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Okay so the story is not as bad as the title make it I swear. I came back from the fair and was riding a lot of the spiny rides so I'm alittle nauseous and dizzy, but my all time favorite one was Zipper. If you don't know it look it up it's the best!. Anyway I though this would be a good one to write. Btw this is modern time not whatever time it is in the game/show)

It was Vis first time at a fair and she wanted to go on every ride. They had been on most besides the one that looked the worst. Caitlyn was used to going to the fair and loved all the rides.

They were in line for the Last ride of the day. Caitlyn absolutely loved this ride and was trying to help Vi out of her nerves by explaining the ride.

"It's not as bad as it looks vi, your pinned by the legs and you hold onto bars in the front." As she was talking the ride started with its new passengers and Vi was immediately distracted by the movement.

Seeing the ride in action made Vis stomach drop and she immediately started backing out. "Cai-Cait I can't.. th-that looks really scary..." Caitlyn raised a eyebrow surprised.

"Don't tell me your afraid of a little flip?" "It's not that! It's just.... Nevermind cupcake I can't go onto it..." vi backed out of the line pulling her hood up. Caitlyn followed after her worried of her friend. "Vi? It's okay to be scared... but you liked all the other rides so far... can you try this one?"

Seeing that make Vi pause Caitlyn went beside her and took her hand gently. "Please try it okay?" With a sigh and a nod Vi allowed herself to be pulled back to the luckily short line.

As soon as they were buckled down and the ride worker was starting it up Vis panic rose again. "Cupcake I don't thi-" her voice was cut off May a scream as soon as they took off.

Vi had a death grip on the bars and kept screaming on everything. Caitlyn was laughing and they could hear the others laughing softly themselves.

As soon as the ride was done and they were let off vi had a slight dazed look. "I'm going to assume no more of that one Vi?" Caitlyn asked softly chuckling. Vi just shook her head then stumbled off to sit down Caitlyn chuckling behind her. The rest of the day was spent with food and games and more scary rides.

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