(belated) kuroo birthday special☄️

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Kuroo was currently talking to Bokuto about his birthday plans, "I don't know bro, if Y/n isn't gonna be there I rather not have the party at all." He sighed re-reading the message saying you were busy that day.

"Come on bro, you guys can have a little party after that day when she's not busy." Bokuto said patting his back.

"It wouldn't be the same." He pouted sliding his phone into his pocket, "Oh well we should hand out the invitations." He added on.

Bokuto nodded and follow the rooster head, mean while you were at work stressing over orders.

"Y/n table 4 needs you!" Your boss yelled towards you, "Yes sir!" You said tightening your apron and rushed to the table.

"How can I help you." You said looking into your pouch for your note pad, "Y/n?" The voice said.

You looked up to see who the male was and it was your ex, "Daishō?" You asked as your face went soft.

"H-hey, I didn't know you worked here." He said as his eyes sparkled looking at you, "Um yeah I started last month." You smiled.

"Did you wanna order anything?" You asked, "Yeah just a burger, also um when you're on break can we talk?" He said looking down waiting for an answer.

After writing it down you said yes, he looked a little surprised when you accepted but he was happy as well.

Giving everyone their food you finally got your break and waited outside for Daishō, "Sorry for making you wait." You heard him from behind you.

"Oh no it's fine." You smiled, "I know we weren't on best terms when we broke up but can we be friends again?" He said.

"I mean I don't see why not." You giggled while pulling him into a hug, his scent lingered in your nose still remembering it.

Kuroo was walking pass the alley way you two were in and spotted you hugging him, "Why is Y/'n hugging...Daishō?" He thought to himself as his heart was clenched.

He frowned and kept walking with his head down, you finished hugging him and asked "Ya know Kuroo's birthday is tomorrow, you wanna come?" You asked.

He only nodded and excused himself to leave, walking back inside you went to ask your boss about having the day off.

"Hey boss, so I was wondering if I could have the day off tomorrow." You shyly said, he thought for a couple seconds before sighing.

"Of course, you worked your ass off too much everyday I suppose you could have a day off." He smiled.

Your face lit up and you thanked him while walking into the back room to change and leave, the whole night Kuroo didn't text you.

"That's weird." You thought, he usually would text you when you got off at work.

You assumed he was busy so you slept till morning.

Waking up the next morning you got up and started getting ready while heading out the door, you went to many different stores to get Kuroo presents.

It was till 3:00pm that you finished and started heading back home to wrap everything and get dressed, you wore a nicely black outfit that complemented your curves.

Taking the gifts you placed them in your car and started to head to Daishō's place to pick him up, "Hey." He said getting in the passenger seat.

You nodded your head and drove to Kuroo's place to see a bunch of people then started walking in with Daishō behind you.

Kuroo watched the front door surprised to see you and your ex walk in together smiling, he made his way towards you and grabbed your waist.

"Chibi-chan Why are you here with him." He growled in your ear, "K-Kuroo I was just inviting him." You squealed a little.

"Meet me upstairs in my room." He said letting go of your waist and headed up the stairs, "What was that about?" Daishō asked.

"Uh nothing but i'll see you later." You nervously said leaving quickly and headed up the stairs as well.

Walking pass everyone you started to walk into his room, "Kuroo?" You said walking in.

As you opened the door you see Kuroo making out with some girl, "What the hell?" You whispered.

She looked very familiar in a way, the silver hair that she had made you realize it was Lev's sister Alisa.

You started to feel angry and was about to walk out till Kuroo grabbed your wrist, "Come on Chibi-chan, are you jealous?" He smirked seeing your angry.

After a couple seconds you spoke, "I know I made you jealous but I didn't make out with my ex you asshole!" You yelled while slamming the door and ran down the stairs.

Running outside you notice Daishō had followed you, "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Nothing, i'm fine." You said tears running down your cheek, Daishō didn't know what to do so he pulled you into a hug.

You didn't want to cry but it didn't help, you cried into his shoulder as for Kuroo he stood there dumbfounded not expecting your reaction.

That's when he realized he went a little too much with the drinking and thought you seeing him with a girl would make you jealous and want him more.

He ran down stairs and out to the front to see you hugging Daishō, he waited for you to come back to him once you saw him.

But instead you looked at him and rolled your eyes as you took Daishō's hand pulling him into your car.

Kuroo was gonna say something but it was too late and you drove off, he went back inside and told everyone to leave so he could be alone.

As for you Daishō suggested to stay but you told him to leave and he obeyed, walking into your room you plopped down on your bed and started to hug the teddy bear Kuroo gave to you for your first date.

"Stupid rooster." You mumbled before falling asleep, waking up the next day you slept in till you heard a knock on your door.

You didn't reply so the person just walked in, "Hey." Kuroo said in a raspy voice.

You stood still not looking up at him, instead you buried yourself into your blanket.

"Please talk to me, I know what I did was wrong but please..don't leave me." He said as his voice cracked a little.

You wanted to push him away but something in you wanted to hear him out first, "Please you know I wouldn't do some stupid shit like that." He pleaded walking closer.

"Do you mean it?" You said as your voice was dry due to not drinking water, "Yes, I do mean it." He said sitting on your bed.

You thought for a second and then you pulled him into a hug, "You stupid bitch." You cried into his shoulder.

He only chuckled, "I missed you too Chibi-chan."

A/n: lol i'm too lazy to go and fix changes but happy birthday to kuroo :)

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