Chapter 2: Be prepared

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A/N: I don't exactly follow the Star Wars story line. A bit here and there, but mostly own events xoxo.

-A few years later, age 17, 2 weeks before 18-

"Again!" He yelled out, not even a bit tired.

"C-can't I- Just take a break?" You breathed out.

"No, you cannot. Rest is for the weak. And what are you?"

"Not weak at least, but I'm still human." you threw back.

"Remember just, that if you need a break while on the field, you would be dead meat." He spat to you. "So, no, get back in position." He finalized.

You groaned at your master his commands.

"Sir yes sir." You stood before him, Taking your lightsaber in both hands, gripping it tightly. Before you ignited it, your master retreated out of his position annoyed.

"(Y/N), you are not a droid." His index-finger and thumb went to the bridge of his nose. Gripping it tightly to relieve the pressure. You sure were an annoying woman to work with.

"Sure do feel like one." 

"It is master to you, understood? You have a brain unlike these droids. Use it."

You sighed in defeat. You may be annoying, but he was sure as hell not easy.

"Yes mast-"

"don't forget it next time. Now back in position. Your defense is horrible."

"It's not that bad. I can handle myself Master Ty- Dooku." You quickly repressed yourself as Dooku was a bit more known and feared that the name he had gained by lord Sidious. He liked it more that way it seemed.

"If you want to make it out alive, yes, but you won't."

"Oh come on! If you would just take me out on the field, I could prove myself! It's unfair you say that my defense is horrible when I only train with you." You started, it was true. You were Dooku his apprentice, you were strong, even powerful in strength while fighting and the force. But your defense is the worst.

That is why you can't go on the field. Dooku and Sidious agreed on that, they couldn't loose your power. your muscles didn't look like much. You could see a slim defined line of them, but it doesn't scare opponents. They would underestimate you that is true. But you had some serious power in those arms.

"Not this again. I already told you no. If you can't improve it, you can't leave."

"Or give me two lightsabers? It would make me quicker!" The idea just sparked up in your mind. It was not something you did before, it was something to spice up training. 

Dooku inhaled deeply, kinda regretting his choices to take you with him as an apprentice. But when you were silently waiting his answer, he knew he wouldn't be left alone with this.

"Alright, if you will train more and be more intense with it, I'll make sure you get a second saber."

"Alright! let's go old man!"

Did we say woman? At some points yes, but now? Still a child. Almost an adult but it doesn't seem like that.


After another 3 hours of intensive training. Dooku decided to let you go. It was 9P.M. after all. You went back to your room, getting clean clothes and making the bathroom ready for a much needed shower.

As the hot water touched your skin, you started to rub out the soreness in your muscles. You enjoyed training a bit. Dooku was strict but he only wants the best for his apprentice. He could laugh at your jokes from time to time.

After your much needed shower, you got dressed into somewhat casual clothes. You wanted to go out, enjoy the night a bit. Party for a bit. Mostly drink a bit, not too much though. Your master wouldn't appreciate a headache in the next training.

While you picked out your outfit, a knock at the door broke the silence. You furrowed your brows but went anyway. 

"Goodevening (Y/N)."

"Hello master. I don't want to sound rude, but it is past 9, and I wanted to go out for a bit."

"I know, and I respect that. But since you actually trained pretty well today, I had a word with Lord Sidious about your request."

"You did?!" Excitement radiated from your body.

"I got you a new hilt, it's not exactly the same as the one you have now, but it almost the same. It just has a few more silver details here."

"That is amazing! Thank you master."

"I hope you will keep this behavior up. We are a little short on kyber crystals, so only bleed it If you are certain that dual wielding is your style."

"Oh, I'm sure master! Now my night can't go bad anymore!"

"Off to party again on a nearby planet?"


"I know, you won't ask for attention. But you know that most of the surrounding planets have a few Jedis looking for us."

"I know. I won't draw my saber except if it is necessary."

"Alright. Remember, be-"

"Be prepared, I know I know."  

And with that, Dooku went away. Leaving you with a second saber, ready for you to see if it is your style.


Since you were already on the outer rim, on the dreadnought, it was easy for you to learn about space travel and if you needed to, you could fight. Now the easiest planet to reach was Tatooine. It was an hour or 2 of traveling, but it was worth it.

A planet were probably 90% of its habitants were criminals, scavengers, bounty hunters and so on. You wouldn't draw attention, that's the whole point.


It was crowded, a bar, full of supporters and pod-racers. Seems like one just ended. You looked around and ordered a drink before you joined some conversation. One drink quickly turned into two and that turned into three. But you were still sober. You did this before. Not that you had a drinking problem. You knew your limits and only drank after a very very bad day or an excellent day.

You sensed a force outside the building and quickly left your new 'friends' at the table. 2 men were standing at the entrance but you didn't pay any attention to them, you walked further, shoulders bumping into one another. You looked up, the young men smiled down at you, apologizing for what you just did.

Gentlemen like. 

"No need to apologize, really."

"I'll go inside, you stay here. Maybe she can help." The older one said. You raised a brow. Your interest sparked up, but you wanted to go. 

"There is something that feels very familiar."


"Where do I know you from?" You leaned in closer to get a better look at his face before you realized it.

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