Bad comments towards a pissed off Zauntie

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Caitlyn and Vi were at a diner in Piltover for a date night. It was one that Vi and her own family visited once before things went to crap. While they waited for their food Vi kept telling stories. It's not like Caitlyn didn't like it, she loved when Vi opened up bout her past, however the people around them were giving dirty looks to the pair.

Vi didn't seem to notice them or at least not care about it. As she was explaining a story of her very first win, the waitress came back and handed them their food. Vi's eyes widened taking in the food. She thanked the waitress before digging in happily. Old habits die hard and Caitlyn watched Vi eat like it would be her last meal with a sad look. She could still see some tables giving disgusted looks at Vis behavior, some even whispering behind their hands.

Vi slowed down hearing the comments and looks down embarrassed. Caitlyn had to fix it since Vi just looked like a kicked puppy. "Hey vi? Don't listen to them okay, your fine!" With a small smile she nods. "Okay cupcake, let's finsih up I wanna show you something." As they were finishing up and about to leave a particular loud comment reached the pair. "I wonder how much the Zauntie payed to have a "date" with a Kiramman." "Eh Caitlyns standards are low anyway."

That was enough to get Vi riled up. She immediately marched over to the two that made that comment and started going off on them. It ended up in a fist fight and the two were strong her than they seemed. Someone called a waitress over and the waitress dragged Vi and the two dudes away from each other. Shooting a nasty glare at Vi. The waitress told her to leave.

Grabbing Caitlyns hand, she walked to the door. While almost out of the door Vi turned and yelled at everyone there before slamming the door shut. The rest of the night Vi was quiet head bowed. It took some cuddling and a movie for Vi to finally talk to Caitlyn.

From then on everyone was a afraid to piss off the Zauntie.

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