Stop following me. (Caitvi)

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(They are way younger in this one, like "first time we see them in the show " young.)

Caitlin had been heading to her family's shooting range when she felt another's eyes on her. She stopped and looked around to find a girl in trencher clothing leaning against a tree.

Caitlin just huffs, rolling her eyes before turning and starting to walk. The second pair of heavy footsteps confirms that the girl is following right behind. Quickly she turns and glares at the trencher.

"Stop following me!" "Why not cupcake?" "I- uh... what?" "Phhttt never heard that one before." Caitlin stood in shock watching the girl carefully. After straighting up she holds a hand out. "Vi, I'm from Zaun."

"Yea that much ain't hard to tell." Her own voice surprised her, she meant to say that in her head. And to make matters worse she sounded stuck up when she said it. Catching the beginning of a frown appear she backtracked quickly.

"I mean I'm Caitlyn Kiramman from piltiver. I'm sorry I didn't Mean to sound so harsh." "It's all good cupcake. What you doing out here anyway?" It was a harmless question but Caitlin felt herself naturally going on the defence.

"Why does it matter to you trencher?" Seeing Vi's frown she just sighed and turned walking again. Listening closely to see if Vi would follow and after a few seconds she did.

Starting to get annoyed Caitlyn turned to face Vi once again. "Would you stop following me?!" "I-I.." "I swear I can't go one step without you following like a sad puppy." She turned and kept walking without looking back. Luckily there was no following footsteps.

Once she got to the shooting range she felt the guilt of what she said to Vi sink in. She groaned softly and tan back to the clearing to see her sitting against a tree. Walking up carefully she opens her mouth to speak but Vi talks first. "What? Miss yelling at your "lost puppy?"

"No Vi look I'm sorry.. I didn't know how to react to someone following me and that's why I said that.. I'm sorry." "Apology accepted but maybe next time don't yell?" "I promise"

Soon it became natural for Caitlin to meet Vi on the trail.

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