You work to hard Cupcake violyn

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This was the third night in a row Caitlyn didn't come to bed. Vi curled up on their large bed before pulling herself up and walking to the living room.

Caitlyn was their sitting on the couch, the computer light the only light in the room. She was so focused on her work she didn't hear Vi coming or just ignored it.

Vi leaned over the side of the couch gently skimming Caitlyns cheek with her hand. Studying her face. Her eyes showed how tierd she was. "Hey cupcake, come to bed. Your not doing yourself any good." "I can't Vi I need to finish these reports." "They can wait until tomorrow. Please come to bed."

Caitlyn looked up at her girlfriend. Vi was stubborn and won't take no for a answer. Sighing softly Caitlyn nods and closes her computer finally realizing how tierd she was. "Okay Vi you win."

With a smirk Vi lead her to their room and gently told her to lay down. Once they both layed down Vi immediately curled up next to her. Vi may act big and tough but she when she's only with Caitlyn she lets her true self free. She's literally like a puppy.

Caitlyn chuckled and curled around her Girlfriend glad that Vi convinced her to come to bed. "Good night cupcake." Vi's murmured softly before falling fully asleep. "Good night Vi I promise not to work as hard." She responded softly. Kissing her girlfriends forehead before yawning and falling asleep herself.

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