Chapter 29: Seize The Power

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A month or two had passed. You didn't keep track of it, you just felt like you could die any moment. You sat on your bed, looking at the white ceiling as you breathed in and out. You remembered why you were here, and most important how you got here. 

Everyone was still keeping and eye out on you, and they were right to do so. But no one saw anything to say you were a spy. Not yet at least. You walked to the library, and sat down at one of the closed off spaces. You couldn't feel the eyes of disgust on your back. Not that anyone, needed to talk. You were doing well. All thanks to someone with the name Obi-Wan.

You felt guilty for using him. But this was the only way to get your title, not being suspicious since you laughed most of the times with him in the hallways. It was weird to behold. A 'former' Sith apprentice, laughing and joking around with a Jedi Master, who she wanted dead for oh so long.

The Praying Mantis was still a name that was alive, some of them used it to insult you, but you didn't care. You felt like once this was over, they would be the first new victims of you. 

You took a book, and sat the separate balcony, watching the passing ships as you let your left leg dangle off. Your book wasn't important anymore as you let your head fall against the window. Closing your eyes as you remembered the last two months.


"They want to know your answer Y/N. I'm here to get it from you, please say that you have made up your mind." Obi-Wan whispered desperately, hoping you made the right choice, or the choice that was right in his eyes.

You were weak, Darth Sidious, or as the Jedi referred to him, the chancellor, had visited you multiple times, telling you to deny it for a bit longer, making you a less easy victim. And you listened, but a month had passed by, you were practically wishing to get back in the training room with Dooku.

You even felt weak. Your muscles were fading, and you just let it because of your superior his command. 

"Tell them I'll do it." This made Obi-Wan smile, helping you up to go to the council.


He never told the council, you did and it made you want to vomit. You felt defeated, even if this was the plan. You looked at the time and noticed you have been here far too long. You took off to the training room. You liked the training sessions, you had fun with Obi-Wan, but it pained you every time you stood there.

Because of your lightsabers. 


"Be happy that they let you keep your black tunic." Obi-Wan said as he escorted you to your room. And it just happened to be a room right across Obi-Wan his room. He was going to get you back on track, so it was also his responsibility to keep an eye on you.

"You know that I like my sabers their color." You sighed back, walking with him, scrap that, leaning on him as you both went to the sleeping area of the temple. You got out of the prison just now, you haven't really walked a lot.

"It is possible to un-bleed your crystals Y/N. Just fight with happy memories. Concentrate on them while we train. I'm sure you will do it."


You hated the colors. Your oldest saber was a green kyber crystal, while the other was a blue one. You didn't feel like you were at your strongest with these lightsabers, even if they didn't change the hilts. It made you want to turn back to your room, telling them you were sick and didn't have any power to train. But then again, once this was over, you could

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now