semi 🦊

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You and Semi weren't very best of friends, but since you were the manager you had to get along with him.

At first he'd give you dirty looks for absolutely no reason, but as weeks went by he would try to help you around the gym.

"Do you need help?" He asked trying to take the empty water bottles from you, "No." You said coldly not looking at him.

You quickly made your way across the gym to fill up the water bottles, "What the hell is his problem" You thought to yourself.

As soon as practice was over you started to head home, but you were stopped by a figure near the entrance.

"Wait Y/n hold up!" Semi said waving at you, you were hesitant at first but you proceeded to stop.

"What do you want?" You crossed your arms looking at him in the eyes.

"U-uhm." He stuttered while looking away, there was a faint blush on his cheeks but you couldn't see it very well since it was dark out.

"I know we aren't really on best terms but, can we um friends?" He said putting his hand behind his head and looked at you.

You were shocked at first but your expression changed rather quickly, you kept a resting face on.

"Why?" You asked stubborn, "W-well I just want to get to know you." He smiled a little.

"So after all those dirty looks you give me you'd really expect me to be your friend that easily?" You harshly said.

He looked taken back a little from the sudden harsh words, "Semi-semi!" You could hear Tendou call out, You both faced the tall red head.

"Soo what are you too doing~" He said putting his arm around you, he put his hand on your chin will slowly bring your face closer to him.

"You're so pretty Y/n-chan~" He looked deeply into your eyes, you had a bright red blush across your face now.

You couldn't see it but Semi had his jaw clenched a little as he narrowed his eyes at how close you and Tendou were.

"How about we all walk home together?" He said still his arm around you, "I think I can take her home." Semi coldly said straightening up his posture to look bigger.

"Oh? What's this? Are you getting jealous~" He said the word jealous loudly, your mind was wondering with thoughts about what Tendou could be saying.

"I-im not! I'm just trying to be a good friend!" He said.

"I can walk myself home, but thank you." You said taking Tendou's are off your shoulder and proceeded to walk away to your home.

As soon as you were far enough Semi yelled at Tendou, "You baka! What's wrong with you?! She could've figured it out!" He said hitting Tendou on the head.

"I'm just trying to help." He pouted a little whole rubbing his head.

"Just try not to interfere again, I want to tell her myself." He said looking up at the night sky thinking about you.

The next day at practice you had to leave early since they didn't really need you that day, as you walked out of class you could hear someone follow you.

"Can I help you?" You asked as you turned around to face the person, it was Semi.

"Why are you going this way? The gym is the other way." He pointed in the opposite direction.

"I'm not going." You said as you turned around and started to walk again.

He was shocked but proceeded to follow you quickly, "W-well if you're not coming i'll come with you." He said walking beside you.

"You're supposed to be at practice, they need you." You said looking at him.

"I know but I'd rather spend time with you." He blushed.

Your eyes widened at him sudden words, a blush soon appeared onto your cheek.

You looked away and just kept walking, sooner or later you had made it to a close by park.

"Why are we here?" Semi asked as he was looking around.

"Well I come here when they don't need me for practice." You said sitting down at a near by bench.

You pulled out a book from your opened it, you grabbed a pencil and started drawing.

Semi looked over at you and admired how focused you were, "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm drawing." You said looking up from your book towards him, "You can draw?" He questioned while looking at your book.

On the page was a picture of a couple looking and talking around the park while holding hand.

It was a light sketch but you can make out the details, "Wow you're really good." He said looking further in the book.

"Oh, t-thanks." You said looking in another direction, "Hey i've been meaning to ask you something." He said as you were putting the book away in your bag.

"What's up?" You said (I swear to god if any of you say "the sky" i'll virtually slap you) "I know we literally just got a little close today but, c-can we g-go on a d-date?" He stuttered a lot this time.

You were shocked as how forward he was, but your eyes softened as you looked at him.

Suddenly an urge in you pulled him into a kiss, he was surprised but kissed back eventually.

As you pulled back you smiled and said "I'd be glad to." You said, for a little bit of time you soon to came to conclusion that you had Semi-feelings(see what I did there?) for him.

A/n: this sucks like ass but it's the best i got lol, anyways i've lost count on how many views i've gotten to but thank you :) school has had me a little stressed but it's fine sorry if there are any mistakes

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