Chapter 11: Suffer with me

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"I just don't get it." Y/N looked over her shoulder towards Obi-Wan, "What are you up to?" she turned her complete body towards the Jedi. While she was awaiting an answer she leaned against the control panel, sliding down to sit on the ground, against the metal housing of the panel.

"I'm willing to give you a choice." Obi-Wan started, getting down to sit on the ground too. It pained him to make this choice, but he felt this was the best way. Obi-Wan just knew that there was still some good left inside the woman. That she would change her mind at arrival. He could only hope. Because doing this from left to right, wasn't going to work either.

"I could indeed go back and get you locked up once more." he started debating his words, "but I feel like I wouldn't get alive out of here. I just want you to get over your hate feelings."

"How are you planning on doing that?" Y/N stood up walking to the back of the ship and back to the front. Making this a small routine, trying to get her mind together.

"I'll take you to the place where I killed Maul. If you really want me dead, then do it there." Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, shocked by the decision that the Jedi made. "You are crazy." Obi-Wan stood up, walked up behind Y/N and placing a hand on her shoulder. The small gesture reminded the woman how much she liked Obi-wan in the past.

"It wouldn't feel right to me, trying to change your ways if you still want to rip my head off. And I can't go to a separatist base with you. I don't want to get noticed."

"I- Alright. Let's make a deal then. I'll grant you one last good night rest. It is the least I can do after you offer yourself like that."

"Thank you." And so they made the hyper jump back to Tatooine.


Once they arrived, they walked up to a nearby motel-like building. Well it was a normal looking bar in the middle of Mos Eisley that rented rooms for the night, just in case you weren't able to walk anymore if you had more than enough to drink.

"Two rooms please-" Y/N asked the man the reception before Obi-Wan could speak up, "One room Y/N, we don't have enough for two." While the receptionist gave the duo a key, Y/N decided to protest.

"We do have enough actually?"

"Not if we wan't to get some fuel for your journey and some drinks for the night." He winked at Y/N. And there it was, a minor spark in the chest of the Sith apprentice. He was well aware of Y/N her dangers. Obi-Wan could go with two rooms and escape but he didn't. All just to satisfy her anger and hatred.

"I guess we could do that." She smiled up to him. The thoughts of a few drinks threw her back to that one evening 10 years ago. The one time that she finally saw Obi-Wan back while she wasn't the small child anymore. But a 17 year old, closely hitting the 18 mark. If they would have seen each other 2 weeks later. She would have been an adult, it made her feel less bad about her small scenarios in her mind.

So since they didn't really have anything to bring to their room, they chose to hang around at the bar. They picked a table, more in the back, less in sight of others. It felt familiar to her, but she couldn't place it. Probably something from 10 or 11 years ago.

Obi-Wan came back to her with a couple of drinks. Taking a seat in front of her, taking of his cloak and placing it on the other half of the bench.

"Are you trying to get me drunk or something?"

"You're not supposed to drink them all at one go. I'm a Jedi remember." He grinned at the last part, making her laugh too. At that, Obi-Wan took in the sight before him. Looking at her, it made him happy to finally see her smile, to hear her laugh again. He couldn't blame her for how the Sith shaped her. It wasn't her fault.

"I guess we can hold up our hatred for each other, just for this night." Y/N shrugged her shoulders, taking a sip from the bitter drink. Which Obi-Wan gladly accepted, "I'm totally fine with that." He forgot what was going to happen tomorrow, he stopped hoping on a good end, nor did he actually let it go. He just wanted to spend some actual time with you.

Like it used to be.

"Why aren't you cringing from your drink? Does yours taste better?" Y/N took the drink out of the Jedi his hands, taking a sip from it and humming in delight. "That's not fair! Yours is so much better."

Y/N switched her drink with that from Obi-Wan, "No you got to taste this, suffer with me." Y/N brought the glass up to her lips as Obi-Wan was getting more and more focused on the features of Y/N. He was brought back to reality as he took a sip of what Y/N was having.

"O maker, that is really bad."

"Indeed right?! Damn last time I had one of these must be ages ago. I can't seem to place this."


Laughter was filling the dimly-lit hallway as Y/N and Obi-Wan made way to their room. Y/N was opening the door, Obi-Wan standing right behind her and leaning his hand against the upper door frame.

"Stars, get showered Obi-Wan, you smell. Like seriously." When the door opened Y/N walked to the entrance of the balcony, opening the windows. "There is only one bed Y/N, how are-"

"I don't get a lot of sleep. Just take the bed. If I get sleepy then I'll take the couch. No big deal."

"Okay then, I guess I'll take shower." He replied, walking to the bathroom, Y/N could hear a yawn coming from the man.


"Maker, that was a fun night. Thanks again." Obi-Wan smiled at her, getting into bed, "Don't thank me." She looked at the freshly showered Jedi, his wet hair was neatly combed, but he was back in his tunic, well minus the cloak and boots. Within 10 minutes Obi-Wan was in a deep slumber.

Y/N sat on the balcony, looked at Obi-Wan laying sprawled out in bed, sleeping intensely. Her gaze moved over to the dark city, being lit by all the small lights from the surrounding houses, bars and other light sources.

A flashed memory attacked her brain, making Y/N grip the railing from the balcony tightly. She looked back at Obi-Wan and back at the view outside.


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