bedtime storys

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I get out of the shower and dry off my body quickly and put on a underwear and tie the towel around my waist. I look in the mirror again seeing the bruises. There fully dark blue with red and some cuts here and there.

Suddenly i hear the bell ring. Who the fuck can be at the door its around 4pm and i didnt even invite dean over.

Maybe its apollo who forgot something here. I dont have time to get some clothes on so i will just open the door in the towel. He saw me shirtless countless of times already.

I open the door and only peak my head trough and see xiever at the door with a bottle of cheap vodka.  What the fuck ?

He looks at me concerned. "Do you have clothes on?" He asks me. Oh yeah fuck i am in a towel. I see xiever trying to look into the apartment like his looking for someone in there.

"What are u looking at?" I ask "u with apollo or something because youre half naked and... sweaty ?? Or wet" he says to me and looks at me with squinted eyes. sweaty?!?!?

I pull xiever into the apartment by his tshirt and close the door behind me. "I was just showering asshole" i tell to him. He just stands there like his out of place, totally the opposite way then the last time he was here.

"Uh... your face looks good" he says to me and bits his lip. Does he realy regret beating me up or does he just want something from me? "Thanks, u did it asshole" i reply to him sarcasticly, he doesnt deserve me being decent to him.

Xiever scratches the back of his neck and shows me the cheap vodka bottle. "Do you wanna drink?" He tries to sound friendly but instead he gets a voice cracks and just makes it more awkward then it already is.

"If i say no what will u do?" I really dont want him here to be honest. I am half naked and just got beaten up by the same guy who now wants to 'have a drink with me'.

"I will stay here anyways" he says and acts all tuff like it isnt my place his in. "Hand me the tshirt over there" i demand him and point with my hand to a tshirt on the couch.

He trows me the tshirt to me and sits on the couch and puts the vodka bottle on the right side of him . I walk over to the place were some gray sweatpants from 3 days ago were laying.

I drop the towel to the floor and xiever quickly covers his eyes with his hands "Ay man i dont wanna see your dick!!!" He says to me and i laugh at him. "Im wearing underwear dumbass". He slowley puts his hands away from his eyes and laughs awkwardly at me.

I put on the sweatpants and sit next to him on the left side of the couch "give me the bottle" i say to him. "Ask nicely princess" he says overly dramatic. I roll my eyes at him even more dramatic and lean over him to get the bottle from his hand.

He puts the bottle high up the air so its impossible to get from my side. I climb over his lap to try and get the bottle. "Oh kinky princess??!" He says to me very dramatic and laughs at me.

I quickly sit back to where i was and i can feel my face turning red. This shit isnt happening omfg. "Just hand me the fucking bottle" i say to him and look him straight into his eyes.

"Okay fine princess" he says and hands me the bottle "do you want me to open it for u my dear princess" he says to me and opens it before i could say no. I snatch the bottle from him quickly and drink straight from the bottle.

After a few sips i give him back the bottle and he drinks from it too. "Why did u beat me up?" I ask him looking at the ceiling. Both of us are not sitting straight but more not really laying down.

"I am sorry" he says to me. I dont have shit about a apology i just need a reason. "Youre confusing to understand, do you know that" i tell him and he just nots at me.

"I find it difficult to explain how i feel about some stuff and i know its bad but i cant seem to explain how i feel like" he says and looks at me. I turn my head so i could see him. Both of our eyes meet and i give him a tiny smile.

I know what he means. Weirdly enough i feel like he understands me better then most people would ever understand me.  Feelings suck ass and to explain them sucks even more.

"Are u mad at me?" He asks me not breaking the eye conact we have. Am i mad at him? I have no clue. One time he is a shitty guy and the next his on my coutch drinking cheap vodka talking about feelings.

"Mhmm, to be honest i dont know" i simply reply to him. Now that were talking about feelings im just going to say what is in my mind instead of hiding everything i mean behind a huge wall i put up.

"I have a question" he says to me "what is it?" I ask him . Our eye conact is still to be unbroken. "Why was apollo sleeping over here?" Thats it??? Is that why he was so mad at me. Just that he slept over at my place?

I should speak my mind like i just said i would do "are you so mad at me because apollo slept over at my place?" Xiever looks back at the ceiling breaking our eyeconact but i dont stop looking at him. "I guess thats one of the reasons..." he says to me.

Atleast he is being real with me. "Why do you care so much about him staying over here" i ask "everyone always chooses him over me... you know what i mean right. Its like i am always being the last choice and i know i shouldnt feel that way but i do. And when he said he slept at your place i felt like that again... you barley even let me into your apartment and he just slept over there... i know its stupid" he says and almost wanted to go on but stops himself.

A single tear comes out of his eye. I lean over his way and wipe away the tear with my tumb while resting my hand on his cheek.

He shouldnt feel this way even though i know i feel the same way. "You wanna hear my stupid solution?" I ask him "sure" he says to me and i sit back to the same position i was letting my hand rest next to me again.

"What if u sleep over to, even if u want to in my bed because he didnt do that" i know its a lie but i know it might calm him down. Sometimes lying is better then telling the truth.

"I dont have clothes with me dude" he says to me and looks at me again and smiles a tiny bit. "Wear my clothes" i offer him. I dont know what the fuck i am doing.

I never wanted to see him and here i am offering him to sleep in my bed with my clothes. I still got the fresh bruises on my face and still i forgive him in some way. Atleast i know where he is coming from now.

"Its fine i will go home anyways my roommate probably wants me to pick her up when shes out drunk" he says to me. She? Does he have a female roommate? I know i never asked for his sexualty but maybe there dating.

"Thats okay take care of your roommate like the soft person you are now" i say at him to mocking. "Pffftt just because i let out 1 tear doesnt mean im soft dumbass" he replys. We both laugh and take a few sips from the cheap vodka thats burning our insides.

We talk about life and how were feeling until around 9pm when he got a call from some girl that sounded extremely drunk and almost at a blackout that she wanted to leave. Xiever apologized and said he had a great time with me and left the empty bottle of vodka on the table and hurried away to go get the girl.

Im all alone again on a empty stomic with a lot of alcohol in my system. But honestly i am feeling good and not shitty like i usually feel like after drinking this much.

I go into the bathroom and put some cream thats probably spoiled already over the bruises hoping it isnt too puffy tomorrow.

ahhhHH thats it for this chapter i hope you like it :))))

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