Chapter 7: The praying Mantis

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"Good." You smiled darkly at him.

"Is it true that you cut off everyone his head?"

"I do indeed, scared Kenobi?" You stood up, slowly taking a few steps to were he sat. You stood behind him now, your hands crawling up his shoulders as he shuddered. You brought your face closer to his, just besides his ear. Waiting for him to speak.

"No, Im not" he claimed.

You smiled once again, moving your hands from his shoulders to his neck. You started to put on a bit of pressure while resting your hands there. Obi-Wan swallowed harshly once more and you could feel it.

"I have the feeling you are lying, master." You whispered the last part out seductively, making the Jedi speechless. It was no secret anymore that Obi-Wan was attracted to you, he just didn't to it because of his strict life. But who were you to accept that too? You lived more freely, so you took advantage of it. Make him feel like he failed his promise and ending it after that. It fueled you.

It was undeniable to you as well, the Jedi was indeed a full grown man, a handsome one as well. the beige tunic fitted him well, your slightly roaming hands felt the muscles underneath it and they wouldn't stop prying. Releasing him and walking back, standing in front of Obi-Wan made him look up at you, swallowing hard, he wouldn't break the code, but damn it was hard for him when his childhood 'crush' stood before him, a sure amount of cleavage showing in her current outfit. Not too much, but enough for him to think about it.

He Quickly averted his gaze to something else, blush taking over his normal color. You could only smirk at this. You knew already and gladly took advantage of it.

"I thought you had manners Kenobi. Do you know how this works? If I speak, you got to answer it. That doesn't sound hard, does it?"

"No." He mumbled silently while a small rasp came with it too. His voice was cracking, Obi-Wan didn't feel all too good with the sudden events.

"What was that Kenobi?"

"I said no."

"No who?"

This made Obi-Wan look up, fear was nowhere to be found. He actually was starting to feel more uncomfortable than scared. A sudden vibration in the room made you and the Jedi look away from each other. It seemed like the defense shield of the ship was being taken down. You looked at Obi-Wan, not wanting to waste time now.

Taking a few steps closer, you spoke up. "Tell me, Obi, how is the Jedi way coming together?" He looked at you, clenching his teeth. "It's amazing, got a good reputation you know." Wrong choice of words.

You saw his gazing eyes and made a bold move, you wanted to toy with him for a bit, he was your prey, a bird with broken wings. There was no way he could get out. Why not abuse it a bit? His eyes closing at the sudden closeness. "Have you missed me?" you grinned leaning forward to whisper in his ear.

"Have thought about me over the last years? I think you did, seeming that I can just enter your thoughts."

"I think you did the same Y/N" He threw back, hoping that the shields defense shield would give up any minute so Anakin could come for his rescue. Another bang was heard with a stronger shake off the ship, it even made the lights blink for a second noting you that you should hurry.

"Oh, I did general. Every single day. I have been looking for you every second of every day for the past 10 years."

"Who is the one with twisted and obsessive thoughts than Y/N?" You let out a laugh, he was good in trying to buy time, you even thought about it. About letting him stay alive, letting him starve or something and still getting entertainment till he goes down?

"Obi, you should know that Im twisted. What other Sith would go after one specific Jedi, just to see their head ripped off." Your hand took hold of his chin, pulling him to look up into your eyes.

"Awch." He smiled at you, while his head was still forcefully pulled upward. Was he enjoying this? You thought you already made a bold move by the close contact, the roaming of your hands but this time you thought you could go further.

So, your next move was just sitting on his lap, there was indeed mutual attraction, there was no need in denying that. He sighed at the sudden contact, forcing you to let go of his chin as he tilted his head back. You felt him already getting hard. He let out a groan, breathing heavy, as you fount comfort in grinding on him.

"Please, I beg of you, don- don't do this Y/N." Your only reaction was to smirked at him, hands now on his covered chest, suddenly a heavy force made the ship move, making you fall to the ground.

The running from droids was heard outside the room, you could sense another force coming in your direction. But the jolt from the previous attack made it clear. The shields are broken, the ship was on breaking point and they were here to rescue Obi-Wan.

The door to the room opened and you stood up annoyed, standing face to face with a padawan. You sighed loudly, taking your two lightsabers.

"Just fantastic! You could not come later?" You expressed clearly being upset.

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan yelled, happiness radiating from his voice.

"Master Kenobi! I'm sorry for waiting, but the shield was up and the hangar was closed down. I couldn't get in earlier." The padawan claimed.

"Doesn't matter, get me out of here would you? I have a feeling this ship will explode soon."

"Uhh, yes master, it is kinda snapping in two."

"So what are you waiting for? Get me out!" Obi-Wan yelled now more annoyed.

"Uhm hello? I'm standing here you know?" You started. Did the padawan not know you were standing there?

"Who are you?" Anakin stood there, not knowing who you were, he never knew about a woman siding with the separatists. You raised your brows at his question. Your hands still holding the hilts of your sabers as they went to your hips.

"Is this guys serious?" You turned to Obi-Wan and he only shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright then, two Jedi's for me to kill I guess." Your hands left your hips again, activating your lightsabers and standing in position. You charged an attack which Anakin didn't see coming, but he blocked it just in time.

"You never told me that the praying mantis was on this ship!" Anakin looked stunned at the fact that you were here. He thought you were just a tale so the padawans would train better in case they came across you.

"Just shut up would you?" Another attack was launched from your side and Anakin avoided it just in time, another strike on the ship knocked you off your feet, letting your body fall forward against a door. You couldn't avoid it in time, so you ended up hitting it slightly with your head and neck, knocking the air out of you. You tried to stand up before your vision went black.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now