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I still dont have my jacket on but we all still laugh. Well for clyde and appolo are laughing with me. Dean is just staring at my arm that i covered a bit with my hand.

He knows i dont have long until i cant take life anymore. Isnt it depressing? Knowing your friend doesnt care about living anymore and doesnt want to live.

The rest of the group comes out way and sit next to us. The sun is still up even though its 7:34pm.

I used to love the summer time. The way the sun never wanted to leave like my happyness. The late nights with dean and our old friends. The sunrays hitting our skin. Everything was great.

I like the winter more now. Not to be cheesy or some bullshit like that. I like that its darker sooner and that you an wear a lot of clothes and burn up in the sun. I love the snow and the way it looks ans that every single little snowflake is different.

Mai still has some music playing in the backround but its to quiet to be heared while were all laughing.

I like this feeling though. I feel like i am truly a part of this group even though i am not. They make me laugh even while feeling shitty.

"Remeber when we met apollo?" Mai says laughing. Her voice is so cheerful. "We were all out drinking this cheap vodka by this lake when we saw him crying over something" she says and they all laugh.

The group is very bonded i can tell that much. "I wasnt crying!" Apollo laughs at them "my eyes were just watery" he says and the whole group laughs at him. "Okay okay fine i was crying because i accidentally stepped on a snail ruining my shoes" he says and we all laugh at him.

He looks like a guy with a hard shell but hes just a huge softy. He is quiet tall around the same length as me. Im guessing something like 180 ish cm. Hes clothes are lose like mine but expose all his tattoos on his arms. He has the sweetest eyes ive seen.

"I bought u those same shoes remeber?" Cylde says with a big proud smile. "That you thought 80€ for some shoes wasnt too bad is because you grew up richer then all of us" mai says and laughs . So cylde comes from a rich family.  He probs has or had the best life ever with good food and great clothes and neat houses.

Cylde acts out like hes going to puke and does the sound with it too. He isnt the type to flex with his money. "I had to spend daddys money in some way" he says and rolls his eyes. "Acting out at the age of 18 with daddys money" xavier says.

"Gave away all the money when he died" he says and then shakes his head. I guess he didnt have a really good relationship with his dad as the others are just laughing at him.

Maybe me and cylde got one thing in commen. Daddy issues. "Shouldve given the money to us so we couldve spend that shit on weed and alcohol" xavier says. Cylde just shrugs his shoulders in responds.

We all kept on talking until 2 am. We were smoking cigarettes and talking about whatever we wanted. Time doesnt matter to much when you already cant sleep at night.

Nights are the worst and the best. You can stare at a wall for 6 hours and nobody would tell you to go to something and be productive.

"I should get going" i tell the rest and they all stand up. I guess were all going home again. I guess it was nice to be with people and to laugh and smile with them.

I get my jacket that i was sitting on with apollo the whole time. I put it on again and say goodbye to the others.

"Do you want me to take u home?" Dean asks "i will just walk its fine you should go home straight away its late" i tell him and walk back home. 

I got a strange feeling that im being followed but thats probably just a paranoid thought of mine. Who would even be awake right now at 2 am.

I look behind me and see someone is behind me. Am i really going to die like this? Just a random stranger on the streets.

The person is on a bike thats all i can make out from this. When he saw that i looked behind he speeds up to me. Fuck it imma run.

I run really fast and there is sweat coming of my face and my back. My breathing gets more and more rapid and i see little spots after running this fast and not being in shape.

But the guy on the bike is obviously faster then me. Fuck. What do they want from me ? If they want money i cant even give them a cent. I barley got anything.

The person on the bike stops right infront of me making me stop running. I can see it's a guy with a hood over his face and a face mask. I cant see much other then just a bit of hair coming out of the hood and his eyes.

"You run crazy fast dash" the man says and i reconise him. Apollo. " why the fuck are you following me?!" I say panting. I sit on the ground to catch my breath for a bit.

"I just wanted to make sure you were going home save. Its late and youre walking around all by yourself because your dumbass refused the ride from dean" he says to me laughing.

He pulls out his hand to me so i can stand up. "I will take u home were do you live?" He asks me. I take his hand and stand up. "I live at **********" i say and sit on the back of his bike. Atleast he got a seat on his.

Were there in just 4 minutes because i ran half of it. I shouldnt have ran but he also shouldnt have followed me at night like a crazy person.

"Dont u have to go home?" I ask him and he just shrugs his shoulders. "My mom is home and i dont want too" he says to me. What does it matter if his mom is home? "You should go home its late and unsave" i say "pfft you were fine you ran like a Olympic" he laughs at me

I dont know why he doesnt want to go home but i wanna know. "You should go home though" i say to him. "I'll just stay awake, my mom is home" he says repeating the same part. Maybe he doesnt have a good relationship with his mother?

Well my apartment is more clean now aslong as he doesnt go in my bedroom he can come i guess. "You can sleep on my coutch" i tell him and a huge smile appears on his face. He looks like a little kid who just got his first bike or a huge cake.

he locks his bike really fast and walks next to me almost running. He is a energetic person. Hes the type of person that reminds me of a golden retriever with adhd.

We go with the elevator to the 6th story where my apartment is. We both walk side to side to my apartment and i take a deep breath before opening the door.

He will probably judge me when he sees how it is inside. But its to late to turn back now isnt it? I open the door and walk in and apollo almost runs in.

He jumps on the coutch like he has been in this place more then a thousend times. He looks comfortable and happy. He pats his hand on the coutch to tell me to sit next to him.

I sit next to him and just smile. I am uncomfortable but maybe im doing the right thing. He looks so happy and has a huge smile.

"Do you want a blanket?" I ask him. I got 2 blankets on my bed anyways. "Yes please!" He says excitingly. Hes like a sun with his smile.

I go into my room closing the door behind me so he cant see in. What he cant see he cant judge. I get one of the blankets off the bed and go back into the living room.

The coutch already got a pillow so its he doesnt need that. I gave him the blanket and he smiles at me.

"Goodnight" i say "goodnight and thank u!" He says to me with a huge grin. I go back into my room and change my clothes and clean my face.

I hope he doesnt go into my room or do something.  I barley know him and still i invited him.

Thaaaaaaats it

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