid Y/N?"

She felt her heart fall into a pit. "I reminded you already, I am and will always be a Sith master. It is in my blood Obi." She didn't meet his eye, knowing that Obi Wan would only despise her.

"You can't keep using that as a reason anymore Y/N."

"Yes I can, you just can't seem to accept that." She let her eyes linger on his appearance for a few seconds before she got back to what she needed to do. The blue laser that was lighting up the whole room, disappeared. Making Y/N breath out softly. She was out of nowhere so sure that he would try to put up a fight with her.

"You haven't made any contact in the past two months Obi, why?" Obi Wan sat down on her bed, hands lingering over hers. He wasn't sure how he should react to this, but besides what happened today, he could never hate her.

"I think you know why, they suspected me. I couldn't blame them, I was the only one who trusted you in the beginning." He trailed off, catching her eyes. Y/N moved herself closer to Obi Wan, sitting flush aside of him.

"The didn't kick you off the council right? I didn't want to bring any trouble to you." She removed her hands from the light touches that Obi Wan gave her, moving them to cup his face. He shook his head no, leaning into the small but meaningful touch of her hands.

"They didn't even think about it. They didn't see me as a traitor, they saw me more as a victim. That I was being mislead by your innocent act." He laughed at the council their words.

"We both know that both our acts towards each other weren't that innocent." Y/N withdrew her hands, making them loosely in her lap. "I didn't hear you complain, well, partly." Y/N hit his arm, the small action made the Jedi grin at her.

"I already told you why I thought this wasn't a good idea Obi." Obi-Wan understood why, but he certainly liked it better this way. "I guess you don't have time for-" The sudden change of his behavior and the smaller gestures he made, like his hand slowly creeping their way up Y/N's her leg made her cut him off.

"Stars, Obi Wan. If I had time maybe, but I don't know how long Bane can keep off Windu." Y/N was about to stand up, continuing with why she was here in the first place, when Obi Wan pulled her back on top of him.

"Not leaving without an actual goodbye right?" He whispered against her lips, Y/N didn't need anything else and kissed him. His lips were so soft, just like she was pressing her own lips against a pillow. Giving away that he had been caring for his appearance ever since their first time. He was returning the kiss effortlessly, embracing her the best he could do.

Sadly for both of them, it didn't last long. Y/N left one last peck on his lips before backing off again. "No one needs too find out about us, alright?" Y/N worried for both their safety, with her previous masters already knowing, she just wanted to have less worries.

"Look at us, the saint and the sinner." Obi-Wan stated as he finally got up too. "Makes you wonder who of us is the sinner right?" Y/N replied, standing at the door.

"I like your haircut by the way. It suits you." Y/N winked at him and left him standing there, running outside to tell her army to pack up.

"Alright droids, let's go!"

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