Chapter 10: Nightmare

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"If we are traveling all the way to Geonosis together, at least don't make it awkward with silence. I mean if it depends to you, I'm ending up dead anyway." He did have a good point you thought.

"Training from a young age."

"That can't be from just training."

"It is. You Jedi's are all so sure about your play. I have to admit, I don't think you train like we Sith do."

"Tell me."Obi-Wan pressured on.

"One wrong turn with your saber is equal to getting burned with it." you covered the rest of your marks with the last part of your tunic. Completely back in your black clothes made you feel like yourself again.

"I'm sor-"

"Don't. I'm glad I learned this way. When I was 11, it made me think about how hard I should actually train for what I wanted. It gives you motivation to do everything right."

"You don't have to go back you know?"

"That is easier said than done." You sighed as you clicked your lightsabers on your belt.

"Try me, I'm curious."

"I don't need to explain myself towards you." you spat down at him, who does he think he is? trying to pry at your personal life. it was already wrong enough of you to give him any information at all.

"I just wanted to help you."

"I don't need help Kenobi. That is the whole point."

You sat in the chair next to him, but not pointed at his direction, you were looking outside, looking at the starts that were passing by. It always gave you a sure amount of a calm feeling. as a child, it made you remember who you were, now it is a vague memory of the person you used to be.

"Your mind is clouded." He spoke up, trying again.

"Once again Kenobi, shut up."

"Why are you shutting yourself down? Look I get it, you were a child! Of course you wanted to learn things about something you never knew before, about thing you never used at all in your life."

"You just don't get it do you? I became my worst fucking nightmare. something I always feared as a kid, and now I am that very thing. The living proof of how something could turn your life upside down. for the good and the better, but also for the bad and the worst." You started, Obi-Wan was just listening, not cutting you off.

"I mean if I had the choice to do something different, I wouldn't. I am glad with who I am now, but I just wanted things to be different. A child shouldn't go through stuff like that. And now I am the thing I never wanted to be like. It is kind of funny, because I just like being this way." You ended making Kenobi think about what you said.

You feared to be a killer, you thought you only needed to be mean when it was actually needed, but you turned out to be the definition of bad.


"Obi-Wan dont try it again. I love the power I have. I love how people want to hide when they see me. that is the main reason I can't go fight for the goddamn good side. I like the bad side. it accepted my twisted mind, before I even knew this was me. That is it end of conversation alright." and with that, you looked back at the passing stars, leaning back in your chair. Letting Obi-wan think about what you just told him.


An hour or two just passed, and you had fallen into a light slumber. Obi-Wan on the other hand was looking for a way out. He knew that with you on the ship, he couldn't get safely on Geonosis. He was lucky, you didn't make a hyper jump yet, it would have arisen suspicion at the order.

Obi-Wan bended his body in different ways so he could get more concentration into his force. He got the key from your body without waking you, but he didn't know that you weren't so far into your slumber. You felt a sudden movement against your left side, something small was pulled away from you. The realization hit you fast, not even noticing that the Jedi next to you was trying to get loose.

You heard Obi-Wan whisper a small yes before he was pressing in buttons for a new location. Lowering your arm, focussing mainly on your lightsaber on the right, trying to not make a sound.

"This could work." Obi-Wan mumbled to himself, readying his hand to press start of the hyper jump. Out of the sudden he jumped aside, his heart beating faster. He looked at the laser, red radiating of the control panel, the heat from it forming some sort of sweat on his face.

"I warned you Kenobi." You still sat in your chair, right arm was stretched out holding the active lightsaber. The other was holding the hilt of it tightly, in case something would happen. Your left leg was propped up on the armrests while the other was casually dangling from back to front.

You clicked your tongue, shifting your gaze towards the chair were he was seated before and looking back into his eyes. Not a word was said as he slowly sat down again. His hands slowly going under with him.

"You know, I was starting to like you. Still want to chop your head off for what you did to my brother, but I would have made it quick. Well, just a bit quicker." Shrugging off your confession, you stood up, looking at the new coordinates.

"Why would you want to go there? You do know that there is plenty of fuel to get your ass back."

"I know."

"Then why would you? I mean, If I was really asleep, you could have gotten me in the same position as you. Get me back in a cell. But you didn't. Why would you go back there?" You were hit with confusion, looking down at the charts to be sure. It didn't make sense, but after all, you sheated your saber back, hooking both hilts back on your belt.

"Why would you want to go back to Mos Eisley?" You whispered more to yourself.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now