tendou💕 pt. 2

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Trigger warning⚠️

As you both were walking he would tell you about some stories from his past or some things about him.

Some things you found out about him was he used to be bullied in middle school for being "scary".

You were concerned if it still affects him till now but he said he loves the faces on their face when he blocks the other opponent in volleyball now.

He seemed so happy when he would talk about volleyball, to him it was his second home.

You told him some of the things you'd like or dislike and to your surprise he had the same taste as you.

"Hey Y/n-chan?" He said once you both reached the park.

"Yeah?" You asked looking at him.

"Thank you for being here, you have no idea how much this means to me." He smiled while looking at the sky.

"It's no problem Tendou-senpai." You giggled.

You both continued to walk around the park till you found a bench and took a seat.

It was kinda awkward since you both didn't have much to say anymore, you fiddled with your fingers till Tendou spoke.

"Do you think someone like me can be loved?" He asked while looking at you.

You turned your head to face him with a concerned look.

"Of course, everyone can be loved at some point." You said.

"Even if you don't, there will always be someone out there waiting to be loved just like you." You added on.

You saw Tendou fiddled with his fingers, "I hope one day both of us will find that one person." He said then looked at you.

You both stared into each other's eyes till your phone began to rang.

"Hello?" You asked on the phone.

"Honey where are you? Its late." Your mom said on the other line.

"Oh whoops sorry mom i'll be back home right now." You said.

"Okay be safe!" She said before hanging up.

You put your phone back in your bag and looked back at Tendou who was a little curious.

"Sorry Tendou-senpai but I need to get home now." You said with a apologetic smile.

"It's okay I understand." He said with a small smile.

You nodded and started making your way home.

Once you got home you went straight to your room and did your night routine.

"Till tomorrow Tendou-senpai"

The next day you woke up feeling better than usual, you got ready for school but seemed happier to be going to school.

You walked past the gym and saw a group of people standing there, it was the whole school.

Quietly you walked in to see what was happening, once you walked in there was a huge sign.

You read it as....

...Rest In Peace Tendou Satori.

You were confused and shocked at the same time, you just saw him yesterday how could he possibly be dead?

The principal soon got onto the stage and had a announcement to make.

"Can I get your attention everyone?" He started to speak but it was kinda quite.

"As some of you heard, our fellow student Tendou Satori has...committed suicide." He said as he whispered the last part.

Some students gasped but some were just shocked, you looked at the volleyball team who seemed to have sad facial expressions on their face.

You were stunned, you didn't know how to react.

You wanted to cry, scream,shout anything to let the sadness and anger in your body out.

Before anything you ran out of the gym and to the park where you and Tendou went to yesterday.

You looked for him everywhere, you even shouted his name multiple time while sobbing your heart out.

That's till you can across the same bench you two sat at yesterday.

There was a note that had your name on it in big print.

You slowly picked up the note and began to read it carfully.

Dear Y/n,

By the time you are reading this i'm no longer in this world, even though we didn't spend a lot of time together it was nice to know that even someone like me could be loved. I'll tell you why I left, remember how I said that I was bullied in middle school well turns out bullying and being an outcast can continue into high school. But now I will tell you this, don't sulk over my death but live on for me. Make your life happier than mine, I love you Y/n-chan~ till we meet in the after life <3

-Tendou Satori.

Tears shedded onto the paper, you re-read the letter to make sure it was real and not some joke.

You felt your knees become weak and you fell to the ground, you couldn't hold it in anymore and screamed out his name.

"Why Tendou!? Why did you have to leave?! We just met! Please! Don't leave me!" You cried, you held the paper to your heart and kept crying till you couldn't anymore.

You decide to head home and stay in your room, you felt empty.

Even if you and Tendou only met for a day, it felt like you known each other for months.

The only person on your mind was Tendou.

Late at night your mom continued to check up on you and gave you food but you didn't answer her.

That's when you made a promise to yourself and to Tendou.

"I promise to you Tendou that I will live on for you."

A/n: idk if this was sad enough but um :P anyways, thank you for 9k views i love you all so much 🥺

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