Just one party

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Years have passed since you've left volleyball. You were always told you were good at it, but at times you thought they said those words out of pity.

Although you've made amazing friends along the way, it just wasn't the right sport for you. You left the team before high school graduation, now you're a junior in college and had been studying hard for the career you've wanted for a while.

A criminal investigator.

While in your dorm room you were at your desk as always just studying, the fan all the way on since it was almost summer time where you were. You didn't have many friends, well not as many anymore since quitting volleyball.

"Y/n please don't tell me you're still studying." Your roommate had appeared at the door.

"Relax I've haven't been here all day." You giggled at your roommate.

"Are you going to that big party tonight?"

"You know I don't like parties." It was true you found parties worthless, absolutely despised them. At first when you were maybe 10 or 11 you told yourself you'd go to parties once you become an adult.

But look at you now, in your Demon slayer tank top with black shorts.

"Please Y/n you won't be able to get married if you don't go out in the world and explore."

"The only places I go to are Boba tea shops and Barnes and noble." As right your roommate was, you never liked interacting with others unless you have to.

"Just this once, it's going to be the biggest party this year since school is almost over." Your roommate was very desperate to get you to go, why? You didn't know the answer to that.

"If you don't go now you'll be stuck looking at dead bodies for the rest of your life."

"My career isn't just about look at dead bodies you know, but if you really want me to go, then I guess I'll consider going." You hesitantly said.

Your roommate didn't even say anything but just hugged you and smiled.

As weird as it was you realized you agreed on going to a party. Just the thought of being surrounded by strangers who were most likely drunk scared you.

But if it was for your roommate you'd do it just once, they were your first friend when going into college. You would do anything for them even if you didn't enjoy it.

After getting the details about the party you put on your best outfit in your closet, of course it wasn't a simply tank top and sweatpants. Instead it was a very basic yet stunning outfit that you felt you could only pull.

Your confidence was soon crushed after actually getting to the party, it was bigger than you had thought. The amount of people there was crazy, never have you ever felt more out of place then you do now.

"Come on lets get something to drink!" Happily your roommate dragged you in through the crowd of drunken or high college students.

The inside was like a whole different world, the flashing color lights, music blasting loud, and lots of people everywhere.

It appears your roommate is very close with the person throwing the party so they were able to bring a plus one.

After getting dragged practically around the main floor you guys got drinks. Mid way sipping your drink you had noticed it had alcohol in it. The burning feeling went down your throat and it wasn't pleasant for the most part.

"Holy shit! Semi Eita is that you?!" Your roommate practically shouted throughout the whole house.

That name Semi Eita sounded familiar to you...your ex.

Quickly you stiffened up, how could your ex from high school be at the same party you're at? It was dangerous to say that you two go to the same college.

"Oh hey, you made it to my party." He smirked.

His party? Now you're really fucked.

" I see you brought your plus one." He smiled but it faded once he saw you, you didn't know if it was because he remembered you all these years or if he was admiring you.

"Y/n? Is that really you?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows and stepping closer to you.

"You know them?" Your roommate questioned being confused as everyone else was.

"Yeah we went to the same high school." You quietly said not making eye contact with Semi.

Truth was you two used to date, well that was until he cheated on you with the cheerleading captain. Of course you left him immediately and that was one of the reasons you quitted the team.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." You nervously said and slid away quickly.

You let out a sigh after leaving those two behind, you walked around a bit to get used to the house and the layout. You were enjoying it till you accidentally ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry my apologizes" You bowed quickly.

"No worries." The voice was very deep and almost too manly.

Looking up it was the old captain for Shiratorizawa.

"Ushijima?" Could this party get any worse?

"Oh...Y/n" He said raising his eyebrows just a bit, he seemed shocked to see you here.

You haven't seen the team from Shiratorizawa in years, it seems they still slightly have the same appearance but still have the same personality just more mature.

Of course you missed the team right after you quitted but it was for the better for yourself and the team. "If you excuse me I need to the bathroom." You politely said squeezing through him and another person.

You couldn't see it but once you left he looked back at you with a disappointed expression, as if he wanted to say something but didn't have the courage to do so.

In hopes of not seeing another ex-teammate you finally found your destination. Sighing in relief you were by yourself and fully alone, of course you didn't plan on using the bathroom especially after thinking of how many people have puked in it or have missed the toilet itself.

You simply looked at yourself in the mirror and realized that this was just one party and it's not like you'll see them again anyways. But thinking about it again Semi mentioned that this was his party. Could that mean the whole team was invited here?

Taking one last glance at your appearance you headed straight out of the bathroom. Making your way to where you last saw your roommate, "So high" By Doja Cat was playing in the background. Seeing your roommates familiar hair color you headed straight towards them but they weren't alone.

There you saw your old teammates, everyone looked similar but with tattoos and a couple piercings. Tendo had both ears pierced and a tattoo on his wrist that said "paradise". Semi had a tongue piercing with one ear pierced. Ushijima found those things pointless of course, Yamagata had a arm tattoo. Goshiki still looked the same but slightly longer hair.

You didn't know to either run away or to ignore them. Quickly enough due to Tendo being so tall he spotted you. "Y/n?!" He shirked loudly while running towards you.

Soon you were lifted off the ground and into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you like how he used to wrap his fingers with bandages. In all honesty Tendo was one of your favorites from the team.

Everyone else had seem more saddened then surprised or happy to see you, to them you leaving the team was one thing they will always regret. Especially Semi.

"Hi Tendo" You giggled as he put you down, you both stared into each other's eyes for a while till you looked to see the rest of the team.

Of course you had nothing to say to them and thought it was best to just remain as strangers to all of them. But to them, that's wasn't quite what they had in mind.

A/n: hey y'all ;) missed me? yeah it's been a while but i'm trying lol i missed writing and i actually had this draft for a couple of months now so i finally published it

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