tsukishima 🦦

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a/n: This might be very angst but oh well feel pain request from @karmaakabaneswaifu

Tsukishima and yours relationship was toxic. Of course you knew it was wrong but you couldn't help but fall for him. It continued like this for months. Coming home to him cheating to get a reaction from you.

Instead of crying about like you used to, you walked passed them and packed all your things. Tsukishima thought you'd be crying by now but no, you simply packed all your belongings and left the "promise ring" on the night stand next to the bed.

"Never contact me again." You simply said showing no emotion. "Tch you'll come back to me eventually." He said brushing you off. But he was wrong. You never came back.

He kept playing that scene in his head every night. "It's my fault." He cried into your pillow. Everyday he waited for you and he didn't care if he was wrong or not, he just wanted you in his arms again.

As for you, you already moved on. You lived with Tendou since that day and slowly feel in love with him. Of course forgetting Tsukishima was hard but you didn't care anymore. He caused you pain and made you suffer.

"Hey paradise, i'm sending out invitations!" Tendou cooed before leaving. "Okay babe." You giggled seeing him happily skip out the door.

Right as Tendou closed the door he was faced with Tsukishima. "Oh? What a nice surprise to see you." Tendou giggled seeing an angry Tsukishima.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked getting angry by the second. "Sorry but they're busy with me." Tendou said before walking pass him.

"You're crazy you know." Tsukishima angrily said pushing Tendou to face him. Tendou laughed historically before coming closer to Tsukishima's ear, "I may be a little crazy but I was able to pull your s/o in a mere second." He then turned around and faced him.

"While i'm at it, you're invited to our wedding." Tendou smiled and left Tsukishima dumbfounded. He was stunned at the fact you're already getting married.

"I guess i'm too late huh." He whispered before leaving to go back to him empty apartment.

Tsukishima watched as you smiled happily at your new husband. That's when he really regretted his decision. He debated if he should crash it or not but you were finally happy.

Seeing you so happy made him realize how if he tried he could make you happy as well. His eyes swelled up with tears as everything faded to darkness.

"Tsukki? Hey wake up." You shakily said waking him up. Tsukishima woke up and that's when he knew. It was all a dream.

a/n: lol left this on a good note so y'all better be happy lol.

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