Monster Disaster (vi racing Au?)

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Okay okay okay. I went to see Monster Jam Sunday and I had the best idea. What if Vi was in a Monster Truck racing thing? And Powder, Vi, Clagger, Mylo, And Vander are her pit crew. Oooo what if I made this into a actual book?! Would you guys read it..? Let me know!)

Vi was in the back getting her truck ready to go. Feeling arms go around her she chuckles and turn hugging her girlfriend tightly. "Hey cupcake, what's up?" "Be careful please? I have a bad feeling.." "you always have a bad feeling before a race. But I'll be fine cupcake don't worry." She kisses Caitlyns head gently then sighs.

She wouldn't admit it but she had her own bad feeling about today's race. Pulling away from her girlfriend gently she checks her Truck carefully before nodding. "Alright. I think we are good. Where are the others Caitlyn?" "Ah they are signing you up for the events." "Awesome ok-" she got cut off as she feels a sudden weight around her waist turning she sees Powder and chuckles. "Hey Pow-Pow, ready?"

As powder shakes her head Vi frowns slightly and looks at the others. "Let me guess, you all have a bad feeling about this race." They all nod and bring her into a hug. "Ah guys!  Why the hugs?" "We are just scared. Today you have Sevitka against you as well as  Silco, Enforcer, and The Doctor." "Oh crap... those guys are ruthless." "Exactly.." as the intercom starts the music to begin they all pull away and watch Vi get into the truck. They wave as she drives out towards the arena.

Getting into line behind Silco who revvs loudly at her she waits for her title to be called. I'm happy to Introduce Silco or also known as Enforcer!, Vi or also known as The Brawler! Sevitka also known as metal arm! And Singed also known as Doctor. (I couldn't remember the doctors name or what would be a good title for him...)

As the all park on their respected sides Vi sighs softly shaking her head. "First up is the race! Racers need to go in a circle once! Then go over a jump. All 4wheels need to touch the ramp in order to be elegible for a place. First up is Enforcer and The Brawler!" At her name she pulled forward to get beside the other. She could hear her crew chattering in her head peice and shook her head chuckling.

Beep, beep, BEEEP! At that she starts and pulls up ahead of Silco. Turning for the circle she sees silco pull up behind her doing the same thing. As she pulls away for the first jump she felt Silcos truck nudge her slightly making her only hit the jump with two wheels. She groans and speeds up to catch up. As they pass the finish line she skids to a stop and pokes her head out to check the scoring.

A few more tricks raced until Vi had to race again. "Next up was the trick event. Drivers have 3 minutes to pull off their best moves! Up first we have The Enforcer!" Vi watched carefully as she did her set of tricks the bad feeling growing slightly. "A beautiful run made by The Enfcoer! Next is The Brawler!"

She pulls out at her name then revvs up. She does her first trick just fine, the second one she landed slightly off hurting her back slightly but does a hard stop and lifts her back wheels up in a handstand. To keep it going she moved in the direction she felt the truck move happy to get the trick down. A sudden force from behind made her yelp and fall forward landing on her roof. "Oooo and a brutal take down from The Enforcer!

She groans softly pain in her shoulder and head but shakes it off. "Vi are you okay?" The sound of Vander coming through made her smile. "I'm okay. Just need to get back up." "Don't push yourself kiddo.. you need to be careful." "I'm fine dad don't worry"

Soon enough she was back up and backed into her spot watching the others. She got second place and managed to keep it through the tricks department. "Next is the free for all. This is we're everyone can take down anyone. Let's see who's standing after this!!"

The cars start their engines then take off all at once. This was Vis favorite event. She knew how to avoid almost all of the attacks and laughs at their failed attempts. A lucky hit to her front knocked her head against the wheel. She yelps and groans eye sight slightly blurry she didn't see the second hit right on the drivers side knocking her to the side then a third  hit to her roof. "Augh!"

She tried to blink away the spots and focus on the  announcer but more hits came knocking her Truck further. Something overheated and caught fire. She could feel the flames on her back but she couldnt get free. The announcer immediately stoppped everything and brought out the fire team and first aid. She could faintly hear them moving around yelling orders.

Her crew team ran out waiting worriedly for news on Vi. The medics set to work after the truck was put out they lifted it back to its wheels as one of the medics climb up. "She's stuck and out." The medic reported down and opens the door to unbuckle her. He gently gives her to Vander since he was tall enough to reach and puts her on the sketcher.

She groaned softly opening her eyes to see blurry figures. She felt the floor move as they moved her to the first aid to patch up. "Ooo that's not good. First hit down for The Brawler. Everyone hang tight while we clean up the field.

"Oh kiddo.. Today wasn't a good day to race.." vander gripped her hand gently. "It's okay.. I'm fine just stunned.. can I still race?" Everyone in her crew shook their head smiling. "Really Vi?! You get taken down and you want to continue?" "What can I say?"

(Quick little edit here: would you guys read a part two to this one? Where she got everyone back?)

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