Chapter 32: The Past and The Present.

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Moments earlier, when Y/N left the door, she felt sick. At first it looked like a great idea to just proceed the plan, but the time she had spend with her new 'master' made her feel bad at how it turned out. The woman her mind was one disturbed place. While things from the most recent past sat in her mind, memories from years before this showed up too.

Normally she didn't even bother looking at the past, because what happened just happened. There was no way of returning it, he rather looked ahead, living her life the fullest. Her heeled boots alarmed everyone that was nearby that she was close, the time between the sound of her footsteps made it clear she was near running.

Some of the younglings were confused, looking out of the room and asking Yoda where Y/n was going to in such a hurry. When the woman wanted to run out of the first set of doors, to get out of the Jedi temple, Yoda stopped her making her almost trip.

"Where you-" Y/N didn't give Yoda any time to speak, she was already partly out of breath. "No time, I think I discovered his secret." She said as she tried move past him. Yoda didn't let her, still waiting for a clear answer. "Please, Master Yoda, I'm trying to get things right from my past." She begged with pleading eyes, she couldn't give him all the details. She needed to know what happened, before she could actually get on this track.

Yoda noticed how she was in a hurry, no time to really explain and the plea in her eyes made him stand aside. She thanked him and ran out of the Temple, all the way to the government building.

Once she arrived, she made her way to the office of the chancellor. Y/n knew better than just running all the way through these halls, so she paced through them rather quickly. Turning around to the left, she bumped into someone.

She brushed her tunic straight as she looked into the eyes of Anakin. Y/N looked at him, wondering why out of all people he was here. But then she remembered what Sidious wanted from him. Still Y/N put on a mask, if this would come out that she knew, it was goodbye reputation.

"Anakin? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question, Y/N?" He crossed his arms, awaiting her answer curiously. Y/n brought one of her hands behind her head, bringing it to her neck, scratching the area slowly while thinking of an answer.

"Well?" snaking tried again, Y/N pulled back her hand, letting both of her arms fall next to her body. "I just need to talk to chancellor Palpetine. He had a rather private mission for me to complete." Y/n didn't lie about it, she just transformed some of the details to a vaguer version.

"A private mission?" Anakin smirked, lifting one of his eyebrows in surprise. "I don't know what you are insinuating there, Anakin. But it is not what you think it is. I think?" Y/n reassured him it was nothing special, not a big deal and Anakin didn't need to hear another word. He left without saying anything, which made things a lot easier for Y/n.

Y/n walked further, the door she needed was in her sight. Without even knocking, she walked into the room, seeing Sidious looking up, he was rather shocked at the sudden change of her behavior. She was being bold by doing that, meaning she discovered something.

"Y/N! Why don't you come in? Wait you already are." He smiled shortly before returning back to the papers laying ahead of him. He took a hold of it with one hand, leaving the other to take up the cup with, probably, coffee in it.

Y/n felt irritated to say the least, using the force to rip both out of his hands. Sidious stood up, pushing his seat back while doing so. "I have the feeling you need something from me, don't you?" He spoke again, this time, for the first time this day, she also spoke.

"How did you notice?" Giving him the same smile as he did not seconds earlier. "Alright, speak up, I don't have all day." He strolled to the door, closing it so they could make their conversation more private.

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