Chapter 4: Two lights in the distance

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"I am telling you master! There was a Sith Lord or Sith apprentice on the border of the city!" Obi-Wan exclaimed loudly, he was annoyed that Qui-Gon Jinn didn't want to listen to him.

"Look, as far as we know, Maul has a two sided lightsaber, and let us not forget, the Sith Lords do not even have an apprentice who practices dual wielding. Well Asajj Ventress does, but word goes around that she has been slayed by Dooku." 

"What if master, what if he may have another apprentice that we never heard about?" Obi-Wan reasoned.

"You said this person had a blue and a red lightsaber?" Obi-Wan just nodded at Qui-Gonn. Comfurming what he just repeated.

"Yes, I swear I saw a red and blue beam in the distance."

"And it just disappeared?"

"Yes master."

"Are you sure it were lightsabers? And not just other lights?"

"Well I can't really confirm that, but I am sure about it. It can't be anything else." 

"If we can't confirm it, then we shouldn't be stressed on it. We can keep it in the back of our mind, I'll discuss it later with Master Yoda and Windu." And with that, the conversation topic was done.

The two were on their way, making sure it was safe to leave once they had parts for their ship. They also got a new kid with them, too old for training but master Jinn needed to try. They were halted on their way back by Darth Maul. 

(You prob know how this goes so I'll keep it short.)

As the battle proceeded, it couldn't end soon enough. Two against one, but one survived. Obi-Wan killed Maul, or that is what seemed to be true and his master, well he was no more. Obi-Wan couldn't help but blame himself. He felt like the person in the distance, gave away their location to maul. 

If he only knew. He could have avoided all of this, but he didn't. He couldn't.


You were hanging around in the hangar as you awaited Maul. Since he was like a brother to you, you couldn't just keep yourself occupied enough. You wanted and waited, but it felt like something went wrong. 

So you decided it was time to go find your Master. It was actually time for a new training session and you wanted to show how good you were with dual wielding. It seemed like you found something to put your strength into correctly. And you knew that Count Dooku could appreciate that.

The hallway was black and polished, you did find it funny, the dark side was literally black and dark, even the style of ships. There was nothing wrong with a bit of white, that was why your room had a few white things in it.

You entered the training room, looking outside the big window that was inside the room. You looked at the slowly passing stars. The noice of the doors opening made you look away, nodding towards Dooku.

"I have something to inform you about."

"What is it Master?" 

"Did you walk into certain Jedi's at your stay in Tatooine?"

"How did you know I was there?"

"Maul contacted me that he found you there of course."

"Alright, but to answer your question. Yes I did. A padawan and his master." You smiled at the thought of Obi-Wan and that didn't go unnoticed by the man infront of you.

"(Y/N), who was it." Dooku didn't even ask, he sort of forced you to say it.

"I don't know why that is important? I don't know them."

"Yes you do. Tell me."

"Why does it matter to you? I didn't make a scene, kept myself hidden. They think I'm a bounty hunter or some sort."

"You spoke to them. So I will ask you one more time, Who. Were. They."

"Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn." You forced out as Dooku started sligtly pushing the air out of your lungs with his force.

"You aren't aware of what happened guess?"

"No? I don't think so. They said they were looking for Maul but I didn't say I knew him. Let alone see him."

"He is dead." Dooku said plainly.

"Maul is d-dead?" You asked him, cropping the tears.

"Indeed. He killed the padawans master, but the padawan, Obi-Wan is still alive."

You felt a tug at your heart and the anger for Obi-Wan was rising. You didn't care he didn't know that Maul was your friend. You didn't gave a second thought to him as you could only feel the anger that was left inside of you.

"Alright, I think you tried out your second saber? Let us put it to the test."

You didn't even respond, you got out your sabers and got into position. A red fog was placed before your eyes as you breathed heavily. Dooku charged at you as you quickly ignited your sabers and pushed him back. 

Your hate, anger and sadness worked all together as you charged back at him, spinning around with your sabers, Dooku didn't even got your tripping and you even made it that far that you grazed his arm a bit. Something that never happened before.

Dooku and you fought a bit more until you defended yourself at a point you never could. You were more focusing on the presence for once than the actual movements in front of you. It did work, you finally got your Master as he stopped the training session.

He smirked at you, saying that you finally were ready to get out on the field with him. "(Y/N) you don't know how well you did. Look at your saber."

You finally calmed down a bit, seeing that you finally blended your kyber Crystal in a blood red. "I did it?" You questioned yourself as your master replied.

"Yes you did, get some rest. Tomorrow we will start the real work." 

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now