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Xievers pov :

I am standing in his bedroom with a tshirt that smells like dash. Im fucking tired do i will just sleep at his place.

I take off my tshirt and put on dash his tshirt and pants. His smell is almost overtaking the cheap shittt collone i wear. I get my phone to text jade my roomate that i wont be home tonight. She doesnt ask a question but i wouldnt have awnsered her bullshit anyways.

Dash is still clearing off his bed and i can see the way his embarrassed about the huge mess. At this point im used to having the mess all around me. I dont fucking care anyways i just want to be near him and thats enough for me.

"Sorry for the mess" he says to me and laughs a little awkward. He trows a pillow to me and it smells even more like him. Dash jumps into the bed and pats the place next to me to signal that i should lay next to him. I lay next to him and stare at him. His hazel eyes look at me half unsure of whats happening but half at calm and rest.

There isnt much light in his room at the moment so i cant see his face clear but its enough for me to see the shape of his messy hair and his strong jawline and the boney shoulders of him.

Ive never really slept in someone elses bed and let alone a guys bed before. But at this moment i feel calm and at peace like i never really had been around other people.

Dash his bed isnt really to big so were close to each other but not touching each other by a few cm. I can feel his breath on my skin. Normally it would annoy the fuck out of me but not when he does it.

Im so fucking exhausted even though all i did today was watch a movie and talk to him. I know his fucked up mentally but i cant stay away from him. Everything about him just lures me in. The way he stands, the way he smiles, the way he lookd at me, the way he talks, the eay his hair is just sticking out everywhere.

Shit he is beautiful.

He is the type person the poets write about. The type of person people are talking about in those cheesy love songs.

Even though he doesnt know it ; he is perfect in his own weird messy way. The way he looks at me when i call him princess or the way he looked at me when i put the flower in his hair or the way he looked at me not long ago on the couch. Every-single-time he looks at me i just feel diffrent then all the times before.

I am getting to exhausted to stay awake and i think his asleep already too. I am to afraid to ask him because what if he gets woken up and its my stupid fault.

I slowly drift away to fall asleep while looking at his perfect inperfect face.

I wake up at 4am by the sound of someone crying. Oh fuck its dash. Shit- is he okay?? "Dash" i ask him trying not to sound to concerned. "Yeah" i hear a sad voice reply to me. Fuck i hate it when he is sad like this.

"Are u okay? Why are u crying?" I ask him. "Just a nightmare" be replys to me with the same little sad voice. He sounds so little. All i wana do is make him happy. I want to give him a hug and just tell him everything is alright.

Fuck it we only life once right and eho the fuck cares he is crying and i want him to be okay. I pull him to me and put my hand on the back of his head and move my tumb to try and comfort him. He moves his arm around me. I think his okay with me hugging him.

"Do you wanna tell me what the dream was about?" I ask him half asleep in a wisper. "Just a car accident i was in 2 years ago" he says to me in a wisper back.

Apollo told me before that he was in dash his bed and clothes before and also had a nightmare then. Maybe he gets them a lot.

Dash is still in my arms while we both fall asleep again. We wake up around 10am again. His still in my arms. "Are u up yet?" Dash askses me. "Yeah" he awnser back. Both of our voices are more quiet then normally. Even though both of us are awake we dont let each other go.

We stay in each others embrace for around half a hour before one of lets go. "Do you want some bread, i think i have some?" Dash askes me and i knot my head yes. Ive never been with someone for this long other then the people i live with.

I follow dash to the kitchen whos grabbing some bread and peanut butter and off brand Nutella "which one do you want?" He asks me and looks straight at me "Mhmm i think the nutella is good" i respond to him. He takes some old knife and washes it under the sink and makes for the both of us bread with nutella.

"Here" he says and hands me the plate and sits down on the couch and i follow him and sit next to him. "Thank u very much princess" i say to him and laugh. I love to mock him with princess. The way he just rolls his eyes and acts so overly dramatic and you can see him showing a lot of emotion.

"Shut up before i trow your bread in your face" he grins at me. "Oh i would like to see you try princess dash" i say to him and smirk at his eyeroll. "Youre so going to pay for this!" He laughs at me and puts his plate on the table and so do i. I stand up in the couch and run away from him. Dash quickly follows me around trying to catch me but i am way quicker then him.

I jump on his kitchen counter and clear my trought "were all gathered here for princess dash her big crowning to be queen" i laugh at him and dash tries to get me down but im taller and heavier then him so he isnt able to get me to budge even a little. "Dash do you have anything to say before you marry the fine and handsome king xiever the first" i say overly dramatic and dash rolls his eyes at my comment again.

"I dont wanna marry a fool!!" He says to me and still tries to get me off the counter. I move to the other spot and take a bow "i king xiever the first will promise to keep him save forever" i say and look at dash.

Instead of trying to get me down he comes to me. Were really close to each other again because of the small kitchen counter. I smirk at him and look at his lips like the other Time on the coutch.

"Oh you want me so bad huh?" I ask him and smirk at him again trying to mock him "ewww a ugly king, i would never!" He says overly dramatic and puts his hand over my mouth and slightly pushes me away.

I take his hand from my mouth and push it agaisnt the cabinet behind him and come very close to his face. "Say that again" i laugh at him and look at his lips again. "Ive got a confession king" he says to me still acting like were a king and princess "and that is?" I ask kind off confused. "I- i- im gay" he says and slabs his free hand on his face and makes a suprised face like the one painting. "No youre not" i roll my eyes at him.

I let go of his hand and jump the counter and put out my hand for him to take it so he can get down easier. "What are u going to do today?" I ask dash. I dont want to leave him here alone after he cheered up so much. "Probably nothing, what about you?" He says to me. "Mhmm i can ask the others if we could all hang out and do something if u would like" maybe he just needs to get out of the house for a bit and socialize. Besides he doesnt look to bad right now and got more life into his face.

"Yeah sure, i wanna do something today and not stay home anyways" he smiles at me again. His smile makes me skip a heartbeat so easily. "I'll go message them"

Me : you guys wanna do some today, im bored af.
Mai :yeah sure where u at
Cylde : sure im free today anyways
Dean : i cant go sorry
Apollo : im already close to your apartment im there in a few min.
Me : im at dash his place atm come there.
Mai : youre there early ...
Cylde : leave the 'straight' boys alone.
Ryder : omw to the love doves.


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