Chapter 27: Relive Every Moment

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The sun was shining proudly, and the day seemed like nothing could go wrong. For most of the citizens, senators and Jedi's, it looked like a day like any other. But deep down in the Jedi temple, layers beneath the ground, sat Y/N.

Chained so she could hardly move, and so she couldn't do anything wrong. The first time she was imprisoned here, they thought she wasn't so dangerous like her name was. They thought that a young girl, like Y/N, who wasn't even a full Sith master, couldn't be that dangerous.

Of course they guarded her, knowing that she could make a scene, but what happened last time, wouldn't even happen now. They made sure about that.

It was dark in there, the only light was from the hallway. The night had passed on, making the lights go out until there was someone who would trigger them. While others may have been sleeping, Y/N sat up straight. Head up high, looking through the seen through barrier.

It was a sound proof chamber, but even with that, her force was so strong, she could feel a presence outside. She didn't hear any footsteps, but smirked as she felt who was approaching. Her wicked smile appeared as she looked at the familiar face.

"Master Windu, what a pleasure that you are finally visiting me." Y/N raised her brows, acting like she was surprised. "Shut up, there is someone who needs a word with you." Y/n made a pouting face. "Aren't you going to let me play? I'm sure you want you're prisoners to be in shape in case something would happen." And so her wicked laugh returned, making Windu look down at her in disgust.

"Chancellor I don't think this is a good idea to leave you alone in here. She killed a few clones last time and she did almost kill Kenobi. If it wasn't for Anakin he would be dead right now." Y/N rolled her tongue across her teeth, in an annoyed way. Her smile was gone when she heard the mention of her killing Kenobi. She saved him actually. Not that they would believe that.

"I'll be alright, I need to ask her some questions." The Chancellor replied, Windu nodding and still standing at the barrier.

"Alone master Windu." He defines his request once more as Y/N sent a wink his way. Mace Windu only huffed but granted his wishes and waited outside.

"Hello dear Apprentice." He spoke. "Sir." Y/N replied nodding her head as a gesture of respect. It was the only way to do it, since she was tied down.

"I thought they would lock you up in better conditions. And they call themselves the good guys?" Sidious noted as he looked around the room. It wasn't big, not at all. It was rather small, not the size you could get comfortable in. Even the cells on the dreadnaught their ships were larger.

"I know, and this position doesn't help me really." Y/N mentioned to her restricted movements. "Tsk, Tsk... I can sense how you feel, but I need to tell you, you are doing very good."

"I know, very convincing right?" She laughed softly, trying not to raise her voice too much in case the Jedi outside the room would hear things. Not that it was possible, it was a two-way soundproof room, resistant to the force so she couldn't get out.

"You know what to do. Get your act together so you can join them. But don't look too easy." He warned her, making her nod in understanding. "Yes sir, understood."

"I need to go, remember why you are doing this, I have very high hopes of you." His words made her feel proud, letting a smile appear on her face, but she quickly shook it off.

She still looked out of the barrier, seeing that Windu was talking to what he thought was just the chancellor. Windu his gaze shifted over to were Y/N was seated and she made a kissy face to get on his nerves.

She liked this, in a different scenario, were Darth Sidious wouldn't be here, she wouldn't have this sort of confidence. That made her feel more powerful, now that she didn't need to think about escaping, she just needed to play them.

She kept looking forward till the lights went off once more, noting her that she was once more, all alone. A moment of weakness hit her as she let her head fall backwards, hitting the wall. She let her eyes close feeling how tired she actually was. But it didn't make her want to sleep, she needed to stay focused until she can really rest.

"Why is it, that you are always here, when I tell you to stay away from me." Y/N spoke up, feeling the presence of another Jedi enter the room.

"I needed to come here unnoticed, I have been waiting till the chancellor and Windu were gone. I'm surprised you only have noticed me now." He spoke up.

Y/N opened her eyes, still resting her head against the wall, looking straight into the orbs of Obi-Wan. She opened her mouth to say something, but she restricted herself from doing so.

"I guess you are still mad at me huh?" He asked her softly. "I mean it is quite obvious I still am?" She asked him, trying to let him understand that she wasn't so easy.

"I don't forgive and forget that fast." She tried to move a bit, but her shackles restrained her from doing so. Obi-Wan felt sorry for the woman and wanted to get them somewhat looser, but before he could do that, Y/N looked him dead in the eye.

"Don't." Her voice was emotionless which made Obi-Wan look confused at her.

"If you get it too loose I might just get enough place to grip that neck of yours." She gave him a small smile, encouraging him to step aside.

"Why can't you just forgive me and trust me one more time? I promise you, I'll get you out like you helped me out." Y/N her features soften, finding it hard to actually do so. She would break her own promises that she made within the past year.

"You tell me to trust you and I swear that I tried to, but I still got some scars from the last time." Referring to the scar that sat upon her face. All because she made the choice the break him out.

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