Chapter 37: Cold hearts

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The moment Y/N got back with Cad Bane, she was in deep shit. Both Grievous and Sidious were yelling at her for killing the boy, but to her luck, Dooku sided with her. Cad Bane was dismissed, he was payed for his services, not the full amount, since he didn't complete the job, but he was payed.

"Lord, if I may be so free to speak my mind-" 

"Alright, what do you have to say?" Sidious was still furious, you could tell by the snapping he did. "She made a tough choice, if Kenobi and Windu would have appeared sooner, the boy may have been gone with them. I think we need to be glad that we still have Y/N on our sides. She has done nothing wrong and tried everything in her power to make you satisfied." 

Y/N felt slightly better at his defensive remark, Dooku certainly did not fully approve of her actions, but it was better than letting the kid get to the order. 

"He has a fair point there." Grievous joined in, to the surprise of the two. "Alright, I'll let this one slide. Y/N you are dismissed, Dooku and grievous, we need to discuss something important."

Y/N knew Sidious was mad with her, but she was glad that he understood her choices. To out her frustrations she went to the training room, kicking out everything that made her feel this way, till she had enough.

Wrapping everything up, a small cough for attention made her look up. "Are you alright?" Y/N looked at Dooku, shrugging. She didn't even know if she was. "I think so?" 

"I think you can use a day off, why don't you go get a drink or something? Like you used to?" He gave her an opportunity to relieve stress the old fashioned way. It made Y/N look up with a smile. "I'm not an apprentice anymore, I can't just leave my du-"

"Yes you can. I allow it even, if they ask something, just mention that I send you away for a small mission." Y/N her smile grew, making her walk over towards Dooku to wrap her arms around him. "Thank you."

"It is the least I can do."

Y/N gave him a small nod after backing off. Running towards the hangar to get her ship ready. She gave in the coordinates of her favorite place, trying to contact Obi Wan in the meantime. It was a difficult job, trying to make contact with a Jedi, from a small destroyer. She didn't want anyone to hear this except for Obi Wan.

When she delivered it successfully, she started her ship, letting it fly coffin autopilot so she could rest her mind again.


Y/N covered her ship up in the far outskirts of the dessert, making sure no one could stumble against it. After ten minutes of walking she saw the border of Mos Eisley in the distance. The sun was already setting, and the light was fading quickly. 

She took in a deep breath, feeling the warm wind blow in her face. It was already far more heated on this planet, but with the sun gone, she could breath a bit better. Y/N sat down, looking at the flickering lights. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice another ship land.

She didn't even notice that Obi Wan already found her and was proudly standing behind her. His lightsaber ignited, making her jump. The sudden blue ray of light made her smile on the inside.

"I didn't think I would see you again so soon darling." He spoke as Y/N spun around, "I thought you would take longer to get here?" She sent a wink his way, making him breath in deeply. He took in the way she looked. Small particles of sand sat in her hair, and the black make up made him all too hot and bothered. 

Not to mention the tunic she wore in this weather, it did leave things to the imagination, but it didn't cover everything. The cut out, that revealed a part of her cleavage, was enough to show what he was working with. Still she was covered up, letting her look like she could be a senator. Obi Wan took her hand in his, pulling her up to let his eyes roam at her body.

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