Chapter 35: Melancholy

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(Once More, chronologically the events of Star Wars are incorrect, but just for the sake of the story lolz.)

"Tell me, how has it been?" Y/N and her previous master wandered through the corridors, getting away from prying ears and eyes. Walking side by side, Y/N didn't need to look forwards, knowing that he would do the same.

"It was very weird, lots of ups and downs." She shrugged her shoulders, a small smile escaping her lips. "I have the feeling more did happen?" Her smile didn't go unnoticed, and Dooku could already guess what it was.

"Maybe." She met his eyes, trying to suppress her smirk. It didn't feel weird to talk about it with him, after all, he was the one who trained her for all those years. "Let me guess, Obi Wan?"

Y/N bit her tongue, it seemed Sidious told her the truth, she fell in love once. But now she took the same fall once more. Not that it bothered her, she felt at ease with him. Obi-Wan was a safe place for her, if it even made any sense.

"I've talked with Lord Sidious about it, he doesn't think it is necessary to erase everything once again."

"I promise you, I wasn't thinking that Y/N. He could be a useful pawn in our game." Y/N stopped in her tracks, she already heard something about that game, but she couldn't exactly point out what it was.

"Master Dooku, if I may ask, what does Anakin have to do with Lord Sidious? He hasn't exactly explained. I mean, he also told me about how I was needed, but I just can't seem to understand."

Dooku waved his hand, indicating her to follow. He didn't say a word, but he felt that Y/N did need to know. After all those years, he grew sort of protective over the woman. When he was sure no one else was around, he told her.

"The only thing you need to be aware of is order 66." Y/N her eyes grew, almost popping out their sockets. "Order 66? But, those were only rumors?" She tried to find another word, but she was speechless. Order 66 was, like she mentioned, a rumor.

"But what does Anakin-"

"He is the key for the order. If you want to have Obi Wan with you, you got to bring him over. There are no other ways. Be glad you were done with your mission so soon. It means order 66 is already going through."


"No, but sooner or later it will be. The last meeting was about it. He wants to launch it over at least five months. Anakin isn't biting the bait, but he hopes to win him over. At the current pace, it would be five, maybe six months from now."


Y/N had gotten her first mission in two months. She was instructed to give all the Information she had on the order before, leaving her to recover from all the events. She was told to 'relearn' the ways of a Sith Lord. Just because they were scared that she was going to see all the tiny faults in their system.

She was ordered to go to the planet Rodia, to accompany Cad Bane on his mission. The details were vague, but Y/N needed to help Cad to catch a force-sensitive child. In her eyes, it felt kind of wrong. It was wrong in the way that they just 'stole' a kid from their beloved home. but then again, they did the same to her.

She didn't blame the parents for not protecting their children. Because they did, but most of the time they did end up dead, like her own parents. And it happened at by her own hands. She remembered her making the trip to her hometown, her own mother was so glad to see herbal grown up. But once she found out that her own daughter was the one who was hunting Jedi's, the feeling of disgust washed over her, her father? Same thing.

Y/N did push them both to their knees, asking them questions like, why they didn't even try to find her when she ran away? But none of the answers pleased her, cutting off both their heads. Slicing off each limb they hand, just so she felt satisfied.

The Dark side never made her this sick, they did.

The pair made the invasion successful, all credits towards the newest Sith master of course. Without Y/N, he wouldn't even made it on the planet. After that, the residents gave them a 'hearty welcome.' They didn't want any trouble, so they just let them. Hoping their message would arrive quickly, and that the council would send help.

While Cad was searching for the kid, Y/N made herself at home, "One, two, three, four, vicious knocking at my door. Seven, eight, nine, ten, burn the candles at both ends." She sung to herself, roaming the large hallways that lies ahead of her.

"Melancholy, you've got me-" Y/N stopped in her tracks, the guest room was beautiful, but of course, she made herself at home in the palace of Rodia. Throwing her small bag on the ground was the first thing she did before falling into her bed.

Not long after she decided she should get up and help Cad Bane. The order would already be on its way, and she didn't plan to be seeing others once more. Y/N stood on the complete opposite side of the room, looking ahead of her towards the green biotope. It was hot, so she decided to change into a lighter tunic before heading out.

Before she left, she picked up her bag from the ground, taking out the papers with details about the kid and her datapad. For once she felt like she shouldn't kill everyone , so a bit of research would help her case. Y/N huffed, "Seems like he already grew on me."

Y/N took her lightsabers, finding herself already out the door when she saw a flickering light coming from inside her room. Groaning loudly, she walked inside, wanting to know what it was.

"What is that irritating light?" Y/N asked herself, looking around her claimed room. Searching for the source, turning over the table, moving papers of all kind that she just dropped. Until she remembered. The device she had given Obi-Wan. It was still in her bag, reading the coordinates, it seemed she didn't need to travel far.

After two months, he finally decided to contact her again. And he was on the same planet as she was. What a coincidence she mumbled to herself, the last months felt like she was becoming depressed, Obi Wan never tried to find her, it pained her, knowing that he liked her in the way she liked him.

"Guess I'll find you soon?" With that, Y/N left once again, going out to help Cad Bane. And most importantly, to find Obi Wan out there.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now