Chapter 12: Guilty nor innocent

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Y/N her mind was clouded, the last hours she tried to remember what actually happened. But she couldn't place one thing next to the other. It was like a broken mirror. All the pieces were shattered in even tinier pieces. You just can't seem to place them together. It looks like they fit together, but they don't once you place them next to each other.

The cloud started to get a yellow-pinkish color and Y/N could see the sun rise in the distance. It was morning already. She was awake all night trying to get the jigsaw puzzle fixed. So lost in her thoughts, that even Obi-Wan calling her name didn't make her budge.

She nearly jumped when she felt a hand touching her shoulder. 

"You okay?" Obi Wan asked, the sound of concern was there. Y/N turned to face him, letting his arm lingering on her shoulder. "I think- yes I'm alright. Have you eaten yet?" Obi Wan only shook his head no.

"Let's get you something to eat then." Y/N finally took a notice of his hand and pushed it off, a slight feeling of hurt came across Obi-Wan but he shook it off. "Aren't you going to eat?" 

"No, I need to get some fuel. The faster I can get back home the better." Y/N her stern appearance was coming back, the feared sith was nearly back on her feet, but if they only knew. 

"You know, to get fuel, you should go right. The place changed over the years you know." Y/N stopped right in her tracks, 'it has?'

"Yes, didn't you visit Tatooine over the past 10 years?" 

"I said that out loud I guess." The woman let her head fall into her hands. "I haven't visited this place over the last 10 years?" She asked herself, confusion hit her instantly. She could remember visiting at least once in one or two months every year. To remind herself what she did and why she did it. To mourn someone who meant something.

"I think you need something to eat as well." 

"I don't." There was no emotion to find in her reply, but Obi-Wan didn't gave up that easily. "There is something on your mind. Something that wasn't there yesterday. You could-"

"Didn't I remind you that I don't need your help? If you don't want your last meal, then that's fine with me really. No big deal, but you have to shut up and silently walk behind me." Y/N snapped.

Y/N took a few steps before she was lost in her own tracks. "If you allow me. I'll lead the way." The Jedi said as he took the lead. Y/N huffed but followed him anyways.


"Seems like we used all of our credits huh?" Obi-Wan tried to make conversation as they walked through the heat from the dessert. "You did, I still have plenty from my work." Y/N stopped walking, looked back to see Mos Eisley in the distance and looking back forward to see a building.

"What are we doing here." 

"I thought you wanted to do this at the place Maul died? Fits no?" 

"He died here?"

"Yes? Didn't you know?" Y/N dropped to her knees, Obi-Wan walked towards her but Y/N used the force instantly to make him stop in his tracks. "I don't - I don't know. I can't seem to remember." Her hands found the sand as she took a bit in her hand and let it be taken away by the wind.

She shot back up, her natural self taken back over. "Alright this is it general." Y/N started, taking off her cloak, "You ready?" Y/N took her lightsabers and got into position. At least she wanted him to die in a fair fight.

"What are you doing?" 

"I am giving you the opportunity to defend yourself?" 

"Why would I do that? I offered myself so you could finally let your mind rest." Y/N dropped her arms brows furrowing. "Stars, I won't charge at you when you can't even raise your lightsaber at me."

"See you can't kill me because I'm innocent." Obi-Wan tried, his hopes were up all the way, whatever was going on with her mind, it made his survival rates grow.

"But you aren't innocent!" Y/N stomped her feet on the floor like a child, she was finally getting something she wanted, but not in the way she felt like. This wasn't what she had planned.

"I'm not guilty either." He defended himself. 

"Fine, get it your way then." At this point Y/N was done with it, and a charged attack was made. Obi-Wan shook himself awake, his survival rate was dropping. So he took his saber and got into the fight that Y/N wished for.

With every sway from her, Obi-Wan found a way to block them all. He didn't even try to attack back. "Stop blocking would you? Just fight back." Annoyance was clearly written on her face. This time Y/N didn't care anymore, she used all her strength and charged it in one blow making Obi-Wan fall back on the ground.

Y/N blew loose strands of her hair out of her face (If you would have hair that would allow that), walking closer towards the man laying on the ground. Bending over him with her sabers pointed at him, made him sigh in defeat. He threw his saber away in the sand. Making Y/N look at the action in confusion. 

"Wrong move." Obi-Wan called out, making her look back instantly. The man made quick work with his legs, pulling the legs from under her body out. Her lightsabers fell on the ground, deactivated as she looked up to him. Kenobi moved from his spot to get on top of Y/N, Pushing her arms up above her head, pinning them there while using the rest of his weight to sit on her legs. 

Both were breathing heavy as Obi-Wan locked his eyes with the eyes of Y/N. His gaze shifted towards her lips, he couldn't get himself to break the code. But he wanted to. The old Y/N was coming through, the Y/N he always knew, it was worth breaking the code for. The past days, the past hours they were closer, it made it all clear.

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