Chapter 40: ANTIHERO

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A month has passed rather fast. The first two weeks were pure chaos, full of decisions that were hard to make. In the second week she saw Obi Wan just once more, but you never told anything about what was going to happen. Y/N couldn't just betray her believes like that for someone.

Even if it was someone she loved and adored.

The other weeks, week three and four were all about getting it together. Deciding about what was more important to her. And so we got to the point we are now. Y/n paced around he main control room of the dreadnaught. Helping Count Dooku set everything up for their trap. While Dooku was getting everyone out of the room, Y/N set Sidious in a chair, bounding him to it.

"You are aware of what you must do later?" He pressured on, Y/N made sure the cuffs were not too tight, but averted her gaze to his. "Yes sir. Walk in later with two more battle droids, get Obi Wan his attention. Afterwards search Grievous and get an escape pod ready. It doesn't seem hard." He praised her for listening so well to his orders. Telling her she will be a great general one day, making her smile. All second thoughts disappeared when he addressed her hard work.

She was more than just a girl, she was dangerous and fierce, not easy to tame and a great warrior for the dark side. He wouldn't get rid of her, letting her become a Sith master was only one step to get her on full potential.

"It's time. wait until you feel my force signature call out for you. Get your droids with you, this will not be easy." He wanted to wave her off, but the command was enough for her to understand. Before she went away she looked outside, "Seems like the battle is already on."

While Y/N was off to get her droids, Sidious was 'surprised' with the sudden visit of the two Jedi. No one was there, only the three of them. But when Anakin asked them if he was alright, Dooku made his appearance. Y/N felt that something was wrong and as soon as she retrieved her battle droids, she moved quickly back to the control room.

The force signature told Y/N that she needed to enter now, and not a few seconds later the doors in front of her opened swiftly. Revealing Sidious still imprisoned, looking at the proceeding battle. Anakin was left fighting with Dooku and her eyes met an unconscious looking Obi Wan on the floor, almost being crushed.

The sight pained her as she gracefully rand down the stairs, not paying attention to the battle, Anakin used the force on her, thinking she would just kill her master. Y/N landed on the ground, the force push knocking the air out of her lungs, crashing to the same parts where Obi Wan crashed into earlier.

Anakin took out the two other battle destroyers, Y/N didn't even care at the moment, she was couching, spitting up a bit of blood from the previous hit. Her chest was hurting her, probably broke some bones not moment ago. She pushed herself up, holding the side of her ribs, stumbling forward to Obi Wan.

Dropping to her knees, she shook Obi Wan his body softly. "Obi? Are you alright." She whispered, but her words didn't come through. The huffing sound behind her made her look. Eyes widening when she heard Sidious praising Anakin.

"Kill him, kill him now." Sidious calmly said, Y/N her mouth hung open, shaking her head at Sidious. She tried to stand, but failed when she felt another shooting pain at her chest, making her drop down again.

Tears started to form in her eyes when Dooku didn't had a way to escape, hands were cut off and Y/N could only think of one thing. Beg.

"Please don't." Anakin looked at her pleading eyes, "She's right, I shouldn't." But before she knew it, she witnessed one of her own signature moves, done by Anakin. Dooku his head rolled off. Making her cry out, tears escaping her eyes as she dragged her own body towards the headless body.

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