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Request from @anime_lover_mike @DamiaSayfull and @Small-Tsukki :)

"Semi!" You called out to your 2 year boyfriend, "Wait for me!" You said getting closer to him.

"What is it Y/n?" He asked patting your hair, "Are we still going on that date?" You asked tugging on his arm.

"Of course why wouldn't we?" He smiled a little looking down at you, "Great! I'll see you later." You pecked his cheek and ran down the hall to your class.

"God I love you." He whispered to himself, "What was that Semi-semi?" Tendou butted in.

"N-nothing." Semi said turning to hide his blush, "Come on let's go." He said walking so Tendou can follow.

"Whatever you sayyyy~" Tendou sarcastically said putting his hands behind his head following the sliver hair male.

After all your classes you couldn't wait to see Semi, you quickly texted him and ran to your house.

"Okay, what do I wear." You said out of breathe once you barged into your room, you started to look through your closet till you found the perfect outfit.

You held it up close to your body to see if it would look good and you smiled at how excited you were, once you stripped you slipped on the outfit and some shoes then headed out the door.

Once you stepped out you were greeted by rose petals leading to your driveway, "Whats this?" You asked to yourself.

Following the petals you saw Semi in a tuxedo holding a beautiful rose, "Good to see you Y/n." He smiled handing you the rose.

You were overwhelmed with how much affection and effort Semi put into this, "You look great." He said kissing your delicate lips.

"You don't look bad yourself." You giggled pulling away from the kiss, "Let's go." He said opening his car door.

Giving him a quick thank you, you stepped into the fresh smelling car that lingered his cologne.

Once Semi got in he smiled at you before starting it and headed towards his destination, "So where are we going?" You asked him.

"That'll be a surprised." He smirked placing a hand on your thigh, "Please dont go anywhere expensive, you know I dont like it when you spend money." You pouted.

He only chuckled at you while stopping the car, "We're here." He said stepping out of the car and quickly made his way to your side.

He grabbed your hand and lead you to a little spot where you had saw a little blanket with all your favorite food.

"Semi..." You whispered as you teared up seeing the beautiful scene, the sunset with the cherry blossoms flowing in the wind.

"Hey dont cry now." He said wiping the single tear that had left your eye, "I-i'm not." You sniffed.

He smiled while leading you to the blanket, "Is this what you wanted?" He asked holding your hand.

"You're everything I wanted." You smiled looking into his eyes, soon enough you both finished eating and started to watch the sunset.

"Y/n I know I don't say this much but...I love you." He said holding your waist from behind as you looked into the sunset as it was turning into night.

"I love you too Semi Eita." You smiled, you then felt his arms leave you.

"Semi?" You questioned turning around thats when you realized...

he was gone.

The tears you shedded dropped down onto the ground remembering the "perfect night" you were going to have as you were wearing the same outfit that night.

Semi had died two years ago during that night when he was driving home, a truck had hit him and he died on the spot.

Hearing the news broke you and you didn't feel the same after that day, crying in Tendou's arms screaming in pain.

You had swore you saw his figure in the distance and you started to run, "Semi?!" You said chasing him.

He only got further and further away, but once you got near him he turned around and wiped your tears.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I love you so much and I'm sorry I ruined that night." He said tears falling down.

You were sobbing so much to even speak a word to him, "Don't go please.." You quietly cried out as you fell on your knees.

"I'm sorry Y/n, till we meet again." And with that he left as you sobbed onto the grassy ground.

Alternative: After exchanging "I love you" You both made your way back to his car, "You mean a lot to me Y/n." He smiled.

"You mean more to me." You argued with him while giggling, "Whatever you say." He said starting the car and driving towards your house.

Once you both made it to your house you let him stay the night, you two joked around for a couple hours till you got tired.

Wrapping his arms around you, you felt safe and loved in his warm arms.

"I love you Y/n."


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