Chapter 19: New Title

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You stood there, locking the door, making sure Anakin nor Obi-Wan could return. You started walking back to a 'more sense making' place as you thought of a reason. A reason why Obi-Wan disappeared, when you were the last person with him.

Of course it would raise question marks around everyone his head. But due to your previous actions, of making Obi-Wan screaming, made you less of a primary suspect. You thought about Obi-Wan hitting you and making you oncinsious, but that didn't make sense. Even in your mind it sounded weird.

How would a limping man, exhausted from pain, overpower you? And then it hit you. Anakin. This is why you didn't want Anakin with you in the first place. Now it was a stupid idea if you didn't know what you were doing. But you had some serious brains.  

You needed to look like you battled with Anakin. And so you took your lightsaber out. Ignited the blade and brought it close your face. Swallowing deeply, you made a small cut with it, making it more believable that Anakin sneaked up on you.

You cried out in pain, and let it bleed. You took your other lightsaber as you ignited that one as well. Running around the hallways. Looking in every room to make it more believable that you were searching for the Jedi pair.

And so, you bumped into your master. "Master Dooku." You greeted, making a small bow as you breathed heavily. You shielded your thoughts from him, well the things that were true and giving away all the fake details from your made up scenario.

"Where is Kenobi." Dooku narrowed his eyes at you. "I was busy torturing him, fixed him up for his next round in a few hours but once I left the room, I was ambushed.

He crossed his arms. "Ambushed? You?" He asked not fully convinced of your story. You nodded, "Yes Master. It was his padawan Anakin Skywalker. He was waiting at the door. I thought I felt a presence hiding, but I shook it off. I thought it was a droid or something." You started.

"But before I knew, Anakin got behind me, hold his saber to my neck, I outsmarted him, but he made a particular move, slightly hitting my face. I wanted to feel how the damage was and he knocked me out for a minute. It wasn't hard enough.When I woke up, he was gone. He took Obi-Wan with him. I've been searching the whole place, but I can't find anything."

"Not even a single trace?" He tried. And you only shook your head.

"Well, Well not really. I'm positive I saw them leave through that forgotten hallway."

Dooku brought his hand over his face, stroking the stubble on his chin. "I wonder how they knew about that one."

"As do I master. As do I." 

"If that is true, then they are already gone. No need to go after them, there will be another time that we will have him here as a guest. I'm sure about that."

You nodded your head, looking down at your shoes and then to your ignited lightsabers. You deactivated them and placed the hilts on your belt, looking at your blood stained hands. Dooku followed your gaze towards your hands. 

"Follow me Y/N. We need to talk about your progress with Kenobi." He turned around, letting his cloak flow behind him. You walked behind him, scared if he was onto something. But you didn't let your feelings come true.

The only thing he felt through your  force was that you felt confident. Nothing more, nothing less. You both entered his room after one of the droids had stopped you on the way. Telling that they saw the aircraft of Anakin fly away. Confirming Obi-Wan was with him.

"Take a seat apprentice." Dooku gestured to the chair in front of his desk, taking a seat as well. You did as he asked and looked up at him, not opening your mouth to say a word. Not making a sound at all.

After all those years you knew better than just speaking up without his permission. You hated that, but you learned it to be a common thing at the Dark Side.

Don't speak up until your master asks you something, or gives you the permission. And so you awaited for Dooku to talk.

"Since you were Kenobi not moment earlier. I couldn't help myself but just listen for a minute at the door." Dooku confessed and you listened carefully.

"I needed to say that I'm proud of you. Hearing him scream like that in pain. I think you are close to be entitled as a Sith Master." Your eyes went wide as he spoke that high of you. You started to smile, awaiting his next words.

"I have looked at your process over the last years and I can only admit that you did excellent. Making a name for yourself, being fearful all over the galaxy. You did very good. So, I did the work and asked to be replaced, You will change masters for your trials." He looked at you, nodding his head so you may speak.

"Who will be my new master then?"

"You will be the apprentice of general Grievous for a while until you are ready for the trials. He will make sure you seem fit for that. At least you already do in my eyes. For the first time, I can actually say that I'm very proud of you Y/N."

"Thank you Master Dooku. You don't know how much this means to me." 

"Don't thank me yet. The general will look after you and he isn't the same as me."

"I- I understand, but I'm really grateful for this master Dooku. I just can't believe it, I'm getting my new title soon."

Dooku laughed as he stood up, gesturing for you to do the same as well. You bowed again and left the room, forgetting about Kenobi and just thinking about how well you did the past years. You were finally being recognized as a Sith Lord. The Praying Mantis was finally getting independent. 

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now