Chapter 25: Trap

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"You know what you must do?" You looked at the hologram, while starting the auto-pilot. "Yes sir, I need to look like I don't want to attack, just play the victim." You smirked back at the hologram of Darth Sidious.

"You know that they will knock you down? It won't be easy, you probably will face a lot of pain later on. You need to fight back once all the Jedi's are there to attack you." You took a deep breath, you knew what was awaiting you. "I know sir. It won't be so much fun later, but I need to do this, I've face far more worse." You replied, admitting you weren't actually keen on this part of the plan.

You leaned back in your chair, picking up your lightsaber hilts and cleaning them, making them nice and shiny, returning them to its glory. "You are going to make the Dark Side greater than it is now Y/N. Don't forget that." He spoke up, before ending the call. You bit the inside of your cheek, sighing. It was true, you would get the name more feared. 

But you weren't sure if you would get it done correctly. Placing your hilts back on your belt, you looked out to the passing stars. It wasn't a big ship, it was really just for one person. A small Sith Infiltrator, personalized to your wishes. And most important of all, it was fast, very fast.

There was no way that they could follow you, your ship could jump to the hyperspace in just a few seconds, there was no way you could be traced with the speed your ship had. Of course, traveling was limited to the speed of light, there was not yet a way to make that happen.

But either way, it was good for you. You looked to the charts that were on the control panel, seeing you would be arriving soon. You straightened your shoulders, getting yourself ready for what was about to happen.

In the meantime, The council did the same. "Obi-Wan, you know what lies ahead of you right?" Mace Windu spoke up, Obi-Wan looked up, nodding to show he understood the task. It was simple for him. He would wait on you, talk with you for a few minutes, the council comes in with a surprise attack and you would be taken with them.

He only wondered, why?

Why would you come alone, to the Jedi's main planet, to talk? It seemed like a trap for him, but it didn't make sense, and that is why the council thought it was safe to lock you up. If no one else would be there, then why not try it. Who knows that Obi-Wan wouldn't be taken with you?

That was a question for them, without a good answer. So they just went with it, taken it that you would indeed be alone. "Alright, go to the meeting point. The others are already there. They are waiting in the blind corners. You should be safe." He reassured Obi-Wan. He only shook his head in disbelief, but wandered off anyways.


Obi-Wan stood there, but not a few minutes later, he started pacing. His nerves were getting the best of him. He started asking questions to himself. What if you wanted to talk about the connection you both had? Or what if he would spill his feelings while a few others from the order were standing around.

He felt nervous to say the least. He turned around when he heard the noise of a ship above him. The ship lowered slowly to the ground, making the dirt fly around, making Obi-Wan his cloak float for a while. 

The harsh wind stopped, and the engine of the ship turned off, revealing yourself towards the Jedi. You felt the presence of other Jedi through your force, but brushed it off. It was all part of the plan.

"General Kenobi." You smiled as you walked forward, hand behind your back. Obi-Wan needed to look like he was suspicious of you, and in a way he was, but he trusted you for a reason. Either way, he needed to do this. "Hands were I can see them Y/N." Obi-Wan took his own lightsaber out, igniting it, to make the darkness around them disappear with the blue of his saber.

"Alright, no need to be suspicious Kenobi, I just wanted to talk about some matters." You smiled half smirking while raising your hands above your head. "Now, you could be polite and remove your weapon from my sight." You spoke, shifting your eyes to his saber and back to him.

"Alright, but I need you to remove yours, place them on the ground." You tiled your head and let your hands fall slowly towards the hilts of your lightsabers. "Slowly Y/N. You don't want to try anything." He sounded stern and you knew it was all for show, but that counted also for you. 

It was all for show.

"What now? Or am I free to talk, master." You spoke up his title more seductive, you knew the effect you had on him, but this time you saw him breath in sharp. He kicked on it, but he couldn't show it. 

"I only have on request Y/N."

"Shoot Kenobi." You placed your hands on your knees, getting down in a squatting position, and letting your hands linger there before standing back up completely. It was just to stretch quickly. You would need it anyway.

"Your cloak. I need to be sure." He still pointed the lightsaber at you, you looked in his eyes, smirking widely, letting your tongue run over your teeth. "What about it Kenobi?" He took in a deep breath before continuing. "Remove it. I don't know if you would have another saber on you."

You shrugged, slowly removing the piece of clothing. "Am I approved now?" You placed your hands on your hips, awaiting his answer. "I guess we can talk no-" You interrupted him, taking a step forward. "Really? But. Wait. What about your friends that are here?" You spoke up, making his eyes widen.


"How do I know? I can feel them Obi-Wan." You replied looking in his eyes as you walked forward, not bothering about his lightsaber that was pointing at you. If you were right, and you hoped you were, Obi-Wan would take steps backwards. Seeing him do so, made you smirk, "Come out and play dearies!" You called out, using the force to reach for your lightsabers.

You ignited them, winking at Kenobi when you heard a footstep behind you, followed with the sound of lightsaber activating. You turned around, catching the attack with your own sabers, "Ah Anakin! Long time no see? How is the hand?" You asked him while pushing him back with all your might.

"Fantastic couldn't get any better." You removed one of your sabers to your other side, blocking the saber of Kenobi. "Tell me Kenobi, how many of you are here?" You asked him, kicking Anakin in the knee, making him fall back. To your advantage, you used your second lightsaber to attack Obi-Wan.

"More than enough to get you down." You pushed back, making him loose stability. You spin both of your sabers, cracking your neck before using the force on Anakin to push him back. "Stay seated Anakin." You ordered as you paced forward to Kenobi.

"Say, have you missed me in the past year? Seems like you got over me, or am I wrong?" Tilting your head, lowering your weapons in the meantime, made you look vulnerable. But you were anything but that.

"I've got to admit, I sort of missed you indeed." He answered while charging a new attack. You dodged it, kicking his legs from underneath him, letting him drop to the ground. You stood above him, ready to stab him, but you knew the others wouldn't let that happen.

"Drop your weapons Y/N." Fisto ordered you. You felt the heat of his saber behind your back, making you groan as you saw Anakin stand in front of you, and two others at each side if you. 

"Five against one? Auwch Kenobi. Seems rather unfair." You said, "Drop it, now." If this wasn't part of your mission, you would have killed him. Probably taken two or three extra with you. But this was the plan.

"Alright, have it your way." You deactivated your lightsabers and placed them on the ground gently. "Alright now step away and get on your knees, hands on your head." You did what was told and looked at Obi-Wan, who was getting up, brushing his clothes off. You winked at him once he looked over at you.

"Are you alright Obi-Wan? Anakin, get the stun cuffs and get her locked up." You couldn't help but laugh. not even putting up a fight when you got cuffed. "Yes Kenobi, You alright?" You asked sweetly, only to get a smack on the head from his padawan.

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