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Thank you to whoever requested this i literally tried looking for your @ for like 3 minutes T-T

Growing up as a child you were always recognized as a boy, you didn't like long hair but you didn't hate it.

Throughout middle school you were one of the best young volleyball players, although nobody really knew you.

You had currently went to Nekoma and was a third year but their team wasn't the best in the prefecture, so you decided it was time to switch

Choosing another high school was quite difficult for you since you wanted to go to a good high school, tomorrow was your first day at Aoba Johsai.

The night before your new high school life you had realized they don't have a girl's volleyball team, so when you applied to the high school you put yourself as a male but also female.

Morning had came and you got ready by putting on your uniform and heading out the door, without a second thought you went straight to the gym.

The sound of shoes squeaking against the clean glossed floors made you think about all the practice you did to get where you were now.

Making your way in you spotted two males who were currently shirtless, you watched as the sweat droplets rained down their abs.

A small blush had came over your face as you saw all the pretty boys, the only real hot one in Nekoma was Kuroo so you weren't very familiar with hot boys.

As the boys were busy wiping the sweat off them one of them had noticed you, "Oi? You must be the new one." A male with fluffy brown hair stated.

You quickly fixed your posture and bowed, "My name is Y/n L/n and I am a third year, it's nice to have you as a team."

"Wow someone is very formal, let's see what you got." The same male smirked.

You went into the club room and changed you were flat chested but not by much, you walked out and got into position.

The whistle blew and the game had started, on the other side of the court you saw a onion shaped head guy was about to spike.

As the ball went over the net someone had called and received it, you watched the ball as it went to the guy with brown soft hair.

He had set the ball right towards you, you jumped and felt as the ball went perfectly into the palm of your hand and slammed it straight onto the other side passing the blockers.

As you went back down you had saw everyone was in shock at how good you were, the rest of the game you had scored all the points.

After the game had ended and you changed, before making your way out the gym to class someone had stopped you.

"Oi Y/n! Wait up." You heard a low husky voice called out to you, turning around you had saw it was one of the shirtless males who had short spiky hair.

"We're in the same class right? You should walk with me and Oikawa since you're new." He said as he caught up to you.

"Sure sounds good but what's are y'all's name?" You asked as you adjusted the strap on your shoulder.

"My name is Iwazumi and the one with brown hair is Oikawa." He said as he pointed towards him.

You only nodded as Oikawa was now walking towards the both of you, he had a smile on his face that could make any girl fall to her knees.

All three of you had gotten close over the months  and had great communication, it was Saturday at the moment so you stayed home.

You heard your phone ping and looked at it, it was a current message from Oikawa "Hey Y/n, wanna hang out today?" He texted you.

As you texted him back a simple yes you got ready, you put on a oversized shirt and sweatpants.

You both agreed to go to the near by cafe and have some time together, you walked in and saw he was already there sitting down facing the window.

The sun had hitted his face showing his flawless features, he had noticed you had just walked in and got up.

"Hey, come take a seat." He said walking up towards you.

You both were seated and ordered two medium bobas, it had arrived and Oikawa spoke.

"Hey can I ask you something?" He said facing towards you.

You looked up from your drink and nodded, "I know we only knew each other for a couple months but, I really like you." He said as a blush was spread across his face.

Your eyes widened at his sudden words and began to stutter, "I-I um well-I don't know what to say."

A sudden realization had hit you as you had never told Iwa or Oikawa that you had been pretending to be a boy.

You bit your lip due to thinking how you're supposed to tell him but right now he needed to know if you accepted his feelings.

He scanned your face for a reaction or a clue of what you were feeling, you opened your mouth and said "I accept your feelings Oikawa."

At first he was shocked but it was soon washed over with a big smile, he got up from his chair and leaned from across the table.

With both your lips interlocked it stayed like that for a couple seconds, "I'm glad you do Y/n." He said putting his forehead on yours.

A couple weeks have passed and you were getting ready for your guys 3rd date, Oikawa was patiently waiting downstairs till he had forgotten his charger at his house.

He thought you wouldn't mind going into your room to ask for a charger so he started to walk up the stairs, you were in a bra and pants at the time till the door knob twisted and swung open.

"Hey Y/n do you have a char-" He stopped mid sentence as he saw your perfect body, "O-Oikawa!" You kinda yelled.

"Ah! Gomen gomen!" He said as he shut the door, he had covered half his face from the sudden rush of blood coming into his cheeks.

His thoughts wondered as he had saw you as a girl, you were currently looking around for a shirt on the floor to put on.

And when you found one you put it on and opened the door slightly, "A-are you there O-Oikawa?" You said shyly.

"Y-yeah." He breathed out still with his eyes wide, you kept your head low trying to not make eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." You said, a little part of you thought he would leave just because you were a girl.

Tears were forming a little at the thought but you felt a pair of fingers lift your chin up, "Hey, dont go thinking i'm leaving you just because you're a girl, you're Y/n and that's all that matters okay?" He said wiping away some tears you didn't know had fallen.

You nodded lightly and Oikawa had locked lips with you, "I'll always love you for you little cutie." He said pulling away and smiling.

A/n: if you didn't get the yagmai yato reference...you're too pure

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