Chapter 8: Just my size

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"Great, that makes it easier." Anakin deactivated his lightsaber and helped his master out of his restraints. Obi-Wan stood up, rubbing his sore wrists and ankles. Thanking his padawan in the meantime.

"We should go master. We don't have a lot of time left before this whole thing is going under. And I really don't want to be part of it."

"What about Dooku?" Obi-Wan asked looking around for his lightsaber.

"There has been signaled that he has taken off already."

"So he escaped already."


"Typical a Sith Lord. Leaving their apprentice behind like they are nothing." He replied in disgust. Obi-Wan spotted his lightsaber laying on the ground, thinking it probably fell after the last forceful knock. Anakin walked closer to his master, looking at his weapon in confusion.

"Why would they just keep your weapon in the same room? That doesn't make sense." Obi-Wan shook his head at his comment.

"She wanted to use my own weapon to kill me Anakin." He started, "They made her that twisted, I nearly recognize her anymore." he whispered the last part, averting his gaze towards the woman laying unconscious on the cold floor. He felt guilty and made up his mind. Obi-Wan walked towards her and signed Anakin to come closer, he lifted one side of her body up telling Anakin to do the same thing.

"You aren't going to leave her?" He asked before he finally took hold of Y/N her body.

"No, we aren't the Sith alright? We can help her to get back on track." Obi-wan replied, taking her weapons with him.

"But she is dangerous, she almost killed me master." The two were walking out of the room, picking up their pace towards the hangar as fast as possible.

"She didn't mean to do that."

"I think she did master Kenobi."

"Alright, yes maybe she did, but we can use her in the order."

"A Sith Lord his apprentice?"

"You've got to know that she has more fame than Dooku at the moment. You have seen that she has a lot of power in her attacks. If we could only try to change her mind?" He tried to reason with his padawan. Soon they reached the ship as droids just passed them. Everyone on that ship was trying to save themselves.

"Well good luck with that."


They looked at (Y/N) who was laying with her hands and feet bound to each other, on a small bed in a cell. Both of them still processing the decision of Kenobi.

"Why did you bring her here?" Mace Winds asked Obi-Wan, his eyes sternly focused on him. Obi-Wan shifted his weight awkwardly to the other foot. Doubting on how to reply to this. "I can tell she still has something good left in her."

"Maybe, but how can we trust her."

"Her the jedi ways, we can teach." Yoda spoke up. Approving of Obi-Wan his last minute decision of saving her life.

"But who is going to accept a Sith apprentice to be their padawan. She never learned the Jedi ways. She is brought up with the traditions of the dark side."

"We should discuss this with the rest of the council. If you both agree with that." Obi-Wan asked. It wasn't a simple choice to make.


They all went back to the upper floor of the Jedi temple while clones were guarding the place. Y/N was partly awake, feeling her hands and feet being bound together. She tugged slightly at them, trying to get some of looser around her wrists.

The chains never bending, making the young woman sigh in defeat for a minute. Using the force didn't make sense in this room, why would they put a Siths apprentice, strong with the force into a cell where she could use it?

She noticed that the chair that was standing against the wall had the perfect build for cracking her handcuffs. She rolled herself of the bed, turning around to shuffle her on hand and knees further towards her key to freedom.

Y/N pulled herself up trying to stand without falling. Bending over, letting her arms hang loosely beside her body, she made a quick jump to get her hands behind her back. Y/N stood with her back facing the chair. Ready to take a seat, before actually sitting down, she pulled of the legs up, letting her chains getting under it.

She sat down. Hoping it would work, she pulled strongly against it.

"Come on, come on." She whispered, her wrists getting more and more bruised by her actions, but she never gave up.

"I am not ending up this way. Not in a freaking Jedi temple." With one more harsh tug, of the chains cracked open. Making a smile appear on her face, Y/N gave it it's final tug, releasing her hands for their restraints. She tried the same for her ankles, with a little help of her hands. Once Y/N finally got free, she walked casually to the door.

She couldn't walk through it, a barrier was blocking it, letting her see the hallway with a few clones guarding the place. The barrier may be see-through, but Y/N was wise enough not to walk trough it. It would cost a limp or two.

Leaning against a safe side, whistling to get a clone his attention.

"Hey, you, open this cell." Y/N demanded.

The two clones looked at each other, looking back at you. "How are you walking around?" one clone said before the other added "not important get her back in full restraints. Master Wind his orders."

Y/N smirked as one of the clones opened the barrier while the other one pointed his blaster at the woman.

"Get on your knees and get your hands behind your head. Now."

"Alright boys, no need to get so dramatic." The other clones took another kind of cuffs from behind his back, telling Y/N to raise her hands.

"I need to thank you both."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just for being so nice. I mean opening the door for me, very neat." Before the clone could cuff her hands together, raising her body enough, to get her legs out, making a a kick at their shins, letting them fall forward in the progress.

Y/n took both blasters, shot one of them in the back of the head while kicking the other unconscious.

"You look like you have my size."

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