Chapter 39: Bad Luck

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She stumbled all across the separatist base. Wanting to know what was so important to be torn away from her 'free' day. The purple marks weren't even close to fading, some people couldn't leave it but just whisper about it. She didn't care, but she did let her rumors die quickly.

Y/N? Not that dangerous? Because she was bruised up by someone? Yup, that rumor was dead from the moment it started. She strangled two men with her bare hands to prove it. Using the force to open the doors ahead of her, she walked up to a familiar face.

"Ah there she is!" Sidious exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air slightly, bringing them down instantly to wave her over. Amusement stroke his face as she came closer. The love bites showing, "Seems like you were a bit busy." 

Y/N shot him a look, sucking her teeth to try contain the remark she wanted to make. Dooku stood next to her, stroking the stubble on his chin, trying to cover his grin. "Not. A. Word." Y/N narrowed her eyes at Dooku, making him throw up his hands in defense.

"What was the emergency about?" She tried to bend the current topic to something that she liked more. Y/N crossed her arms, looking at the holographic dreadnaught. "I want to test Anakin his limits." Sidious spoke calmly.

"Alright? What does that have to do with me?" Y/N tilted her head his way, eyes still on the blue ship. "We both know that Obi Wan goes where Anakin goes. Most of the time. And this will be an assigned mission for Obi Wan." Her gaze was torn away, not making a sound, letting him know that she needed more information than that.

"We need you as a distraction for him. I go in to taint Anakin." The voice behind her spoke up. Her gaze dropped to the floor, not knowing what to expect. "I'm going to play the 'imprisoned chancellor" Sidious let out a false laugh. She only had a bad feeling about this. There was something they weren't telling her.

"Something else I need to know?" She tried, but Sidious only waved her off. She took a step back, making a small bow before turning around 180 degrees and walking off. 


An hour passed, with no idea what was about to happen, she decided to cover up her purple marks. She smiled at herself in the mirror, thinking about how every mark made their way on her skin. Giggling slightly when she remembered a few on her arms were pure on accident. When the pair were ripping each others clothes off, he wasn't exactly careful. He pushed her against a few pieces of furniture, leaving bruises on her skin when she bumped into something.

She sighed, both arms stretched out to lean on the counter, pushing the leaves of her shoulders together. A force on the other side of the door told her to get up, walk over and open it. Leaning against the doorframe, she watched her previous master scratch his chin.

"We need to talk." His voice was plain, not even waiting for her answer, he pushed himself into the room, pulling Y/N in with him. He closed the door, "I could infiltrate your mind too easily back there."

Y/N listened closely while taking a seat on the small couch. "What-"

"It's about order 66. Lord Sidious wants to bring the boy closer to the Dark side. How? Don't ask me, I don't know the answer to that either." 

Her arms were leaning on her thighs, folding her hands as she payed attention. "But order 66 was not planned, at least not for now? When is this mission going to take place?"

"Next month. Far too early I am well aware of that. But he has plans. You need to control everything. His words, you are still important to him."

"What are you saying?"

"I don't know, but I just have a feeling it is not going to end well. For one of us at least." Dooku went for the door, opening it, and before he left he gave some advice to his previous apprentice. "You don't know anything from me. Try to keep it to yourself, other wise we both will be having bad luck."

Y/N watched at how the door closer, trying to process what just happened. Her gut feeling was right, but at this moment she didn't even want to know anything about it. Being the stubborn woman she is, she made her way to Sidious his room at this base.


"Enter Y/N." Y/N only raised her hand, already placed in a fist, ready to knock on the doorframe. The door was already open, showing the outline of the man. He stood in front of a window, and with the sun shining bright, everything was turned into a silhouette. 

"You have a troubled mind master Y/N, tell me, how can I help you?" He spun around, taking a few steps closer, blocking out the sun. "I couldn't help but wonder, but what happens after you have, 'tested' Anakin his limits?" She asked him, curiosity dripping from her voice. The word tested, being the main point of her question.

"If he completes my order, he'll be more than ready to turn him over." He sat down, wicked smile showing as Y/N took a seat as well. She furrowed her brows, still not any wiser. "I still don't see what I have to do. It doesn't make any sense sir." 

"You don't have to worry. You will be fine, you always land on your feet. As long as you do what I tell you to do, you will be absolutely fine." He reassured her, but the red flags were rising, she still didn't have any details what so ever. 

"What do you think that is going to happen?" Y/N pressured him. A sigh escaped his lips, knowing very well that she wasn't one to give up so easily. "If he will proceed, you will be coming with us, I tell them you and I didn't have any troubles in the day of your 'Jedi ways.' Use you as my personal guard of some kind."

"I think it would be suspicious if I would stand there to protect you, after we so called kidnapped you?"

"Fair point, but Obi Wan won't tell, I'll get you a mask, say that your face is full of scars. Does that bring your mind at ease for a bit?" He stood up, making her do the same thing as he walked her to the door.

"Yes sir, I guess so." She stopped at the opened door, facing him once more. "Do you have another question?" He tilted his head, awaiting her next comment, but she closed her mouth, shaking her head no.

"Good, now get yourself ready, in less than a month I need you ready for this."

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now