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Me and apollo both woke up at the same time and our eyes met each other. His hand is still resting on my cheek like it did the whole night.

I feel save and protected even though the person next to me could be the worst person ever.

We both just stare into each others eyes for a bit. His brown puppy eyes stare at my green grey ish eyes. Hes cheeckbones are sharp and strands of hair come out of his ponytail and cover a bit of his face. He got darker skin then me but not by a lot.

He slowly retrieves his hand back to himself and smiles at me. I can still feel his breath being blown agaisnt my skin. And hes still close to me.

"Do you have anything i can wear?" He asks me with his questioning puppy eyes. Hes the inbodyment of a golden retriever. "Uhhh i can look if i got a tshirt for you and some pants" i say to him.

I will let him wear my tshirt and pants who cares. I get up from the bed and get one of my only clean tshirts for him and some pants.

Apollo is still here watching me move around the room. He wont srop staring at me from the bed but its fine.

I trow him my shirt and some pants. I take off my shirt and then get one for myself. Apollo just looks at me even when i took off my tshirt.

"Anything wrong?" I ask him and look down. I just see my skinny body and scares. Maybe he just thinks having no mussle is ugly.

"No nothing wrong just watching" he says and smiles at me exposing his dimples again. Just watching? Okay i guess.

I put on the tshirt and change into some diffrent pants. Apollo is still watching my every move.

"Dont u need to change your clothes, you just asked for it?" I ask him. He was just staring at me and not changing his clothes.

He takes off his shirt and still looks at me. Hes pretty muscler and his definitely a bigger guy compared to me. Hes also taller then me but not by a lot, like i said before.

I just wait for him to get dressed and also just stare at him and his body. I have no clue why but i cant look away. "Why are u looking?" He asks me when hes done and laughs.

We both walk out of the room and to the kitchen. "Well uh i dont have anything for u or me to eat sorry" i say to him. He probably thinks im the poorest person on this whole planet.

I dont have a clean room and not even good clothes for him and now i cant even give him breakfast like normal people would do.

"We can always go out to a restaurant or a café if u want too?" He asks me with the same question in his puppy eyes like the last time.

I just look down and shrug my shoulders. I dont have money and i wont get paid in a week. I'll be fine on some food i when i scatter some money for a bit of dinner but going out to some fancy restaurant isnt for me.

"We can go to xievers place , his aunts let us eat there sometimes" he says to me and looks at me again. He always looks at me staring straight into my soul that im trying to protect.

But its really nice of xievers family to let us eat there. Maybe they know that we dont have much.

"Yeah sure lets go" i tell to him and we go there on the bike that apollo had with him yesterday so were there faster.

When we go into the restaurant i see xiever sittinf at the small bar at the back talking to the bartender. They all look alike maybe there all family.

"Apollo!!!" I hear one of the aunts say and runs up to him and takes his wrist and drags him to a table. I can see she likes him by the way she looks at him like her own child. Her smile is huge and her eyes are dark brown and full of life.

I follow the aunt and apollo to the table she told us we can sit at. "Your usual?" She asks apollo and then he nots at her. "You?" She asks me. "I would like the same" i say. I dont know much about this restaurant or what the menu even has.

Xiever still hasnt looked away from the bar and is talking to the bar man. He is just calm like normally, the total opposite of apollo.

The aunt comes back pretty fast with the food we ordered and gives a huge smile to apollo again.

"Are you close to her?" I ask apollo who just nots because his mouth is stuffed with the food he just got.

I get my chopsticks and eat some of the dishes i have. I look xievers way and just when i looked i see him look my way. Our eyes meet again. 

He looks away fast and looks hurt for some reason. He takes a deep breath and walks our way. "Hey apollo" he says calm but with a sarcastic twist to it. Apollo just waves at him and smiles. He is still stuffing his face with the dishes.

"Can i sit down with u guys?" Xiever asks me and looks at me straight trough my soul. I not yes and shove the chair back so he can sit.

"I didn't know u guys were together" he says to me. Why the fuck does he care with who i am. I am not his dog. "I slept over at his place" apollo says with a huge grin. I look back at my plate and see from the corner of my eye that apollo gave xiever a wink.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? "Why did u ask?" I say to xiever and shot him a quick glance. Does he think hes my mom or something who i dont have anyways.

"Nothing u guys just look like such a fucking great couple" he says to me and everyone here can hear the sarcasm in the way he just said it.

Is that why hes pissed off? That he slept over at my place and is in my clothes right now. Why would he care anyways its my life i can do what i want with it.

"Were not a couple" i tell him and eat my food. I really dont have time for this bullshit. I am not wasting my short time on this drama. Why would anyone care what i do.

Xiever just looks at apollo with the meanest look he could do "you better pay for the food" he tells him and leaves the table. Did he lie to me do we need to pay.

"Do we need to pay?" I ask apollo and he shakes his head "hes pissed off and then he just says things" apollo tells me. Good cuz i cant fucking pay for this no matter how good it is.

The aunt comes back after we ate all our food we had to the last crum. "Do you need someone to work here?" I ask them. I know they are a family business but this probably pays more then the supermarket and 2 jobs is fine.

"Oh we need a cleaner, would u like that?" She offers me. "Cleaner sounds great thank u , i will give u my number and email you can call me when u need me" i tell her.

I need to talk more to them about the business and what salary and everything but now i got 2 jobs. I am just hoping that xiever wont get mad at me for working at his family's restaurant.

Even if he will get anrgy i wont quit i need the money and this place looks great. Xiever comes our way again. This will be a blood bath.

"Did u apply for a cleaner here?" He asks me. He sounds weirdy calm the calmness in his voice makes me uneasy. Is he mad or is he oke with it? He is unreadable but also a open book. His expression doesnt give away anything and so do his eyes. But the way he stands and the slight twitch in his eye does.

"Yeah i wanted some extra money and i felt like eating here and not doing anything in return is fucked up you know " i tell xiever and he just nots. He doesnt have any face expression on him.

Hes a hard person to read. He is the type you really need to know before you could fully understand them. His eyes are blank and so is he face expression.

He will either beat me up or just be fine with it and maybe even happy. Like i said i have no clue.

Thaaaaaats it for this chapter if u got anything that can be better plsss tell meee :)

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