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I wake up again and see the sun beaming trough my room. I look down and see xavier still asleep on chest. I give him a little kiss on his forehead and lay for a few more minutes to wake up.

I try and slowley get away from him so i can go to the toilet and pee. Hmi move inch by inch just to make sure he doesnt wake up. Thankfully he is a deep sleeper so i wont have to worry about it.

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and try and do my hair. I look at the mirror and realised i havent even looked at my reflection since a few weeks. Its weird right? I almost forgot how i looked like.

The eyebags are less dark as they used to be but my skin still isnt clear. Even though it looks like not much change its like i am a diffrent person, i am happy.  I slightly smile at the progress and walk back into the bedroom.

Xavier is still dead asleep in my clothes and looks as relaxed as always. I go to the kitchen to make some breakfast for him. I make some toast with peanut butter and some banana for him and a glass of juice.

I walk back into my room and give xavier a other kiss on his forehead "wake up" i say softly but he doesnt respond. "Wake up" i say in a wisper in his ear. And he moves, he isnt awake yet. I plant a other kiss on his forehead. "Xavier wake up" i say softly and he opens his eyes squinted.

He lays still for a few sec and then looks confused when he doesnt see me under him "xavier" he says half asleep and i try not to laugh. He looks around the room and meets my eyes. "There u are" he says to me and grabs my hand and gives it a tiny kiss.

"Im tired" he says letting go on my hand and closing his eyes again. "I made breakfast" i say to him "you eat first" he says making a leaving hand gesture. "Its still warm" i say trying to drag him out of bed. "Youre bed is comfortble it smells like you" he says to me with a sheepish smile. "I smell like me, just come and eat your breakfast dummy" i say laughing. "Fine" he says finally giving up.

He walks into the kitchen and looks inpressed by the food i made. "You should be my chef" he says looking inpressed at the food. "Why a chef if i am going to be with you forever" i say over dramatic "you can be both" he says sticking his tounge out.

We both eat in silence while both of us are still waking up. I clean the dishes and i could feel his eyes track every movement i made. "Wait..." he says as if he coneccted the dots "what?" I ask him confused. "Did you just say you were going to be my forever?" He asks me with a shy smile. I could feel my cheeks turn red. "I guess i did" i say fumbling my tshirt between my fingers. He walks up to me giving me a kiss. He still tastes like peanut butter and banana but so do i.

I gave him a tiny smile and he looks at me trying to hide his smile but in the end he gave up trying to hide it. "You know what we should do?" He says to me and i look at him waiting for his awnser "we should make friendship bracelets, i always wanted to do that but i was to shy to ask as a kid" he says to me and look shy. "Friendship?" I ask him dramatic  "Ugh, couple bracelets" he says with a smile and kisses my forehead.

"I think the kid store sells that near by" i tell him and i could see a smile appear on his face. We both changed into some more appropriate clothes for shopping, ofcource is xavier in mt clothes like always. We walk over to the kidstore that isnt even 3 minutes of walking distance.

He walks around excited trying to find the bracelet set. He looks like a little kid like this, he looks free and happy. I walk after him trying to keep up to his speed. He stops by a bracelet kit with rainbow colored beats in the middle. One of the bands is a blue color and the other one is black. "Do you like it?" He says trying to keep his excitement on the low.

"Its perfect" i say to him looking at the box."i dont know if they even fit us but i hope so" i say to him and we walk to pay for it. He insited to pay for it instead of me because it was his idea. When were out of the store he grabs my hand and somewhat forced me to run back to the apartment.

"You know i dont have any stamina" i say to him out of breath. "You will be fine" he says to me and i look at him mad and he gives me a proud smile. Where not even fully into our  apartment and he is already opening the box.

"Be carefull not to cut your finger like bella" i say to him and he laughs at me. He takes the bracelets out and tries to see if they would fit us. The only thing you have to do is put 2 knots in it and the beats. He fits one of the bracelets on him first and it fits perfectly. He tries mine and to no suprise it fits me too.

He smiles back to me like a little kid and i laugh at him. We get the colored beats and out them in each others bracelets. I try my best but accidently messed the color order up. When he sees what i made he laughs at me and i felt kind of embarrased. "I can redo it" i say to him "no no no" he says hastily before i change it "its perfect like this" he says to me and gives me a kiss.

He puts on my bracelet and i put on his. I stare at it for a bit with a tiny smile. "I should take a picture" he says to me and grabs his phone from the table. He snaps a quick picture of both our wrists together with the perfect and the imperfect bracele. "Should i post it?" He asks me "whatever you want" i say while i look down at my bracelet. "I should so you can see when u stalk me again" he says to me laughing and i give him a mean look again and he looks pleased my way.

He posts the picture and looks at his bracelet. "Dash" he says to me abd i look up and meet his eyes. "I love you" he says to me and i realise this is the first time he ever told me it out loud. "I love you too" i say kissing his lips. I knew he loved me by the actions he did but he never actually told me it straight up. I try not to smile to much while his lips are on mine but i could feel his smile beneath mine too. I pull away again and look at him.

"Youre perfect" he says to me with a adoring smile. I roll my eyes at him and he laughs at me "rolling ur eyes wont make it less" he says to me and i could feel myself flustered by his words. He puts his on the back of my neck again pulling me in for a other kiss. One of the many kisses to come.

I actually never thought we wouldve been together. If you told me this wouldve happend a few months ago i wouldve laughed in your face and tell you that youre crazy. It never even came to thought even once. But now if you told me it i woulf smile proudly that he is mine and i am his. I am haply i met him and i am happy that he is my sun making me (the moon) shine. Were together forever orbiting each other until the last moment.

I give him a other kiss and stare at his face a tiny bit. His phone buzzes and i could hear a annoyed sign leave his mouth. "Hey jade" he says "ill be there soon dont worry" he says mkre carring. "Her boyfriend broke up with her" he says to me and apologizes and i tell him for the thousends time that its okay and he doesnt need to worry about it and that he should help her and dry her tears and try to make her less sad. And just like that i am alone again, but this time i am fine with it.

Thats it for this chap <333

alone again / Finished BxB /Where stories live. Discover now